Monkeysloth's Cavilcade of Infinity Terrain -- Subway entrance Model Release

Discussion in 'Scenery' started by Monkeysloth, Nov 23, 2017.

  1. Monkeysloth

    Monkeysloth Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Bringing over some stuff from the old forum.

    State of the board (Aug 2017)

    Shrine quadrant layout

    Since I stated the objective was to do a quadrant (1'x2') my first layout is doing that. Since I really only have a few other buildings the rest of the board is kind of commercial. There are areas that there isn't much, if anything placed, that's because I'm trying to keep things in theme and not just place stuff down for a real game.

    deployment zone 1


    Deployment zone 2


    Other view


    Shrine District



    commercial area




    So the things I notice most for this build is having another tall building for snipers and blocking paths for the snipers. I placed the comms tower down but still should have something else to be the same height. Since figures can't really stand by themselves on the pagoda that's kind of wasted space so I'm thinking of seeing if I can print out a wedge that matches the angles and see if there's a way I can magnetize them. Since I can remove the levels of the pagoda it can be as tall as needed. I do have some tenements from Knights of Dice which would fit the bill as well as the spider district from warsenal--one of the buildings is quite tall.

    As for blocking paths I have some magnetic billboards coming from Antenocities eventually. Those can go on the lower buildings to give them another level (you can see this with some yellow green acrylic in the first shot, it's a billboard that slots over things). I also have two of antenocities tall add boards (about the same height as the 3 story building) but they had some missing parts so I don't have them finished as I wait.

    I have some dead space in deployment zone 2 as so I need some things to go there. I could have thrown another road piece down as that's easy theming. I didn't want to just throw out shipping containers as it wouldn't look right. I could have put some fencing down too but I generally don't like that type of total blocking terrain in deployment areas as it's too easy to hide cheerleaders there.

    Lastly more and different scatter for the roads. Most of the cars aren't finished, been lazy but I should probably finish them this week as there's really no good excuse not too and I probably can get most done in like 2 hours. But I also have some buses and bus stops from Microarts that should go well and some ground ad boards from Customeeple I believe.
    unclesrouce, descrii, hydra and 9 others like this.
  2. Monkeysloth

    Monkeysloth Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Road and Elevated board layout

    This next one is using a lot more of the roads and the elevated section options of my board set from Wargames Terrain (formally CNC).

    Deployment Zone 1


    Deployment Zone 2




    So this is a bit of a tricky layout and to be hones not 100% sure how it will play. First off I need lots more stuff for the roads. Hopefully the Microarts stuff will be enough but I also have a bunch of Japanese style food stalls (Yatai) that should work. While I think having just one elevated 1' section is too small I really didn't do much with the second square in the shrine area. Probably some of the Yatai stalls mentioned previously would work.

    I didn't do a very good deloyment zone 2. I should have placed some of my other customeeple buildings (similar to the ones on the single elevated square) there but at the time I wasn't feeling it. And the square by the bell and willow should have had something else too.

    I will say that I really like the Zen street lights and how they look on this board. Also looking forward to some cool street signs from Warsenal (you can see one in their new spider district set) as at Gencon there was mention of making those as some scatter.

    I also need more side railings for the elevated sections. Also I've been thinking of having other things that can slot in there like road tunnels and store fronts. Probably can make it with the printer and some styrene.

    I'm not happy right now with the containers from Wildlands. The ladders and the platform that you can slide into them don't fit once painted so I'm going to have to sand down some parts so they slide in place properly.

    Now for the newly finished stuff

    Planters from Zen. Like how these turned out. For the larger planter I need to add something else to each of the 3 protrusions. Might add some grass or something else to the dirt in all 3.


    Ema boards from TTcombat. Pretty happy I found these, didn't expect them to exist as was looking at 3d printing some.


    Chozuya -- These are purification washing locations. Used some water effect from Mig. It was hard to place it down to the overflow section on the floor and doesn't look so hot in the pictures but it's better in person.



    So this has been about 3 months of work off and one and I'm quite happy with everything. Though I should have used my finer tiped airbrush and probably some guides for some of the roof tiles as things got a bit messy with some. Not 100% sure what my next addition will be. kind of want to start the Spider District but I probably should do the microarts road scatter and buses that I have and finish the cars.

