Solidarity to our Ariadnan Comrades!

Discussion in 'IC' started by IAGO242, Jul 5, 2018.

  1. gnyf

    gnyf Professionel Carouser & Malingerer

    Dec 29, 2017
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    The Ariadnan diplomats have tried in vain to talk sense into the JSA and Tohaa High Command. Too no prevail.
    JSA and Tohaa are the lap dogs of PanO, defending their masters. JSA has lost half of their station to Yu Jing, because their arrogant, incompetent, High Command didn't take any security meassures, assuming that they were safe from attacks... They will fail once again in Phase 2.

    We tried to reason with JSA, they got their Mercs to attack us and died trying.
    We tried to reason with Tohaa, they send their troops to attack us and died trying.

    The children of Dawn will not faulter and shall prevail!

    Now we are under siege by Tohaa, which they will fail misserably at yet agan. All while we're trying to hold back the Alien threat... it seems like Tohaa wants to do the exact same thing, they accused us of doing at Wotan. Only they have no excuse as to what their intentions are.
    Shiwen and cazboab like this.
  2. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    I was wondering if Kuang Shi hoods came in antipode size. Looks like they do.

    But hey, my hat is off to the Yu Jing propaganda writer. It looks like you landed yourself a whale with that line you've been casting. My only advice would be to continue with the part about how there is no further advantage the rest of the sphere can take. Otherwise the Ariadnan government may remember there are other islands on Dawn were they have no permanent settlements and may try and block you before you start building bases on those islands claiming them as your own. Though, I suppose you could offer them dim sum and baiju for helping to take it back when your next insurrection kicks your tails.
  3. Shiwen

    Shiwen Commissar, Yu Jing Political Work Department

    Dec 31, 2017
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    You'd have a good argument, at last, if those islands were not already occupied. But they are, and so your words are meaningless, wasting not just your time (which, we will grant in your favour, is of no value) but our own as well. Will the StateEmpire follow your example and spout ludicrous lies? No. We have established settlements and resource extraction efforts on islands where Ariadna had no presence, in the Snark Lands, on Drogio, on Barataria. All of these are further developed than our efforts on Noviy Cimmaria, all of these were established in accordance with the accords ending the Ariadnan Commercial Conflicts, in the same way that PanOceanian colonization and exploitation had been undertaken and continues to proceed on Abdera, Capa Blanca, Trifeme, Aepiornis, Manghalour, Nacumera, and so many others.

    The Ariadnan Federation, though their material conditions at the time meant they were signatories, have long asserted these accords require renegotiation. So long as the accords were preserving peace and order, the StateEmpire of Yu Jing did not agree, a source of unfortunate tension between our peoples. But, in declaring support for the Kuge secessionists on Noviy Cimmeria, the Nomad Nation, Haqqislam, and PanOceania have stated without possibility of denial that they do not stand by those accords. In reactivating their bases and claiming territory on Noviy Cimmeria, PanOceania is in direct flagrant violation of the specific clauses of those accords. When signatories abrogate an agreement, there is a regrettable but undeniable truth: the agreement has ceased to be. Yu Jing will not cling to accords which have ceased to assure peace and order, and if those accords are no more then we will sit at the table with Ariadna to negotiate. Those negotiations will, undeniably, be robust, energetic, heated, for our disagreements are many. They will take time and effort and a dedication to reaching a final agreement of mutual benefit. But they will take place, and in the end they will do what the accords abandoned by other Sphere powers once assured: they will prevent needless bloodshed and achieve peace and order for Humanity.

    The propagandists of Yu Jing cannot accept your compliment, for not only do you have no conception of why it is merited, even if you did it would be undeserved. Making our arguments in this debate is simplicity itself, for to make your argument you must invent discord where none exists, you must pretend that other powers have no presence when the people of Ariadna know demonstrably they do both by witness and by the written text of agreements readily available in the public records of O-12. For Yu Jing's part, we need not spend our time weaving lie or distraction, need not strain against the burden of hoisting up falsehoods. Whatever picture you have of the Ariadnan people that makes you think your statements could be at all convincing... a conception of them as ones who cannot understand their own material conditions, their own interests, the difference between truth and flagrant falsehood... you are wrong. We need only speak truth to demonstrate to the Ariadnan Federation that our interests are aligned, and while a clever falsehood on your part might test our skill at overcoming it, you cannot even be bothered to do that!
  4. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    It seems you need to spend a lot of time and bluster to prove what you say is simplicity in itself.

    But I suppose the tried and true of "repeat a lie often enough, and it becomes the truth" is taught in propaganda 101 for a reason.
    Deltervees likes this.
  5. Paris

    Paris Member

    Mar 10, 2018
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    Refute his points if you think he's lying.

