Hi guys . case: ------------------- |................... | |................... | | ...................open door |d_________| X So, x is the mad trap, d is a S.A.S near a console. The trap is near the wall but the only open acess is 8 of him, plus 4 movement to go btb with the s.a.s target. In this case when the trap boosts it will move his 10, and will stop 2" away waiting other activation from the target or other mini in 8" or it can't boost ? The wall are of infinite height ! Thanks .
Movement stats don't matter with Boost. It will go all the way and make contact with the SAS. Edit, from the wiki: When Boost is declared, the Perimeter Item will always move until it reaches base to base contact with the target, no matter how far the target is inside its Zone of Control, and considering it has the Super-Jump and Climbing Plus Special Skills for the purposes of declaring its trajectory. The weapon or piece of Equipment detonates automatically at the end of its movement, when it reaches base to base (or Silhouette template) contact.