The positive and upbeat thread

Discussion in 'Access Guide to the Human Sphere' started by Stiopa, Aug 7, 2018.

  1. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    We have a long and proud tradition of whining. And recently, across all the subforums, from PanO's (somewhat justified), through Yu Jing and Tohaa (completely justified) to Aleph (wtf are you complaining about? -_-), there's an upsurge of threads pointing out what's wrong with the faction in question and why. In many cases there's a lot of truth in what people are saying, and a lot of thought put into proposed solutions. But we should also talk about the good things going on, lest all that complaining will wear us out.

    PanO: I'm one of the first people to point the shortcomings of the faction and flaws behind its design, but the GenCon news got me really excited about it again. New unit design is great. It's cohesive with the rest of PanO, as it should - we're unified military force, after all. It also looks sleek and lethal, particularly Echo Bravos. I'm sure that these awesome designs will result in some equally awesome sculpts (I'm particularly excited about getting another Feuerbach, it's one of my favorite weapons, and I can't wait to see how PanO version will look). There's clearly a lot of new, interesting weapon mixes incoming, which means CB's getting more creative about our desing, and it's perfectly possible that it'll show in the skill and equipment mix, too. Sure, VIRD being great won't fix the existing problems with our older stuff, but the incoming November patch should fix at least some of the rough spots. Go Hyperpower!

    Yu Jing: Damn. Guys, you've got dragged through the mud, crushed rocks, and pig intestines this year. And while I don't agree with some of the things said in your threads I fully understand why you feel that way. But it looks like your period of going through Diyu has an end in sight; it looks like Invincible Army will be the next sectorial to roll out after Varuna, and it looks awesome. PanO new stuff looks sleek and powerful, but it's still badass wannabe next to your incoming heavies (ok, aside from Zhencha and its surplus poncho :stuck_out_tongue: Its visor plate totally rocks, though). I'm pretty sure that IA will remind everyone - with a power-armoured fist - why you guys are Sphere's masters of Heavy Infantry. And in the meantime you still have one of the most flexible and interesting sectorials in the game in form of Imperial Service. With Celestial Guard finally incoming and looking awesome while doing it.

    Ariadna: With Cossacks incoming Ariadnan's will be one of the largest, most diverse factions in the Sphere. TAK really shapes up to be your most balanced sectorial, with a bit of everything, from Russian walking tanks to razboiniki werewolves. T2 ammo to everyone and their dog? Check. Plenty of Camo? Check. Not to mention, that between Assault Packs, K9 units and Carmen Johns we'll be able to pull one hell of a Day of the Antipode. I was looking for another sectorial that plays a bit differently from what I have right now, and I've decided to go with this one and keep Russian half of the Coldfront as well. As for the existing stuff - all three armies are still going strong. Even though you'll apparently have to wait a bit for FRRM, that little lifting it got a while ago was enough to keep it in the game. And the new Chasseur is awesome.

    It might feel like you're at your lowest point right now, and with a good reason... but even looking at this lack of releases let's face it, Tohaa's range is pretty much complete. There are about 14 missing sculpts left, which means that CB will have to come up with something new for you as to not run out of sculpts to release when keeping a normal release schedule. With ALEPH getting into Operation box it's clear that the old "no advanced factions in Operation sets" restriction went out of the window, and you guys are set up for facing off with CA in the next one. Think of the possibilities. First Tohaa sectorial against Sygmaa. Sygmaa becoming the next Tohaa sectorial, and CA rolling out EI forces to deal with the rebellion (it'd certainly fit Bostria's gleeful "Uprising was nothing! This will be galactic!" :stuck_out_tongue:). Tohaa against NuShasvastii. And while waiting for good things to come you still have the most flexible faction in the game.

    Combined Army:
    There might not be a lot of news for us, but it seems that the Shasvastii rework is already well underway. This would indeed set up the stage for its release alongside something new for the Tohaa next year. Whatever happens, it's very probable that whatever will get revealed around Adepticon will include CA at its center. In the meantime Onyx is still awesome, and MAF is getting more great sculpts (that Rasyat... :heart_eyes:). November patch should refit few rough spots a bit.

    Still no Ramah, true, but it'll show up next year for sure. New Remotes are controversial, as a lot of you likes the good, old Chickenbots, but the new ones are cool and in line with the Kameels for those who prefer more unified look. If Bahram and QK aren't getting new stuff, it's because they don't really need it. There's a reason why Haqq subforum sees the least complaining from what I see. Again, November patch might mean some minor tweaks here as well. Maybe a new Lasiq loadout? Fingers crossed.

    You've finally got your third major force, congrats! It's flavourful, choke full of cool concepts, but still not op, which should make the rest of us at least a little less butthurt about Nomads being CB's spoiled children :stuck_out_tongue: Securitate and Hollows boxes are on the horizon, and you'll probably get some other new stuff - like a Puppet box and bikes - pretty fast. Resculpts are a hit or miss, but remember how awesome Szalamandra is, and how rad new Zoe looks. And incoming OSS will give you a lot of (admittedly, hard) targets to shoot at.

