Yujing High command Comunicate

Discussion in 'IC' started by Mc_Clane, Jul 4, 2018.

  1. Mc_Clane

    Mc_Clane Zhànzhēng bùzhǎng

    Aug 25, 2017
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    To the childish Factions stationed at Novvy Cimmeria,

    The Yujing Miltary was stationed On Zhan Huo Firebase on a purely defensive position overviewing the chaotic and humiliating state Your factions are turning our land into.
    We've accepted, not with reticency the O-12 accords about the Japanese Seccesion. We accepted to give Japanese new gobernment the control over Kurage, our Military oputpost, and a minimum perimeter arround it to grant a halt fire.

    We've waited but what we've been seen is not but a bunch of opportunists and upstarts trying by brute force to exert control over our land.

    • Japanese sold our land on the west to build a nomad facility suspicious of provide support for the illegal network called Arachne.
    • Of course Aleph couldn't allow such facilities to exist so they've started operative operations to unveil the real purpose.
    • Haqqislam betrayed our commercial businesses and now somehow they are striking nomad facilities
    • Panoceania has settled on PANOC-23 Betraying the accords that ended the Comercial Conflicts, so they've brought outrage inside the Ariadna Nation. The main continental land of this planet is theirs and they have their rightful reasons to be angry
    • An of course But not less the Japanese Have Paid a Myriad of Mercenary companies to expand their colonization of the micro continent, Attacking everywhere from the start. Of course the presence of those Mercenaries outraged the Ariadnans Further. Some of those companies have committed Crimes against Ariadnan civil population. Bringing them again to this planet is an insult for them.
    • The presence of Ariadna is rightful just for breaking the commercial accords. This is one enemy you've made with your careless politics.
    • All this manpower, all this resources wasted are crippling humanity down on the Paradiso and Acheron Fronts.
    We've come to the conclusion after a long wait, that All of this conflict is Due to the disrespectful behavior of the Japanese. And as the last faction to make its move, we are exerting pressure on Kurage to spank the childish behavior of their politics. We are aiming to end this conflict from root If the Japanese and their greedy supporters continue to behave like kids in a playground without respect to any law, right, or morals.

    Yujing operations are not made over civilian targets, They're just aimed to cripple down the Port and halt the actions of the mercenary companies paid for colonice the land granted to us by O-12 in the commercial accords. Our actions are have the back up of democratic voting. ¿Do your actions have the same kind of support?

    I'm Humbly requesting this factions to stop their hostilities, Stop threatening our nation in our rightful land. Sit down on a O-12 meeting and solve this problem on a peaceful and diplomatic way.

    Commander Shinji Mc_Clane, of the Yujing High Command

    #1 Mc_Clane, Jul 4, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2018
  2. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    From the Adults in the Plaground:

    Dear Commander Mc_Clane:

    While it is a custom of Totalitarian regimes to present themselves as victims when they are commiting acts of aggression, our long history has proven that it never works, simply because the only ones who buy that rethoric are the ones who support those regimes.

    Haqqislam is helping an ally in need; and defending Net Neutrality; concepts foreing to the State-Empire, but we will not hold that against you.

    So far the conflict had not touched your precious base significantly, precisely because other factions had no quarrel with you directly and we were expecting you to behave like adults.

    But like the child who sees the Marshmallow bag unattended, you went and took over JSA territory.

    Haqqislam appeals to your "adult" proclamation and kindly ask you to stand down and leave JSA territory.
    TanakoSkyler22 and Errhile like this.
  3. TanakoSkyler22

    TanakoSkyler22 Varunan Diplomat

    Jan 5, 2018
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    To the so-called 'honorable' shit-hole known as the State-Empire:

    Your 'rightful land' belongs to the Japanese nation, who you have oppressed for so long. To call yourself the 'adults' while you continue your retaliation on a people who were right to break away from Yu Jing.

    You move.

    -Tanako Kirijo-Skyler

    Son of Japanese refugee and Commander of the Tri-Indigo Strategic Resources Group
    #3 TanakoSkyler22, Jul 4, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2018
  4. Mc_Clane

    Mc_Clane Zhànzhēng bùzhǎng

    Aug 25, 2017
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    @Danger Rose. Why Haqquislamite operatives deployed in duban are allowed support Nomad Ilegal networks on foreign soil? That's not neutral, that's not even legal. And yujing's not the main victim here. Yes all of you have breached our sobereign rights performing militar action in our land, but the real victims here are the Peacefull relations you've worked so hard to achieve over the last years. The non agresion pacts between Panoceania and Yujing, The commercial treaties on dawn even the expropiation of Yujing soil in favour to a rising Nation.