    Because at the moment anyone with a map and a decent feed on the Ariadnan Commercial Conflicts can check the truth of his claims. PanOc-23 fell to Ariadnan soliders in that war, everyone remembers the propaganda stills of elevator shafts filled with corpses, right? After the Ariadna Exclusion Zone was hammered out by diplomats everyone ceded the occidental islands to Yu Jing; PanOceania re-activating the base on Noviy Cimmeria is a direct violation of the AEZ. Every great power knows that their move with the JSA here is PanOceania's chisel cracking open those treaties, else they wouldn't be here too with new colonization efforts.

    Restoring the AEZ by sending JSA personnel back to Japan on Earth is the clean and lawful solution to the Crisis, but Shiwen is rightfully anticipating that no power will agree to it. Nessium deposits are too valuable to abide by mere words on paper. There will be negotiations to come in the days ahead and it's sensible to assume to remind Ariadna who introduced new colonizers to Dawn and who respected their sovereignty.
    Borlois, krossaks, Shiwen and 2 others like this.
  6. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Yu Jing's illegal occupation Novvy Cimmeria was disputed on numerous occasions by the Ariadnan government in the halls of the O-12. Yet Yu-Jing never made any effort to renegotiate with Ariadna regarding mining rights until they realized their position was weakened after the uprising. A burglar broke into Araidna's house, and began to take what they want under threat of a gun. Then when Ariadna saw that the gun was only a block of wood, the burglar begins to negotiate the ownership of what they have taken.
    Looks like that burglar is a smooth talker, because Ariadna appears to be willing to take up their offer.
  7. Shiwen

    Shiwen Commissar, Yu Jing Political Work Department

    Dec 31, 2017
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    That Ariadna has protested the claims of other powers on Dawn is absolutely true, that they have disputed the legality in the halls of O-12 is ludicrous. The distribution of rights on Dawn was decided by O-12 agreement, the ascendance of Ariadna into the halls of O-12 by those same agreements. I would critique your arguments for being riddled with lies and factual errors, but we all know it would do no good... if you did not embrace lies, you would have no argument at all.

    If the analogy is to be 'burglars', inaccurate as that might be, then Ariadna's house is full of 'burglars', NeoTerran burglars and Bouraki burglars and Tunguskan burglars and Kuge burglars... and yet the only one subject to attack is the one sitting down to talk.
  8. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Well, if it walks like , and quacks like ...

    OOC: ;)
    Shiwen likes this.
  9. Shiwen

    Shiwen Commissar, Yu Jing Political Work Department

    Dec 31, 2017
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    The duck is a symbol of fidelity and dedication. We thank you for the compliment, for this indeed reflects the relations between the Ariadnan Federation and the StateEmpire.
  10. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    For Yu Jing, this may be true.
    I know on good money, though, that for the Ariadnans it symbolizes a tasty meal first and foremost...

  11. Foxep

    Foxep Tropical Vet

    Mar 6, 2018
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    You can all try to deceive Ariadnans what you want, but we know the difference between and ally and an enemy. We will be sure to comply with Yu Jing help in Novyy once Savalar turns into another Kurage. Bit by bit we will end up recovering Dawn, and the difference between the rest and Yu Jing, is that they could use our help in other regions in exchange of giving back bit by bit our land. No need to shoot our friends, but we will shoot of course everyone else not willing to give back. Ariadna will stand up, better accept and cooperate like Yu Jing, or feel our Tesseum like PanO.
    Borlois, Maksimas, Shiwen and 2 others like this.
  12. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Keep telling yourself that.
    Yu Jing has found itself in a moment of weakness, so of course it is willing to deal. For now.
    Ariadna seems to forget that the Nomads and Haqqislam offered not preconditions when voting in favor of its status as a sovereign nation. And despite the altered history their propagandist wants to spin, Yu Jing came up with the idea that any land Ariadna had not populated was open territory for anyone to settle. An action which you may remember kicked off the commercial conflict as everyone began squatting on your land.
    It is also be worth noting that up until the uprising, Yu Jing seems to have continued the occupation of Novvy Cimmeria only to spite Ariadna, rather than give it back after finding nothing of value after their mining surveys. The Island was left so neglected that the Combined Army saw it as the perfect staging ground to launch a new offensive from within the Human Sphere.
  13. Foxep