    Thanks to everyone that took the time to read through all of this.
    unclesrouce, descrii, hydra and 11 others like this.
  3. Monkeysloth

    Monkeysloth Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    With Aristeia out I have some 3d printed terrain I've designed for the game. I was going to embed a cool 3d model viewer but it looks like someone from CB has to enable that on their end, which I've asked, so instead we'll just have old fashioned pictures.

    First off you can download the files yourselves from Thingiverse. Also in that link is a way to edit them yourselves on tinkercad (which is free).

    The walls\barriers are broken up into parts so you can stack them as high as you'd want. I was thinking of making something separate for obstacles but for now just having a short single hex wall seams to be what people are doing so I'm going to hold off until I can think of an interesting design.

    While you can print these in any color I'm planning on just spray painting them and doing a bit of highlighting. I'll post that when it's done.



    Edit: Looks like the forums media insert is really inconsistent for loading images. Gone back to my normal hosting.

    Attached Files:

    #3 Monkeysloth, Nov 24, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2017
    Yvain, Edster, Harlekin and 6 others like this.
  4. Red Harvest

    Red Harvest Day in, Day out. Day in, Day out. Day in, DAY OUT

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Monkeysloth... posting like a boss. :sunglasses:

    Finish up the buses and road scatter. For some reason I think buses are great terrain pieces in Infinity. Also, I'd leave the Aristeia! barriers unpainted, at least until, and if, you paint the gamepieces.
    Monkeysloth likes this.
  5. Monkeysloth

    Monkeysloth Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The buses are actually on my airbrush table and about half way done so hopefully I'll finish them as I have a poor track record with vehicles :coldsweat:. Colors blocked in and some highlighting has started but then I lost a part of my detail brush when cleaning and had to get a replacement.. Also have some walls from LOS Block getting painted at the same time.

    I've been printing and painting terrain for the last RPG game session of the year which has taken up my past 2-3 weeks. And while posting sewer and cave tiles aren't really infinity related something else I finished printing in October probably is. Wanted to see if I could do a large multi-part print and have it glue together reasonably well. Need to print out a 3rd set of landing gear as it's too back heavy (planned that wrong) but all and all not bad for a cheap $300 printer with stock parts and a broken heat bead.

  6. Monkeysloth

    Monkeysloth Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    one of the things I really need on my board is better options for blocking fire lanes but I've had issues with this as I like playing with tall buildings, I've yet to show my unpainted zen terrain--it's quite a lot of height, and I've always wanted to deal with this via signs or things attached to buildings but there's a part of me that never wants to glue things down to solve this problem as then that building is limited in what it can be used for. Enter the new signs from Antenociti's which use magnets to attach and let me tell you they're awesome.


    There are 3 types that I have here, the billboard on top of the small building to the left (magnets on the bottom as well as a 3mm slot if you want on a edge) and the two signs on the building on the right. Good high powered magnets enough to hold this can be expensive so instead I went with cheap ceramic magnets as you can double them up for more power.


    These are great as they can be placed anywhere that you have access to both sides of wall. I've been playing around with some 3D printed options for hooks that more traditionally designed signs can also be attached by magnets. Well see if I get something I like.

    The other thing I need is some lager scatter terrain so I've painted up the shopping stalls also from Antenociti's.


    Even though I love a lot of their stuff you always have to do a lot of cleaning with their resin as it's never level on the bottom and this is no exception -- if not the worse as the inserts are so thin their hard to remove material from. Also the lengths are too long so in every instance but a few I had to remove about a mm from the sides to get them to fit in. Also what's lame is that all the weapon shops have unique inserts but the two food stalls have the same even though one is American and the other Chinese.


    I'm still quite happy with them as they're easy to assemble and paint quick. I did dirty the prepainted wood parts with pigments. Also if you plan on painting the awnings like I did you should ruff them up with sandpaper as they're a cheap plastic sliced with a hand cutter and are very smooth with a bit of a edge from the cutter you should remove (makes them hard to insert otherwise).
    fluffy05, hydra, gorkij and 10 others like this.
  7. snikch

    snikch Active Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    first of all, excuse me for my bad written english
    Its only my opinion but....I think you got too much open sight lines...
    I prefer a warband table, with short range shot sight.
    In fact, if you play with yu jing you need that, to come close and slay them..just my opinion