    Oh boy. OSS finally on final approach. The GitS army. the one that got me into Aleph, and many into Infinity in the first place. With revealed troops filling our roster in the 20-something and 30-something ranges we're more complete than ever. We're getting 2W MI hero, people. 2STR Combat Remotes. Shodan Asura. CoC trooper with awesome utility. Top of the line assault MI's. In few short month's we'll show the other factions the true meaning of the word "elite". We'll make them remember The Computer is their friend :smiling_imp:

    @Koni, @Bostria, @HellLois: please let the rest of the CB crew know that while we moan, whine, and complain, in the end most of us still thinks the game is awesome, and you guys are doing a great job. We know that you won't adress all our concerns, but you're still pushing Infinity forward, refining it, and creating new, awesome things for us. So thanks, and let's hope this and the next year will be a great time for the game :smiley:
    #1 Stiopa, Aug 7, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2018
    Errhile, Kahlain, Andergdet and 31 others like this.
  2. gamma ray

    gamma ray Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2017
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    I'd like to add that Bit&KISS and Kerr-Nau deserve honourable mentions here, I'm not sure I've seen an Onyx or vanilla list yet that doesn't include one, or both of them!
    Shoitaan, xagroth, Maksimas and 2 others like this.
  3. Zsolt

    Zsolt Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2018
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    ZlaKhon, Shoitaan, Balewolf and 2 others like this.
  4. Teslarod

    Teslarod when in doubt, Yeet

    Nov 23, 2017
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    If they do a good job with the November 'Patchnotes' everything will be forgotten and forgiven for a while.

    Don't let us down there and you'll have a bunch of happy customers.
  5. Abrilete

    Abrilete Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Sorry, but no.

    - First of all because we have about 20 missing profiles, and that's without counting Paramedics; don't forget that Corbus Belli has started to sculpt Paramedics.
    - Second because we are still the Faction with less profiles; Sectorials like Steel Phalax have more profiles, even if you count the Mercenaries that Tohaa can field.
    - Third because at the begining of 2018, before the 5 new Sectorial Armies craze started, Tohaa was the only Faction missing a model for a profile, the Taqeul. And instead of that they have given new profiles and/or models for every other Faction.

    So no, putting on hold for a year and a half the Faction that already has the least amount of profiles is not something to be excited about.
    melkiach and Cothel like this.
  6. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I'm most interested in Varuna and IA because I feel like they're going to transform their factions. Probably more than Tunguska did.

    Also Varuna will probably be the next faction I play, adding the fishies really sealed it. I hope they aren't just garrison troops. Nomads are the only faction I've bought not as a second hand deal, so I don't really faction hop much.
    Stiopa and Mahtamori like this.
  7. Maksimas

    Maksimas Heavy Infantry Addict Maxim

    May 23, 2018
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    As a person who really really REALLY likes HI... and plays YJ... seeing those three new HI units revealed and the HI sectorial get confirmed was rather pleasant. Granted, I wasn't complaining much about the faction anyways ( I started playing just before the Uprising hit, so wasn't even able to grab any JSA kits before that ( Excluding an old sculpt Domaru that was gifted to me. Now it's an Ikari Karakuri. ), and I can only point at perhaps two units at most in our entire faction and say ''CB please fix.''

    And seeing since I planned on dabbling into Nomands and PanO by the end of the year via Icestorm... rather nice news all around, I'd say.
    Stiopa likes this.
  8. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Varuna actually looks awesome enough that I want to play PanO. And I hate the PanO combi/multi design enough that my MO collection does not have a single basic weapon in it - all the rifle/shottie armed troops are brandishing swords instead!

    Invincible Army is making me giddy. HI specialists for the HI sectorial, instead of having to rely on an unarmored Doc and a Baggagebot for medevac. And camo HI 'skirmishers'

    Tunguska has just about started a brawl over who will get to play it in the gaming group, there are 3 of us who all love the models!

    Tohaa really needs some more love, though. At least get the dang Taqeul model released, so that there is at least one model for each unit (I can arm-swap with the best of them to get the right weapons on models if I have to).

    Combined... Eh, still waiting on the Shas. While I don't think there's anything wrong with their basic profiles, the sculpts have definitely been surpassed by the new standard.

    Haqq - I was surprised to see the new bots, but I was never really a fan of the chickenbots. Mostly because bipedal motion is far more complex than quadrupedal, and Haqq was supposed to be weakest in hard sciences. So unless there was an actual chicken (or bipedal lizard) brain in there, it just didn't fit well.

    Aleph - "Hell, it's about time" for the Operations Subsection. But I thought the new bots were S4 combatbots, not resculpted basic REMs?