    Foxep Tropical Vet

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Well, that is history, but today we are making a new one. Today Haqquislam and Nomads chose to defend the JSA interests instead of Ariadna. Today Tohaa chose to defend the JSA interests instead of Ariadna. Today PanO reinstalled an active military base in Novyy to help the JSA against Ariadna. The only one that moved to help Ariadna, its Yu Jing. The rest played blind or didnt want to pick between JSA or us. Thats picking for us. Thats not picking us. Thats why it doesnt matter how you put it, how you talk about the past. The only important thing is now, and now, we know who is willing to fight alongside us, and who wants to get in the middle. Make way, we wont stop going forward.
    Borlois, Maksimas, krossaks and 3 others like this.
  14. Sergej Faehrlich

    Sergej Faehrlich Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    What a marvellous achievement!
    Borlois and Maksimas like this.
  15. Borlois

    Borlois Yu Jing Imperial Service Agent

    Jan 4, 2018
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    I think there's a point about we are missing. Yu Jing is (in the lore) the same way PanO and the other powers, every faction have they own reasons, and their own personalities.
    Us, Yu Jing players, are really ashamed about how awful was our fluff in the uprising. "Propaganda book to sell more JSA"… yes, it is, in exchange of make Yu Jing an absurd and cruel parody of itself.
    Yes, it's totalitarian, have a questionable etic... But we cannot have honour? Courage? Discipline? Loyalty?
    We have became a pariah faction.
    We did our performance in this campaign to show our idea of Yu Jing. We tried our best to be helpful to our allies, and we respected or agreement. Because Yu Jing have Honour. And yes, our idea is to support Ariadna against the avarice of PanO, because they gained it by their own efforts, and we respect them for their help against the puppets of PanO.
    Our intention is to make again Yu Jing as the glorious faction we saw when we bought our miniatures, and after read about them in the box we thought "wow! That's cool!"
    Shiwen, Errhile and Foxep like this.
  16. Imladrik

    Imladrik Member

    Dec 17, 2017
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    I have this to say about Yu Jing : they may not be the most appealing of allies (but they are not calling us Ateks, inferior people, like the imperialists PanOceanians at least), but they honorable, more than PanOceanian imperialists, traitorous Tohaa and honorless Japanese. And they don't whine when we don't follow their agenda to the letter.
    jj.konko, Borlois and Foxep like this.
  17. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Leaving "in-character" bantering aside, I agree with you: YJ was presented very poorly in the Uprising.

    YJ was always the difficult faction to present properly - since their ideals and values are difficult for most of us Westerners to comprehend and cherish. And yet CB decided to do such a disservice to your faction.
    Uprising presented a biased narrative. It might've been way more balanced (bah, even presenting the YJ as "the good guys", but TBH this would be too much). It could have done YJ justice.
    Instead, it presented the faction as incompetent and pointlessly cruel.
    jj.konko and Borlois like this.
  18. Shiwen

    Shiwen Commissar, Yu Jing Political Work Department

    Dec 31, 2017
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    Yu Jing has honoured our alliance with Ariadna, and we have both benefited from it. Ariadna has honoured its alliance with Yu Jing, and we have both benefited from it. But most important, both our peoples have learned the nature of the other, and that together we can chart a course that will be fair and fruitful for all.

    For too long has PanOceania woven a story about Yu Jing, a tale of the great threat, the Yellow Peril, the cruel and inhuman Asiatic seeking to subvert and to despoil. Many voices have joined them in this tale, most recently the Kuge terrorists who feared that reform would end their exploitation of the Japanese people once and for all.

    Their propagandists have won a victory, for this story they've spun is treated in too many circles as common knowledge, self-evident truth. But it is a lie.

    Yu Jing is a land of order, of family, of passion, a land where differences are celebrated not for sake of division but for sake of unity, each culture at once unique and part of a greater whole. This is the truth, when the fog of the lie is dispelled, and through our alliance Ariadna has come to see it for the first time, to see that we are not the 'oppressors' and 'villains' of the PanOceanian myth, but rather kindred spirits, alike in values and in interests.

    PanOceania now launches attacks, their guns loaded full with further lies. They try to term Ariadna a 'puppet', a 'pawn', of Yu Jing. This is because the PanOceanian cannot conceive of two peoples coming together for mutual understanding, mutual benefit, because it fears that now Ariadna has pushed through their lie, dispelled the mists and seen the true heart of Yu Jing, they will not be the first, that others will look on and themselves begin to doubt. They tremble at the thought of a Human Sphere working together to advance the interests of Humanity, instead of one where Humanity is sacrificed on the altar of alien interests and corporate greed.

    But the Ariadnan people know themselves to be free, and to be strong. And they now know truth of Yu Jing, in more than mere words, for they have seen it in deeds. The lies of PanOceania have lost this battle, for we do not believe they will soon forget.
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