    Enviado desde mi M3s mediante Tapatalk
    fluffy05 likes this.
  8. Monkeysloth

    Monkeysloth Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    You're 100% correct Snikch. It's the biggest problem with my table. The last post I made showed some things I painted up to block sight lines.
    snikch likes this.
  9. snikch

    snikch Active Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    yup, much better with that kind of barrier you did

    Enviado desde mi ZTE Blade L5 Plus mediante Tapatalk
    Monkeysloth likes this.
  10. Nincoreween

    Nincoreween Macross Frontier Commander

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Its neat looking and big. What kind of CAD file did you use to set it up?
    Monkeysloth likes this.
  11. Monkeysloth

    Monkeysloth Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Grabbed it off of thingiverse as an STL (main format for all 3d printer slicers). Loaded it into 3D builder (free program on windows 10 and 8 from MS) to cut it into pieces and then made then hollowed out the doors section and designed the landing gear in Tinkercad.
  12. Monkeysloth

    Monkeysloth Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Got the Buses done finally despite Skyrim VR trying it's best to prevent me. Really need to work on my shiny metal as I suck at bumpers as well as things like swords and such. one of these days. I also managed to get a game in so I took some pictures of the board with the buses as well as a tri-ad from Antenociti's. I really wanted to try the road down the center look this time. I felt since there was a bit of an offset with the curve that it would be OK. More or less it wasn't a bad layout.

    This was Smash and Loot with Limited insertion. Probably not the best scenario for LI as we really didn't mange to score. Also didn't help my opponent just placed his squalo right in the middle of the street and managed to make a lot of it's arm saves vs my missile launcher link team. Also his medic brought people up, I thought Pan-O was always supposed to fail those?




    I think I'll get some digital calipers and design a connector for the Zen bridges and the Miniature Scenery raised section rail as they didn't stay very well if bumped. Should be pretty simple design.
  13. Monkeysloth

    Monkeysloth Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Wow, starting off the new year with a post on the first day (at least I've got 16 min of starting this post so maybe I'll make it).

    I finished up a few things over the past few days, several are in the previous post for the first time, but I thought I'd show and tell a bit.


    First up is the group shot with the large Tri-Ads and cars from Antenociti's Workshop and then the bus, bus stop and ticket machines from Micro Art Studio. The Tri Ad I got on the cheap since Antenociti's decided to no longer sell into distribution and it was worth the like $6 I paid for it, some great blocking terrain (though in the game I played earlier you can see above it was a no go for figures). I painted what little resin there was with dry brushing -- you'll see that as a theme for the new stuff I started this week. I didn't try to clean it up in anyway as I felt that some good, worn benches would look a bit ruff and I think it works quite well.


    The car's I've had forever but decided to finish, even though they were mostly done. I've been holding off on them for like a year as I just haven't been happy with parts, as they were near the start of me learning airbrushing but I decided to quickly finish them up as is so there's some painful painting issues with them. To finish them I did some panel lining with one of my new favorite things Ammo of Mig Starship Enamel Wash. This stuff is great, it's the right amount of contrast without being black and can dirty up stuff quite well (as you'll see).


    Next are the bus stops and tickets from MAS. These came in part of a kickstarter with the buses and some small vans (which I hope to get painted up soon). These were also dry brushed completely then I went over with an airbrush and sprayed a few thin layers of paint over everything and some slightly thicker paint to cover in a few spots to make the brush strokes from the drybrushing softer. I then washed with AoM Starship Was, after a gloss coat so it wouldn't eat my paint away, and let it sit for a few minutes and then removed the wash with some cotton swabs. The effect looks great and is easy to control as you can remove as much as you want (if it doesn't come up you can just use some white spirits). I really like how these look though the contrast is a little bit stronger in the photos then real life.


    Las are the buses. Had a few issues with these as I was trying some new airbrush paints that are already really watered down and had some trouble dialing in my airbrush so there's some cracking where the paint got applied badly. Outside of that like the colors but I do need to get reflective metal down eventually, always had issues with that. Also airbrushed in the numbers for the stops shown on the bus and broke things down between a purple and green line.


