So will this be an even grimmer year for tohaa?

Discussion in 'Tohaa' started by Sora9785, Jan 30, 2018.

  1. Magonus

    Magonus Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2017
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    I never played 40k, so I don't have a bottom rung to compare it to, like that.

    Beyond gripes about my primary faction (I own 5), I see Infinity devolving more and more into who-can-stack-the-best-mods-on-a-2-wound-guy-in-a-special-mixed-fireteam-without-paying-for-combi-rifles game. In no match would a Combi Fusilier pull the same weight as a Fatality L2 Blitzen Heavy Flamethower Forward Observer SMG Fusilier, but according to the formula, they would both be 10 points. ITS is buzzkill, compared to a couple other player systems. And they don't trust the players enough to make a real dent in the fluff, so the campaigns will be forever tertiary.

    I could have faith for a couple more years... I could make a post each week like saint Teslarod here suggesting changes that will never happen... or, I can cut my losses, thank Corvus Belli for the good times, and bow out.

    Is this a great game? Absolutely. Infinity is so good, I can hardly get interested in another wargame. But I do not need to keep playing. I do not need to keep waiting to see if this is the year they fix Neoterra Bolts and Symbiomates.

    Wargamers have a weird multilevel marketing attitude about their games, always rubbing their hands at seeing a new player buy in, always coaxing and coercing the bored and the bitter to wait and see a little while longer.

    Personally, I have seen five Infinity store groups dry up. That's 1.25 per year. People I used to play with have sailed on with their lives - one of them, literally - so what am I doing with all these models? Sixth time's the charm?

    Finally, there is nothing wrong with "complaining" from paying customers. Businesses that ignore complaints, die. Infinity outshines other wargames, and in time, another wargame will outshine Infinity. Can you think of a more appropriate place to post complaints than their official forum?

    Bostria recently said that all they do now is play Aristeia, and it shows. Maybe 2019 is the year they fulfill all their promises and clean up their formulas for Infinity, but don't bet on it.
    #141 Magonus, Aug 20, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2018
    Zsolt, Ursun, ChoTimberwolf and 5 others like this.
  2. Tongfa


    May 6, 2018
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    I'm standing by my original point of de-escalating the tensions in this convo and agreeing to disagree, but I will address a few of the points you've made.

    One, I didn't realize Teslarod is a saint now. I ought to send him my congratulations. Does that make you the Vatican?

    Two, I agree with you that Infinity it a good game. It is an excellent game - it is all the joy of old school Inquisitor/Killteams in a far more refined system. However, no game system should ever make you "need" to continue playing - that sounds like addiction and that ain't healthy. If certain units/aspects of the game makes you (and I'm not saying "you" specifically, just using it in the 2nd person) as if you're overall gaming experience is subpar, then have a gentlemen's agreement within your gaming group to always run "OP" units, and give kudos to people deliberately playing with "subpar" units (that said, I will fight to the death for the honour of NeoTerra Bolts - the proudest Australian Unit who had Bioimmunity before it was cool - cough, Dart).

    Three - you're overstepping the mark by comparing wargamers to having an attitude about multilevel marketing. Unlike multilevel marketing schemes which all promise financial freedom and wealth unimaginable, Infinity doesn't promise anything other than a good time. For my money, the strength of a gaming community isn't determined by the numbers or local store support, but by the fact that a group of people can get together to relax from the tensions of their jobs, throw dice and push wildly overpriced bits of metal/plastic around. On your point about people in your life sailing on - I actually sympathize with you. People moving away is always tough - but that's just life bro, shit happens and circumstances change. What can you do, but keep a positive attitude.

    Lastly, re. there's nothing wrong with paying customers complaining - I'm with you. As I said in my original post, everyone is entitled to their own sense of frustration. But CB has consistently communicated with the fanbase, with the most recent examples being the Gencon videos.

    Magonus, as a devoted Infinity member/40k refugee hoping for his own sainthood to be (hopefully) bestowed upon by your good self - here is my prediction to you. Tohaa will have their glorious return in the form of a two-army box-set whereupon their aesthetics will be completely redesigned. Whether their opponent is a redesigned Shaasvastii or another faction is up for debate, but just as the sun rises in the East, the night will end, and when that new dawn rises, the roosters will cry out one word "Tohaa".

    Keep the faith brother (I'm just assuming you're a bloke but please correct me if I'm misgendering you). As you are the self-appointed Vatican of the Tohaa Infinity forums, I'd expect nothing less.
  3. Hiereth

    Hiereth AI Artichoke

    Nov 28, 2017
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    For me personally, most of it is in jest, I have other things to occupy my time and CB will get around to the artichokes eventually. In the mean time I'll play something else.
    However to bring up "beneficial rules" when what were complaining about is lack of models doesn't make much sense, it wouldn't matter if Tohaa was beyond broken, we're not complaining about their viability, everyone loves seeing new stuff no matter the army.
  4. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    I think if it is a two player box, there will be two roosters crying out, (one probably emoting: "Shasvastii!"). However, I agree with your sentiment, and I am looking forward to next year.
  5. Zsolt

    Zsolt Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2018
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    Nobody cares about sisters or dark eldars. (lot of people does, but not here, not in this context)

    It’s not a valid argument, that gw did stuff shittier.