    We were the last faction to move and we move as a reaction for the actions made by the rest of the factions

    I'll repeat myself. We'll cease our pressure over Kurage once the hostilities of the Japanese and their allies cease. Go back to your defensive positions, sit on a table and work the current situation on the diplomatic front.

    Mr, @TanakoSkyler22 ,

    We regret the situation in which your family and many others form the Kuramori Island were involved. But your family chosen to sacrifice their freedoms as citizens of Yujing for being a slave of the Kuge and their Treacherous dogma. The moment you've chosen to be under the wing of the Terrorist, murderers and traitors and Joined arms with them, you became less than puppets. All those lives lost before the uprising were lost because the so called pride, and honor of the bushi. A servitor code that kills any freedom for the sake of a small elite. As former Japanese citizen I spit on your so called code. It's the sole reason Japanese didn't fully enter Yujing, the reason you have been lesser citizens due to the pact made by Japanese elites, the same elites that now are using you as cannon fodder. Now you are dying because a frontier conflict a conflict your masters allowed by granting things they didn't own, expanding their borders and breaking O-12 treaties.

    Wake up! rise against your masters and rejoin us. It's not too late.
  5. TanakoSkyler22

    TanakoSkyler22 Varunan Diplomat

    Jan 5, 2018
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    My family are now naturalized citizens of Varuna, as we have no stake with the Kuge. While I may not agree with the political system, the Japanese are better off by themselves than in your hands. So thanks for your so-called 'offer', but no thanks. I prefer the freedom I have now. If you care to, can come take it away from me with you cold dead hands and try turning me into your 'Kuang shi' pet for the Imperial Court to use and abuse.

    I will give you no respite as long as you continue to threaten the sovereignty of the Japanese people. Just know if you keep up your assault on Kurage Station, you will be greeted with the bodies of your comrades, and your Ariadnan allies, at the Fire Base instead of cheers of your exploits.

    Consider it repayment for your atrocities at Kuraimori, and many more for the Japanese that have suffered under your hands.

    -Tanako Kirijo-Skyler

    Commander of the Tri-Indigo Strategic Resources
  6. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Go back to Varuna and take a long walk off a short pier.
  7. Sergej Faehrlich

    Sergej Faehrlich Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Ok...let's cut this diplomatic flattery, shall we? This will lead to nothing. Let me summarize the facts for you.

    There is no independent Japan. There is no secession. There is no japanese Emperor.
    What we see are terrorists, whimpering cowards, egomaniac aristocrats and corrupt indivudials. Elements that every free, democratic, open and diverse society has to deal with.

    These are Yu Jing internal affairs and of none concern for anyone else...what Yu Jing does at Kurage is strictly Yu Jing business. In contrast to that Alive debacle, we will handle this appropriately.

    If you are lucky to be somewhere else...stay there!
    If you are at Kurage...surrender!
    If you want to get involved...you can find me at Kurage!

    Remember: the Jade Throne is generous and forgiving! Service in our penal regiments grants full acquittal of any charges for treason. Join now!

    Major General Wang He Kecheng - Imperial Service
  8. TanakoSkyler22

    TanakoSkyler22 Varunan Diplomat

    Jan 5, 2018
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    Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm good.

    -Tanako Kirijo-Skyler
  9. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    @TanakoSkyler22 I'd describe you blueberries as many things, but 'good' is rarely in the vocabulary used when doing so, unless it's followed with 'for nothing' or 'riddance' ...
  10. TanakoSkyler22

    TanakoSkyler22 Varunan Diplomat

    Jan 5, 2018
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    The feeling is mutual too, Atek.

    Even more so since you sold your souls to the devil itself.

    -Tanako Kirijo-Skyler

    P.S: The island is, and was never, yours. And neither does it belong to the Yu-Jing since most of the population was Japanese.
  11. ObviousGray

    ObviousGray Frenzied Mushroom

    Nov 27, 2017
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    By Royal indignation, those mischievous behaviors of Japanese Citizens shall be punished. Then we can talk about mercy or forgiveness.

