Custom Mini Workshop

Discussion in 'Miniatures' started by boquepasha, Nov 24, 2017.

  1. kabramala

    kabramala Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2017
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    Que le voy a hacer, soy boquepashaliber.
    boquepasha and jherazob like this.
  2. boquepasha

    boquepasha ALEPH is love, ALEPH is life, ALEPH is your friend

    Nov 24, 2017
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    ¡Buenas a tod@s!

    Ahora que ha terminado la Crisis Kurage, vuelvo a mi horario habitual. Hoy os traigo una conversión para JSA que espero que os guste:

    Neko Oyama a nueva escala

    ¡Hasta la semana que viene!
    Greetings everyone!

    Now that the Kurage Crisis is over, I'm back to my regular schedule. I'm showing today a conversion for JSA I hope you all enjoy:

    New scale Neko Oyama

    See ya next week!
    kabramala and jherazob like this.
  3. boquepasha

    boquepasha ALEPH is love, ALEPH is life, ALEPH is your friend

    Nov 24, 2017
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    ¡Buenas a tod@s!

    Espero que os gusten las ancas de rana, pues hoy toca:

    Conversiones Shasvastii

    Por cierto, parece que el artículo de la semana pasada gustó, ya que acumuló más de 90 visitas. ¡Gracias a todos por vuestro apoyo!
    Greetings everyone!

    I hope you all like frog legs, because they're in the menu:

    Shasvastii conversions

    By the way, it seems that last week's post was well recived, as it got more than 90 views. Thanks everyone for your support!
  4. boquepasha

    boquepasha ALEPH is love, ALEPH is life, ALEPH is your friend

    Nov 24, 2017
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    ¡Buenas a tod@s!

    Este será el último post antes de las vacaciones de verano y de acudir al Interplanetario (¡Qué ganas!):

    Interludio veraniego

    Además de esto, me he inscrito a un concurso de modelado y pintado de miniaturas de Green Stuff World, que para quienes no les conozcan son una gran tienda de materiales y herramientas de modelado. He decidido participar con mi conversión de la asesina especular que os mostré hace varias semanas. Podéis votar por mi haciendo click en este link:

    Concurso Green Stuff World

    Os agradeceré los votos con mucho amor (y birras si nos vemos en el Interplanetario) :laughing:
    Greetings everyone!

    This will be my last post before Summer vacations, and I'll be attending to the Interplanetario (So hyped!)

    Summer interlude

    Also, I've signed in a painting and modelling contest by Green Stuff World, for those who do not know them they're a big store for modelling supplies. I've decided to submit my Speculo Killer conversion I showed you some weeks ago. You can cast your vote by clicking this link:

    Green Stuff World Contest:

    I'll thank every vote you give me with lots of love (and beers if we meet at the Interplanetario) :laughing:
  5. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Congrats and I hope you do well on the big scene.
    boquepasha likes this.
  6. boquepasha

    boquepasha ALEPH is love, ALEPH is life, ALEPH is your friend

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Thanks man! I hope to fare well with my Shasvastii, but I don't trust my rolls at all :fearful:. I'll be ok just by getting to the upper half of the ranking :laughing:
    Golem2God likes this.
  7. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    That is a good way of thinking heading into a tournament. When you preform better than you expected it gives you a confidence boost. Just don't push the gas pedal of confidence too hard or it can turn into pride if you are not careful.
    boquepasha likes this.
  8. boquepasha

    boquepasha ALEPH is love, ALEPH is life, ALEPH is your friend

    Nov 24, 2017
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    ¡Muy buenas a tod@s!

    Por fin he vuelto de mis vacaciones. ¿Me echábais de menos? :laughing: Siento haber tardado tanto en actualizar, pero he tenido una serie de desafortunados incidentes técnicos que han impedido que pueda subir contenido todo lo que me gustaría. Para compensarlo, aquí tenéis un mega-post con mis aventuras durante el Interplanetario.

    Vacaciones Interplanetarias

    Si todo va bien, volveréis a tener actualizaciones semanales mías todos los martes (siempre que mi PC se comporte).

    ¡El taller reabre sus puertas!
    Greetings to everyone out there!