    Tohaa is pretty op currently, the faction is kinda complete (anyone missing anything?), so it’s in a perfect place gameplay wise.

    People just need new releases to waste their money on, because they are pretty and make people feel CB cares. That’s it.
    emperorsaistone, Grathak and Abrilete like this.
  6. Ben Kenobi

    Ben Kenobi Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2018
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    Sukeul HMG and Sakiel CR (and perhaps LRL)
    For some player Taqeul too.

    And I will convert a Sukeul HMG, but for this conversion you have to cut the weapon and glue them to the hand, what is then not an easy conversion
    Cothel likes this.
  7. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    I would much prefer the Taqeul Officer over the others as it does not have any model at all. Also I think LRL sakiel is more important than the combi. The viral combi works just fine as a regular combi.
    ChoTimberwolf likes this.
  8. Zsolt

    Zsolt Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2018
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    Not talking about sculpts, but any unreleased troop or loadout that Tohaa is missing. IMO there isn’t much.
  9. Ben Kenobi

    Ben Kenobi Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2018
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    If sculpts aren't important for you, it's ok. But there are other player as well for whom the game is "exact" loadout is important.
    4 Sakiel in a fun list are possible and I played this weekend a tournament with 3 Sukeul in a list (K1 RL HMG)

    I only named things, I'm really missing at the moment for Tohaa.
    Cothel and ChoTimberwolf like this.
  10. Ben Kenobi

    Ben Kenobi Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2018
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    The LRL has a combi too, so you can use him for both. If you already play 2 viral Sakiel you haven't them left for combi and/or LRL.
  11. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    I would still prefer a special weapons unit carrying their special weapon.
    Grathak likes this.
  12. Zsolt

    Zsolt Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2018
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    We are talking about two separate topics but whatever.

    I’m missing a viral combi sakiel for example. Or a symbiont armor doctor.

    Or heavy rocket launcher in triad.

    Or HMG Gao-Rael, or viral combis on the high end troops, which only have regular combi, like kotail.

    Or white hd being cheap and SWC free, since it’s useless and it’s only purpose ever to push buttons in ITS.

    One of my main issues is that Sakiel makes other troops near obsolete mostly because it has mimetism while others not, and that alone makes better shot than the rest.

    Still Tohaa is really strong so complaining about t feels bad. Like “I want to win more and easier” bad.
  13. Ben Kenobi

    Ben Kenobi Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2018
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    Then we are really talking about different things :joy:
    Whould never say that.
    But I don't think anybody said that here

    PS: It's the sukeul with mimetism :wink:
    Cothel likes this.
  14. Abrilete

    Abrilete Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Oh, yeah, that awesome argument: "Tohaa is fine, you shouldn't complain".

    Because everybody knows that PanO and Ariadna were in a terrible condition and they absolutely needed another Sectorial. Everyone knows that PanO and Ariadna players were starving for releases and that they have very limited options. And they aren't competitive at all, they've never won big tournaments.

    And, of course, another Joan resculpt was absolutely prioritary.

    So yeah, it doesn't matter if CB no longer releases periodically models for all its 8 Infinity Factions, we just have to shut up and buy the "Army of the Month".
  15. Zsolt

    Zsolt Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2018
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    I have no idea who wanted a new Joan sculpt.
  16. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    People who wanted to run mobility Joan, and did not want the rather dated model?
    Seriously, CB re-sculpting older goofy models is one of the things I like the most about the company. Looking forward to when they turn their gaze towards the Ectross.
  17. yojamesbo

    yojamesbo purchaser of car seats

    Nov 25, 2017
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    *raises hand*


    (I thought the regular release was ruined by the handsy Umbra)
    injenegr and Teslarod like this.
  18. Zsolt

    Zsolt Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2018
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    Old model resculpts is good, imo all old pano are ugly, even the non ugly ones.

    But there are other stuff that should be released or resculpted, and we already had 2 recent Joan resculpts.

    While sakiel and ectros are both old, they are pretty nice.
    ev0k likes this.
  19. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    One of which was a Limited edition which newer players have difficulty finding, and the general release for it was years after it. Plus this one looks pretty damn cool even from the blurry photos I have seen.
    But back to Tohaa, the Ectros and Sakeil look alright, but they are very small compared to the newer Tohaa models. The Ectros in particular does not look much like a heavy infantry due to how waif-like he looks.
  20. Zsolt

    Zsolt Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2018
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    Being small is fine with the sakiel, as he’s the entry level symbiont armor troop. Barebones and optimized and useful. What ORC wants to be, but fails to achieve.
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