Well. 78 points. No Lieutenant option. It's like they don't want her played. I mean, I'll play her, sure. But it makes no sense whatsoever. Also, other stuff is in army.
Almost 80 points with no defensive skills is too much with the amount of Shock flying around these days.
There are some profiles indeed. But i wonder if: _ either they didnt upload all profiles now _ or many profiles are sectorial only Because for example the yadus have very limited profiles, far less than what we had till now. I wish for an asura HD+ with multirifle and Lt. Let's wait and see.
I'm hoping that the LT option is in the sectoral... it's weird about the extra 2 points compared to other combi -> Multi upgrades...
One thing we can say for sure is that we have enough information here to form strong opinions already.
Yadu, Shukra, Streloks, and Ratnik only have their Coldfront miniature profiles, not the full amount, looks like this is a partial update to let people use the Gencon Minis.
She's priced for a Spitfire, there, not a MULTI Rifle. What is going on? Things are becoming very sloppy around here, these guys need to clean up their formula /data entry.
I feel like the profiles are not fully released. Yadu are missing a LOT of profiles including the NCO which I was believing would be in Vanilla, as it would make sense. I think they just released the basic profiles for use with coldfront. reworks may come with the sectoral release. PS I am NOT running the multi-rifle HD+. Sorry but that model costs as much as many tag's do.
It's crazy to me that it costs the same as the Maggie. I am also not a fan of this pre release format, we already know the profiles for these units, why not just have them all uploaded?
So let's see... No Lt option, this is a "hidden cost" of 1 order lost +10 points +0.5SWC over the Multi Rifle profile, or +5pts over the Combi H+ profile. That is 2 Netrods over the non-Hacker, 1 Netrod over the hacker. Costs MORE points than Achilles!!! On Vedic, atm there are no Smoke sources, so the MSV become a situational tool for when you face enemy camos. 3 Deva Sensor units cost little more than a Multi Rifle Asura... So, for a heavy specialist, I prefer the Combi still (cheaper, can be Lt...), specially with the 25pts CoC Sukra. For a killer, I prefer the Spitfire Asura or Achilles. Frankly, at this point they can either give her an SMG and KHD for 60-64pts, or she will remain as niche as always.
Man, that profile is completely BS... compare it to a charontid please, that has the overwhelmingly better Plasma rifle, an LT. option with G:Mnemonica and a 5 POINTS DISCOUNT. BS man...
With just Bioinmunity she would at least be fieldable. I would love for such a iconic unit to be fieldable.
I don't know how much HD+ normally costs. But I know a MULTI Rifle isn't normally a 6 point upgrade over a Combi. Also I'm betting it's meant to have the same weapon on the Lieutenant and non-Lieutenant hacker versions. They're pretty good these days about not giving away your Lieutenant via silly equipment changes.
HD+ is an 8 point piece of equipment (it was on the previous profile, it is on the Skiavoro and the Interventor) and all the bonus programmes have been free so it's either a bug/error or an adjustment that hasn't been retroactively applied (yet).
Well, that sucked. CB is trolling Aleph players. CB: "So, we hear you want a multi rifle option for Asura. We can do that." *cue evil laugh