    I'm finally back from my holidays. Missed me? :laughing: I'm sorry for taking me that long to update, but I had a series of technical setbacks that had me unable to upload content as I'd like. To make up for it, here's a mega-post with my adventures during Interplanetario:

    Interplanetary Vacations

    If everything goes as expected, we'll get back to my regular Tuesday update (as long as my PC behaves).

    The workshop is back in business!
  9. jherazob

    jherazob Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Do you have a link to the Remote Race rules? I'd like to give them a look. To the latest version of Deathmatch too if possible, the last one i saw was in N2 and i bet they've changed since then.
    Ben Kenobi likes this.
  10. boquepasha

    boquepasha ALEPH is love, ALEPH is life, ALEPH is your friend

    Nov 24, 2017
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    As much as I'd love to, sadly the rules were still not available online for the Remote Race, although I played a demo race so I could elaborate abit from what I remember.

    Each one piked a remote, and then we all rolled dice to pick our starting positions from highest to lowest. You then get to pick (2 I guess) power up cards, but all weapons are deactivated untill you cross the first checkpoint (the first blue line crossing the track, not the starting line).

    All remotes have 3 structure points, and if you lose all of them, you get wiped out and have to place your remote at the last checkpoint you crossed. Other stats the remotes have are its shooting skill (self explainatory) energy shooting skill (like hacking or special weapons or powerup), physical defense and energy defense. You get to roll as many d12 dice as the weapon/powerup/hacking software you're using, and you have to roll over the relevant score (not under like Infinity) to use the weapon/powerup/hacking software. If you scored any success, the rival had to roll a dice for each success and again roll over the score to save against it. Each failure could either be the loss of one structure point, or being affected in some other way by the weapon/powerup/hacking.

    Remotes activate regarding to their position from the furthest to the latest runner. You can use your power up cards (which are one use only) any time during your turn, and you get a new one each time you cross a check point, but you can only hold as many as 3 (or maybe 4, I don't remember it). During your turn you can either increase your speed one gear up or one gear down (you start at 0), and then you're forced to pick one maneuver template from the ones available to your current gear, of course the higher the gear the further you go but also the harder it is for you to turn arround. All the maneuvers have to be placed so the front line painted on the base of the remote matches de line painted on the maneuver template. If either the finishing point of the remote or the maneuver collides with either the blue line arround the track or another remote, then a collision is resolved. There's a "bump" template you have to put on the remote recieving the collision so it faces away from the impact point, and then roll to se where are you bull rushed. If you're colliding with a wall, you also have to pick a power up card (used as a damage card) and read the symbol bellow to see what does the collision to your remote (either drop it down to gear 0, make you loose a power up card, or taking damage), you then discard that damage card.

    There were also rules for boosters (those stripped zones on the sides of the road), oil droppers, mines, and such. It was a really fun game to play and it's a shame it's still not available, as the creator told me that even the templates were custom made by him. I hope he decides to release the rules, as those were really fun.

    As for the Deathmatch, it followed a quick version of N3 rules of Infinity, sans the morale rolls. Everyone had the exact same stats (somewhat along the Fusilier stat line), with a regular pistol, and respawned in one of the 20 respawn points. All the battlefield was littered with simple powerups (represented with flat tokens) and loot boxes with better gear (represented with loot crates). All troopers had access to 2 regular orders, but if you got killed during your first order, you lose your second one.

    The way orders and AROs are used are like in Infinity, no need to explain that part. The only thing that changed was that for each critical hit you rolled, you got a card from the "Fortune Deck", and if you rolled a natural 20, you got a card from the "Misfortune Deck", with really crazy effects like either getting one free reroll, getting higher or lower armor, or even having a grenade dropped at your feet (also affecting those near you). Everytime your character died, you had to respawn it again, and if the respawn point happened to have a mini on it (not a recently respawned mini, but some who had already acted during that turn) then you squash that mini and get that frag for your frag count.

    The game had 6 rounds, and the first one to get 10 frags won (I guess It was 10, although I could be wrong). Also once 3 or more rounds pass, some of the loot boxes become IA turrets with unlimited reach but no bonuses, that AROd any one that move within its line of sight. If you win the ftf roll against the turret, you get a Fortune card, but if the turret wins you get the Misfortune card.