    With our Zhan Huo firebase ready to blow your so-called Kurage or Jellyfish whatever to good amount of scrap, Yu Jing High Command, loyal subjects for The Dragon, will politely ask.. For now.

    Dwellers in Kurage Station, drop down your weapons and surrender. Those who willingly participate in surrendering shall be positively treated by Imperial Law, and we guarantee your penalties will be light as possible.

    Yu Jing is wherever the sky beholds, and we know you are the one of Yu Jing people. Do not let us shed blood of yours on the process of taking back what is ours.

    Loyalty and Prosperity.


    ObviousGray from Yu Jing High Command.​
    Borlois, Thandar and Vabap like this.
  12. Thandar

    Thandar Dedicated Aconteccan Supremacist

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Dear Commander ObviousGray,

    thank you for clearing your position. Please, could you take this message to your command?

    PanOceania is waiting for your answer.

    Yours Sincerely

    Colonel Thandar Singh, XXth Reserve Brigade, Shock Army of Acontecimento
    TanakoSkyler22 and ObviousGray like this.
  13. Sergej Faehrlich

    Sergej Faehrlich Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Is that PanO strategy right now? Wasting our commanders' time with far too long videos to keep them watching, not fighting?

    A little sidenote to the production team: we are not in the year 40.000...it's not grimdark outside (only for JSA that is). You might want to cheer up a little with your choice of music and hue for the colors? Maybe stop hiring those knights for directors...they seem to add far to much... "devotion"...or else at leat add some background choir humming "deus vult...deus vult..." *sigh*
  14. Furiat

    Furiat Mandarin

    Jan 14, 2018
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    Reconquest of Kurage station from terrorists was the first step to reestablish peace on Novyy Cimmeria. Further involvement, of PanOceanian military, in internal affairs of the Jade Empire will be considered as an act of aggression and will be dealt with, using any means necessary to achieve it. The Dragon does not fear some smurfs and their silly helmets.

    Commanders and citizens of the Ariadna nation. Congatulations for securing part of PanO military base on Novyy Cimmeria. You showed that there is still hope for Human Sphere and that You are driven by honor and sense of duty.

    Keep up the fight and good luck.

    Commander Furiat, 37th assault brigade of Imperial Service
    Borlois, Hoffbauer, Shiwen and 4 others like this.
  15. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Dawn is our

    If you think Yu-Jing is the Devil, you're wrong JSA.

    We've been dancing with the Devil on Dawn for over 200 years. Alone. And we survived.

    So if you think that you can take away from us what the Devil himself couldn't; then prepare yourself for the End Days.
    Hoffbauer likes this.
  16. havocfett

    havocfett Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2018
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    While the frustration of the Yu Jing government is understandable, international treaties at the en of the Uprising did suborn the territory J-5 is on to the JSA and recognize the JSA as an indepenent state rather than a terrorist actor. As such, the J-5 Node is here legally, as international law understands it. I am sure that negotiations over the continued existence of Node and Prospecting Site in the wake of a theoretical Yu Jing victory at Kurage would be far more productive at reestablishing peaceful relations than acrimonious recriminations.
  17. Shiwen

    Shiwen Commissar, Yu Jing Political Work Department

    Dec 31, 2017
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    While it is true that a ceasefire in the wake of the Kuge insurrection secured recognition of territories held by the insurrectionists as an independent state bearing the name of 'Japan', at no point has there been a revision of the agreements reached at the close of the Ariadnan Commercial Conflicts. That there is a contradiction in the law is an unfortunate state of affairs, but the StateEmpire is expending all efforts to see this contradiction resolved and the stability of international law restored.
  18. Borlois

    Borlois Yu Jing Imperial Service Agent

    Jan 4, 2018
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    The civilians involved in the terrorist actions of JSA, and the Imperial Agents ,who were killed in the "uprising", are victims of the illegal independence they are proclaiming.
    The Imperial Service will ensure they will have the justice which the international court denied to them.
    Imperial Agent Fank Kuo "Borlois"
    Loyalty. Duty. Pride.
  19. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Now this is an interesting developement. From a concerned Ex to the current GF, sleep with one eye open Yu Jing.
    nazroth likes this.
  20. Borlois

    Borlois Yu Jing Imperial Service Agent

    Jan 4, 2018
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