Peace Talks Communique between Ariadna and Tohaa

Discussion in 'IC' started by Cabaray, Jul 5, 2018.

  1. Cabaray

    Cabaray Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Here is the short communique between us and the Tohaa High Command

    to the Honorable Tohaa High Command,

    We are hearing rumors that you have a slight to settle with our people. I do not hope something went wrong on Flamia with our aid towards your medical facility. I will confess we have some heavy drinkers among our ranks, if you want to they can be punished and replaced by more orderly personel, it can be arranged.

    I know you also did not like us contacting your troops directly. For that I was and still am sorry. I went past my own High Commanders and it was a action of pure camaraderie that I feel with the Tohaa forces. For we have stood side by side on Flamia. I had hoped we could stand side by side on Wotan once again. But I have to respect you and your function as spokesperson of the Tohaa. I would feel the same way if you would start rumors among our own troops. I hope you can accept my deepest apologies.

    I hope your attacks on our B-Hutts is not the cause of that error and misjudgement on my part. This is costing us both dear in lives and loved ones. We now lay under siege from two sides. By you and the NA-2 and it hampers our plans to finally get rid of the constant influence of Pan-Oceania on our Homeworld.

    I would like to plead for a cease fire between our two peoples and seek common ground like we did on Flamia. It would please us if you would join the fight against Pan-Oceania. With us attacking the HAS area and you attacking the Camp, I think we can both establish victory over there. We like to hear of your wishes.


    High Commander Cabaray of the Ariadnan Home Guard

    I’m sorry, but we refuse.

    You did what you did on Wotan on purpouse and you could contact us at the beggining of the campaign, because you know how thinks ended there.

    But you only contact us when we are defending JSA’s interests attacking BHut, so we stop our offensive and you can continue your campaign to achieve your own interests.

    So, our answer is no.

    We hope that in the future Ariadna will fight against the real enemy and let own interests aside, so we could fight together again.

    You seem to not know the difference between attacking and defending. We are attacked by you. We are not in your base. you are in our base. A coordinated attack with the NA-2 who we did not attack as well. Our interest is that of standing our ground against an invader. How egotistical of us to not be willing to surrender.

    Your response after a past slight is to kill us, while joining in an attack plan of a nation we had no intention of being enemies with in this conflict. Consider yourself enemies of Ariadna for the forseeable future. NA-2 is already going for a kamikaze tactic. Did not believe tohaa foolish enough to join.

    We lost a lot of Merrovingians against a sudden strike of the combined. The alien now has no real strength on this island. This is how you honor their sacrifice. We will not forget.


    High Commander Cabaray of the Ariadnan Home Guard
    #1 Cabaray, Jul 5, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2018
    Vabap likes this.
  2. Vabap

    Vabap Member

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Greetings Tohaans!
    Actions from your camp against our bases will only lead to further conflict in which you must be sure that won't stay unanswered, choose your allies wise but choose your enemies wiser! Are you confident enought that next week your forces will be able to keep your new base if you aquire one? We have proved to be capable of fighting in multiple fronts, you are struggling in one. There is time for a diplomatic solution. Our general Cabaray answers in the name of us all! Think about it and act accordingly because if time in the hourglass ends I'm not that possitive we will flip it over for some extra!
  3. Yasashii Fuyu

    Yasashii Fuyu Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Once again the Ariadnan nation seems to ignore the fact that THEY are the aggressors on this island that suddenly invaded the island itself with the openly announced intent of taking it over.

    We understand that there seem to be some heavy drinkers in Ariadnan High Command (though it pains me to see this confirmed with their own words), but I'm afraid the rest of us didn't suddenly wake up the next morning and forgot why they were here, that seems to be a Ariadnan tradition only...

    Keep doing what you are doing please, even on Kurage station our soldiers can already smell the scent of your desperation, and I wouldn't be surprised if even your so called "allies" will soon realize how empty your promises are and how little you actually have to offer well as notice how you treat your former allies...and how they treat you....a lesson to be learned for sure.
    TheDiceAbide and melkiach like this.
  4. Vabap

    Vabap Member

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Hahahahaha! Are you ready to taste defeat from some drunkards Yasashii san? Because that will make things worse on your already damaged honor! #ForDawnWithVodkas!
  5. Marduck

    Marduck Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I thought that honorable samouraï do not say ill or bad things about their enemies, neither do they complain.

    What a shameful display. :D
  6. Yasashii Fuyu

    Yasashii Fuyu Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Your apparent lack of knowledge about our tradition does not a joke make.
    Nor is stating the truth speaking ill or bad about anyone.
    Apparently my words were even taken as a compliment by people like Vadap, though this is indeed...a shameful display.
    melkiach likes this.
  7. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    I assume you are referring to the half of Kurage that you still occupy? And that stench of desperation you smell, is coming from your troops, who cannot hold their own base and are resigned to giving up all of Kurage Station in order to attack us.

    The JSA are so desperate for a win, that they foolishly chose to pick a fight with the technological underdogs. But like the proud underdogs we are, Devil Dogs, Cameronians, Antipode Handlers, you have backed us into a corner. And now you are getting bitten. And we'll never back down.

    Clansman of the Caledonian Highlands.
    Gargs454 likes this.
  8. Macbain

    Macbain Professional Shitposter

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Remember the greater good.
    Without our alliance the Human Sphere is doomed.
  9. Jandrus

    Jandrus We're naught but humble pirates!

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Tohaa is atacking the main defense force of Dawn instead of helping to defend the planet. As consequence CA is reinforcing his presence making his the Aleph stronghold.

    True colors have been show. Now all of us know who is the "treu enemy" they so constantly mention.

    Recovered image of Grandjean leading the last stand of De Hell.
    #9 Jandrus, Jul 11, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2018
  10. melkiach

    melkiach PheroBoosted

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The enemy of my enemy is my friend

    While the Ariadna nation attacked Panoceania at Wotan Blockade, the Combined Army sayed: Ariadna is our Friend
  11. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    We had the genuine and present concern that PanO troops could be sepsistorised before their return from combat and set up proper quarantine.

    We cannot be sepsistorised.

    But Tohaa can. What a coincidence that people that can't be sepsistorised are attacked by people who can be, right after sacrificing a huge amount of resources fighting the people (I use the term loosely) that do the bloody sepsistorisation....
    Macbain and Jandrus like this.
  12. Cabaray

    Cabaray Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Greetings comrades,

    When I saw the combined arrive at the Aleph base, I put all my effort into stopping them.

    And what do I get for it

    A Tohaa knive in the back.

    Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-G930F met Tapatalk
  13. Brother Smoke

    Brother Smoke Bureau Trimurti Representative

    Dec 19, 2017
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    How can Ariadna be the aggressor on Dawn?
    It's our damn planet, you all best get to steppin'
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