    I still can't agree with that last paragraph, though, I'm still fuming about how Uprising was handled. waaaay too many idiot balls.
    Errhile, loricus and Abrilete like this.
  9. andre61

    andre61 Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    I'll take a wait and see on this one, but I hope panO get some very good fixes, Also as a Tohha player, I'm not upset with CB on what they did to Tohaa this year, Hey! we was told at the start of 2017 that tohaa was not going to get any thing much this year. Thank you! CB for the heads up.
  10. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Excellent thread idea!

    I've been really enjoying using the new Tunguska stuff, it's very sleek, very unusual, feels Nomad-y and satisfying to play all at once! Some great designs in there, absolutely. And not only that, but the oldest Nomad troops in vanilla like Tomcats, Morans and Zeros stand great next to them! Very fun faction to play at the moment.
    ZlaKhon and loricus like this.
  11. solkan

    solkan Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    I think the promise was for both for the remotes—new S4 combat bots are coming, AND the basic REMs are going to get resculpted in that style. I think there may be some confusion and uncertainty about what’s coming out when, though.
    Abrilete likes this.
  12. RecklessPrudence

    RecklessPrudence Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Baby Tachikomas! The S4 combat ones are cute enough, with those voices and all that enthusiasm, but the S3 Rebot versions are going to be adorable! (please ignore that they are combat support robots, cold and merciless - they're just so cute!) (<Nomad>It's all part of the AI's plan! They've suckered the sheeple of the Human Sphere into thinking of their killbots as cute - it's the first step to [incomprehensible paranoid rambling]</Nomads>)

    :stuck_out_tongue: I kid, I kid...
    #12 RecklessPrudence, Aug 9, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2018
    loricus likes this.
  13. Andre82

    Andre82 Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2017
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    Very mishandled imo but not unfixable. Will all be forgiven in time.

    As a Tohaa player I rather enjoy the limited number of units. I am probably alone in this...

    Haq is on my short list for best faction and it's not even just the Mutts!

    Woot a new sectoral I probably wont play but vanilla thanks you! STARCO honorary 4 sectoral!
    Teslarod likes this.
  14. Maksimas

    Maksimas Heavy Infantry Addict Maxim

    May 23, 2018
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    ''STARCO. We made Mobile Brigadas great again.''

    Seriously though... that 50/25/25 mix of Correigidor and Ariadna/Mercenaries seems neat. Also easy to collect, since... most Correigidor players probably already have a good amount of the stuff they need.
    Shoitaan and Deltervees like this.
  15. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Just imagine if they swapped Invinc Army and Tunguska releases thou. How smart would that have been? They make some interesting decisions.
    It gives you a good start but unless your goal is just the new Core formations of Alguaciles or Brigada there's not much point if you're just using the same Corregidor stuff with all your best guys restricted.
    inane.imp and Rizzy like this.
  16. AdmiralJCJF

    AdmiralJCJF Heart of the Hyperpower

    Feb 21, 2017
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  17. Rizzy

    Rizzy Armchair Strategos L3

    Jan 3, 2018
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    The Invincible Army dossiers Carlos showed filled me with glee and brought the hype from back when the first Zuyong came out back. And while TAK is a bit meh to me, since my USARF already fills that aesthetic the OSS part made the new box a real must buy for me.
    AdmiralJCJF likes this.
  18. PreacherSaul

    PreacherSaul Active Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I'm really chuffed with where Haqq are right now. Hakims were a small but valuable addition.

    YJ, less happy. BUT I can wait. IA will probably be faction defining.

    If MO get good updates in November, I'll be starting them soon after. I actually hope PanO get a lot from this.
    AdmiralJCJF likes this.
  19. Scrap square

    Scrap square angry beta male

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Druze as a faction are the best thing to happen to me since I dumped my ex. It might even be better than that. I can stop playing Nomads, and other factions. They play like I imagine them, they look awesome, they, they, they, I just love everything about it okay. It's amazing. I don't know the design team at all or anything. But thank you whoever decided to do the DBS as a faction. You literally changed my life and my design aesthetic. I now draw only Druze things while my work projects render. This chick literally started talking to me because she saw me drawing Druze at my school library. We've gone out like 6 times and she even texted me a kissy emoji. They even have a ninja! I hate the stupid over the top anime bs, but like I love Saito. I love him so much I watched anime, and it turns out this chick watches it too. Like what is that coincidence CB?

    I don't want to play any other faction.

    I could keep going but it'd get weird. Druze as a faction changed my life CB. Thank you.

    (Edit, I will keep going)

    This game is so narrative man. From my Anaconda running around shooting its SAW, and chopping a doc worm in half with a big butt machete. To like, my KHD busting someones skull and viral pistoling some nerds, like poompf, poompf, and they melt dude. It's awesome.

    I grew up on new age low scifi like District 9 etc, and of course the classics like Blade Runner. And this game is a dream come true.
    #19 Scrap square, Aug 11, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2018
    Stiopa, loricus, Deltervees and 3 others like this.
  20. PreacherSaul

    PreacherSaul Active Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Forgot to add; concerning Lasiqs, just make them linkable with Barids and BAM, new awesome core team.
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