    I think that's it for both games, although I could be missing something, but ask away and I'll try to reply as best as I can.
    jherazob and volgo like this.
  11. boquepasha

    boquepasha ALEPH is love, ALEPH is life, ALEPH is your friend

    Nov 24, 2017
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    ¡Buenas a tod@s!

    La entrada de hoy va de cómo conocí a Juan Díaz y cómo de viejo soy :laughing::

    Custom Mini Origins (Parte1)

    Esta entrada debería haber salido la semana pasada, pero con los problemas que tuve con el PC decidí retrasarla. Espero que os guste y nos vemos la semana que viene.
    Greetings everyone!

    Today's post is about how I met Juan Díaz and how old I am :laughing::

    Custom Mini Origins (Part 1)

    This post should've been released last week, but due to the problems I had with my PC, I had to delay it. I hope you like it and see you all next week.
    kabramala, jherazob and Golem2God like this.
  12. boquepasha

    boquepasha ALEPH is love, ALEPH is life, ALEPH is your friend

    Nov 24, 2017
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    ¡Buenas a tod@s!

    Hoy cambiamos el Páramo habitual por el páramo de Fallout para la conversion de hoy:

    De Punk a Vault Dweller (Parte 1)

    El final de la conversión la semana que viene. ¡No os lo perdáis!
    Greetings everyone!

    Let's switch our regular Wasteland with the wastes from Fallout for today's conversion:

    From Punk to Vault Dweller (Part 1)

    We'll see the end of this conversion next week. Don't miss it!
    Golem2God, kabramala and jherazob like this.
  13. boquepasha

    boquepasha ALEPH is love, ALEPH is life, ALEPH is your friend

    Nov 24, 2017
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    ¡Buenas a tod@s!

    Perdonad por mi silencio la semana pasada, tuve un problema urgente en el trabajo que tuve que resolver durante la semana. Os traigo el post que debería haber llegado la semana pasada:

    De Punk a Vault Dweller (Parte 2)

    ¡Hasta la próxima!
    Greetings everyone!

    I'm sorry for missing my update last week, I had some pressing matters in my office that had to be dealt with. Here's last week update:

    From Punk to Vault Dweller (Part 2)

    'Till next time!
  14. boquepasha

    boquepasha ALEPH is love, ALEPH is life, ALEPH is your friend

    Nov 24, 2017
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    ¡Buenas a todos!

    Espero que no os hayáis olvidado de mi :laughing:. He tenido un mes bastante movido, pero ahora que todo comienza a calmarse vuelvo a mis actualizaciones semanales. Hoy os traigo una serie de conversiones sencillas que he ido haciendo durante este tiempo:

    Conversiones variadas de Infinity

    ¡Nos vemos la semana que viene!
    Greetings everyone!

    I hope you haven't forgotten about me :laughing:. I've had a rough month, but now that everything is settling down again I'm back to my regular schedule. Today I'm showing you some simple conversions I've been doing during this period:

    Infinity conversions

    See you all next week!
    Golem2God, kabramala and jherazob like this.
  15. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    @boquepasha Always enjoy these articles of yours. Thank you for sharing your work with those who care to take a look.
    boquepasha likes this.
  16. boquepasha

    boquepasha ALEPH is love, ALEPH is life, ALEPH is your friend

    Nov 24, 2017
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    ¡Buenas a tod@s!

    La conversión de hoy es un encargo para nuestro compi del foro @Cachorro. ¡Espero que os guste tanto como a él!

    Monje Doménico francotirador

    ¡Hasta la próxima semana!
    Greetings everyone!

    Today's conversion is a request for our forum pal @Cachorro. I hope you all like it as much as he did!

    Black Friar sniper

    See you all next week!
  • About Us

    We are a company founded in 2001 in Cangas (Spain), and devoted to design and manufacture games and figures. Our main product, Infinity the Game, was born with the ambition to satisfy the most demanding audience, offering the best quality.


    Why are we here?


    Because we are, first and foremost, players.

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