Well boys and girls, seems like we might actually finally be getting some form of a bone tossed towards us now. YJ related news starts at 29:45. Seems like next year or so will be getting Invincible Army, and alongside it we'll get three new Heavy Infantry units it seems. An AD HI ( Not like we didn't know that already, but... it gets D-Charges! ( Actually, all of these three seem to be getting D-Charges. ) ). A new ''skirmisher'' HI as well it seems ( I'd imagine something like a lighter Daofei probably. Gets a D.E.P. and SMGs too it seems. AND Bostria said he has played with them already, so... probably a complete unit too. ). And a ''specialist support group'' HI. My guess, HI doctors/engineer profiles alongside some SWC profiles. D-Charges are there too, and hey, a Red Fury profile as well it seems. Also will have a Breaker Pistol it seems. Also, CG box in October.
I assume the new Skirmsher HI will have specialist options like FO because Carlos says they are the unit that allows you to complete missions. Yu Jing lost the JSA units and seems to be becoming even more of an HI based faction.
As I've already said on my countrys playerbases facebook group: ''Now that the japanese are gone, we may solidify ourselves as the definitive Heavy Infantry faction.'' Also, I'd expect a hacker profile on that new Skirmisher HI instead TBH. Seeing as it's gonna be an HI focused sectorial... I'd wager maybe even a KHD potentially. And hey, I myself personally LOVE Heavy Infantry units, and they are one of the biggest draws for Yu Jing to me. So I'm pretty pleased to hear of these new HIs.
WAIT I just noticed a thing. Isn't there a Hac Tao in that image? In the bottom left? 'Cause if that is so, and if that's hinting at Hac Taos for IA... That's pretty great.
I'm wondering if the Terracottas my be able to link with the HaiDào's now that mixed links are the new black.
Yes the Hac Tao in theory is on both sectorials, IA and white banner. It is basiclly a elite Spec Ops HI
My guess... I wouldn't be surprised of Han Daos had a rule of ''Count as ZuYongs for Fireteam composition.'' Heck, they even get Breaker Pistols! And is kinda a more interesting concept than Zuyong Gongchengs/Mech-Engineers. Which now reminds me of another elephant in the room... there was no mention of the Shang Ji. Not even a sculpt.
There was no mention of a lot of things though, Yan Huo, the second S5 unit the sectorials getting, etc.
Well, I wouldn't expect to hear of the Yan Huo, since it seems pretty self-explanatory to me. Maybe a mixed Haris at most, but otherwise, same old bipedal artillery piece. As for another S5 HI... well, I like S5 HIs, the idea of another one seems rather nice.
Liu Xing doesn't have Combi Rifles... CCW, though... ugh... Zhencha is Chinese for "Master Sergeant". It's true, don't let Google Translate lie to you. HaiDao and a MultiSniper. Something tells me this one has an Engineer profile. We'll see if that pans out and if it also comes with a Doctor profile.
Guesses: Zhencha is Infiltration or FD L2, Limited Camo/Mimetism ARM3. Standard array of specialist profiles. Haidao is going to be everything people wanted the Shang Ji to be but cheaper, probably able to be included in most links.
Master Sergeant you say? Hm... kinda would make it sound like a potential CoC profile TBH. Maybe not though, who knows. Liu Xing having a proper MULTI Rifle is pretty nice, being able to access AP or Shock ammo and DA for AROs/terrain busting. And stun ammo for whenever stun ammo is of relevance. Considering Hai Daos are a ''special support group''... I'd say engineers are a given. Doctors too, I'd expect.
Okey, i bet that the Lu Xing ( combat jump one) is going to be the S5 HI. Why: 1In both pictures of IA ( the one leaked and the new one of today) it looks bigger than all other hummanoid units. 2 is a way to make it diferent from the tiger Soldier and also give a chance to equip it wwith some strange loadout without being broken.
Nah, Lie Xing is way too skinny to be S5. It's going to be an up-elited version of the Tiger from what the weapons and gear tells me. AD Zuyong from the armour, though the CCW also tells me there's going to be something funky going on with maybe MA1 (i.e. the useless level of MA since it's going to be on a competent shooter) The liberated tech from the JSA research facilities is probably going to be a new S5 HI, and I think they're going to be treating that one as an awe-inspiring reveal, so we're not going to get any info on it this early.
MA 1 is not useless. It gives a HI stealth, which is really useful. MA 2 is the useless level (the level pano knights are stuck with).
There is that, but on the other hand, Courage and Stealth separately is a whole lot more cost efficient and the only thing that's going to get into CC with a HI is going to be stuff that's significantly better than a Hsien (which is what I'm expecting).