    Next up is the two unfinished Taxis from Antinociti, there's some decal work I need to do so I'm just starting that and then the mini vans that came as part of the MAS kickstarter -- though I may see if I can get the decals for those as they didn't sell them during the kickstarter for some reason.
  14. Monkeysloth

    Monkeysloth Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Got the Antinocities Taxis done and the decals that go with them are awesome and really distract from crappy paint jobs. Started these, as well as the other cars over a year ago so that's what I was just starting to use an airbrush and there's some poor masking and paint choices on these. Over all with the decals and some enamel washes I think they looks pretty decent.


    I decided that I need to get a bit more organized with what I'm doing as I waste too much time deciding what to work on, remembering where I was on a project and what should be the next step. So I downloaded a kanban board app and will see how this goes. For those that aren't familiar with these it's basically task list of things that you want to get done and the sub-tasks for each one. I also like this one as I can set a cover image for a task. Here's a quick shot of what I have.


    One thing that I've been holding off on for a while is a Lopan's food truck. I found a cheap diecast one over the summer and wanted to convert it but I've been debating how I should paint it as I wanted to mirror what's on the Fat Yuan-Yuan box. Well my sisters recently got a vinyl cutter and that now allows me to make stencils. So I loaded up some images this weekend and started working away. I'm also working on one of the pickle van's from MAS but the tack on the back of the material I'm using just ripped the paint off as I removed it. I got that resolve but I need to do some repainting which basically means starting over. Should go much quicker now as I know what to do. I did get the food truck started though. There's some areas where the stenciling looks off, like the roof, but that's OK as I have other things planned for that area.


    Also over the past 2 weeks I finished up Shadowrun Hongkong and really liked some of the set pieces so I thought I'd work at getting better with modeling since I do have 2 3d printers, though I've only recently got them both back working after about a month. First up is a simple drink cooler that was in the game. I really liked the look and I was wanting something like this for a internal build I had planed but never started. I made two versions a cooler and a vendor and then found a soda bottle model that would print at the scale I needed.

    Next up is use the vinyl cutter to cut some plastic for doors and finish painting them. Here's a WIP shot of the vending version and some bottles. Probably need some other stuff to go in them too outside of soda so any thoughts is welcome.



    Another thing from SR:HK is the subway entrance. Really like how these look so I mocked one up. Need to do a test print once I get pegs in the sign in front. I'll need to make a board tile that these could sit in and have stairs going down but that requires a laser cutter so I'm going to get some stuff custom cut later this year I'm guessing as I have some other things I want to do and the designer of the boards I own has kind of abandoned the line so I'm just going to make my own. To make this more useful I'm going to make an insert that has doors instead of it being open. Just haven't decided how I'm going to do that yet.


    Here's a shot in game

  15. jherazob

    jherazob Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Oh man, this is great :smile:
    No better inspiration for vending machines than Japan. Did a quick search and found this gallery, hopefully it'll bring some inspiration.
    Monkeysloth likes this.
  16. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Gosh, now I want to get my hands on a kanban board aswell... and I use one at work already XD
  17. Arloid

    Arloid Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    That airbrush work all thoughout your tread really makes me jellous for not having a airbrush, great job.

    Personally I really like the road and street tiles, a shame they aren't sold anymore. Guess I have some fun modelling something simulair in CAD then.
  18. Monkeysloth

    Monkeysloth Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I'm using meistertask. There are a ton of Kanban apps out there, this one had good reviews and I liked the aesthetic of it.


    As to the tiles, I gave the wrong impression. MiniatureScenery still makes them but they haven't added anything to this line in years. They showed off a tile that had stairs going down but never released it. Guessing that the tiles didn't sell well enough to justify it. I think I've seen one other person in the past with these tiles while I see a lot of their other products in various Infinity and terrain groups.
    Arloid and xagroth like this.
  19. Monkeysloth

    Monkeysloth Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Soda cooler / vendor is done. Did a quick, and bit messy on the bottles, paint job for Thingiverse but I do like the overall look if not needing better label painting.

    Download it here


    I'm currently printing out the subway though I still need to finish the doors -- which I should have done this weekend.
    fluffy05, timberfox, descrii and 5 others like this.
  20. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    I see your bus goes through the Washington DC Metro... :P
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    We are a company founded in 2001 in Cangas (Spain), and devoted to design and manufacture games and figures. Our main product, Infinity the Game, was born with the ambition to satisfy the most demanding audience, offering the best quality.


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