Peace Talks Communique between Ariadna and NA-2

Discussion in 'IC' started by Cabaray, Jun 30, 2018.

  1. Cabaray

    Cabaray Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    To the Human Sphere,

    It has come to our attention that the JSA would rather be a puppet of the Pan-Oceanian Hyper power then to join the league of free nations. We have tried to negotiate a treaty between the two peoples, but it has been at no avail.

    Here is the entire diplomatic exchange.

    Greetings High Commander Yasashii Fuyu

    Yesterday I have asked the HHC to contact you as a mediator for some seize fire talks and possible coordination between our two nations. I hope to hear from you soon if you are willing to come to the table. I will send you a letter that I have send my troops, to build up some good will for the JSA plight.

    Brothers and Sisters of Dawn.

    We arrived at the first weekend of this conflict. In the next few days we expect the conflict to heighten (if the fog of war permits).

    As it currently stands the NA-2 needs just three victories to overtake the Lafayette Forward Airfield Redoubt. And Tohaa stands five victories away from overtaking the B-Huts. It is of grave importance that we hold.

    But we as HQ command have realized with simply holding our base, we do not reach the end goal of controlling the Novvy Cimmeria. For if we allow the Hyperpower to once again end up top in such a conflict, well, last time they took a Combined vessel and collapsed the StateEmpire. To have a permanent base of Pano on Dawn is something we can not simply allow happening.

    So we will strike at them at the PANOC-23 Multibase HAS Area. Which we are at this moment four victories away from overtaking. We live in interesting times where the best defense is the best offense.

    the map is volatile as we speak:

    But lets give an overview of what we know about the other remaining factions:

    Nomads have not picked up the speed the Propaganda promised. They are under siege by the AI and EI who will make their push there. If the Bromads do not pick up slack, they will be overtaken this Weekend. We do not have to fear retaliation from them. In our mind that is last years conflict. But we must not root for their destruction. Because the Aleph and Combined Army will have a foothold on Novvy Cimmeria. We hope that they can pick up the mantle of being the Defenders of Humanity, this time round.

    Yu Jing is perserving far stronger then anticipated. Their base is well protected, and they will be able to make a move. If they are smart they do not go in a competition with NA2 and Tohaa to overtake us. Same goes for Nomads who also have to factions struggling for it. Leaves: Pano, Haq Islam and NA-2 for hem. They are inclined to attack the Japs, but that is a very hard nut to crack. they might get some revenge against the other two, who knows.

    We made contact with Haq Islam and we made known to each other, that we mean no harm. They currently hold their base well. If they go on the offensive is probably slim at best. They might take their chances against Yu Jing. We know they support a permanent residence of the JSA on Novvy Cimmeria. There goal is to build a nation.

    And the Hyperpower. If we do not keep up the pressure on the HAS area, they will have their hands free to go on their offensive. And if they can do so, they will once again take the upperhand in this Campaign. If they are smart they do not attack the NA-2. For the NA-2 is putting the pressure on us. The might go kill aliens again, taking the Nomad base in the process. There best bet is either to go against Yu Jing so that they do not assault NA-2. Or even come for Haq Islam who has to stand alone against them.

    So we made some diplomatic moves:

    I have send a message to the Haq-Islam if they want to mediate in some talks. For if NA-2 keeps attacking us, they will support the Pano by proxy. We are the only one daring an assault on the Hyperpower. We might have to abort the attack if our bases are in dire need of defending. Giving Pano free reign to attack whomever and win this campaign.

    It has come to my knowledge that NA-2 have attacked us because they think we are the biggest threat to their existence. And that Pano is to big to dent. We are as of now proving them wrong.

    So my proposal to the NA-2 is that they seize their attacks on our base and attack the PANOC-23 Multibase Camp. Pinning the Hyperpower in a two pronged assault. We as HQ think we both have the numbers to actually succeed in this and make sure that Pano will learn its lesson this time to not meddle in other states affairs.

    We like to convince the Japanese that fighting us will only help the Hyperpower. They will just be used by Pano to have a constant proxy war with us, while Pano can establish a base without much losses for themselves. Cause they can believe me, if they keep on fighting us, we will keep on fighting them. We are the worst neighbor you can imagine. Irmandinhos will be in your harbor blowing up ships. Foxtrots will stalk your forrests. It will never be peace in the region.

    If the Japanese really want to be live in peace on Dawn, they need to throw of the shackles of the Hyperpower. Cause it is only in the interest of Pano that the Japanese and Ariadnans stay fighting to the bitter end. They can then establish a base on Novvy and keep the JSA dependent on them for the coming future. The only thing the JSA would have accomplished by attacking us, is that they have replaced one overlord, for the next. The Emperor for Conglomerate who will keep them in debt indefinitely.

    The best way is to reach freedom is to befriend a neighbor who consists of strong vigilant warriors. We can be a far better ally then enemy. We have a few conditions off course. The missing families of the Druze for one. This needs to be cleared up. Second is that the Japanese need to share Novvy Cimmeria with a permanent Ariadnan base. This will be for their protection as well. We do not want another Merrovingian Incident. Boots need to be on the ground if any would make a move against us or our befriended nations. Defense of Dawn must become a common goal.

    But the most important thing is that they seize their assault on us and focus all their efforts on taken out the Pan Oceanians with us. So that they can become an Independent nation and we will get rid of Pano of Dawn, for good. Even Haq Islam stands to gain by it, not becoming a target by Pano and get rid of Yu Jing to really stabilize the situation on Novvy Cimmeria.

    If they do not want this, then this is our option: Victory or Death. Either celebrate victory with us over Pano, or Die trying to take our bases. The choice is theirs, we will fight vigilantly any which way.

    That is what HQ is going to work on this coming weekend. I wish you all very good luck on the battle to come. As you can see it is coming down to the wire and we have a very short timespan to accomplish this. So defend our bases and wherever possible, take a bite out of Pano. Every battle counts, so show what your are made of!


    As of now my Brothers and Sisters of Dawn have responded very positive. We will defend our selves. But if you are willing to seize fire and come to the negotiation table. We will be here to talk.

    Kind Regards,

    High Commander Cabaray of the Ariadnan Home Guard


    Greetings Commander Yasashii Fuyu.

    I write you once again since we have been approached my the Yu Jing StateEmpire. They have come to conclusion that they share a common enemy with us. Namely NA-2. They want to ally with us to attack you. Now I hope the NA-2 wants to start talks and seize their assault on our base. I rather help Japanese independence then to be forced to collude with the StateEmpire. What say you

    Kind regards,

    High Commander Cabaray of the Ariadnan Home Guard
    From the Ariadnan High Command,



    High Commander Cabaray of the Ariadnan Home Guard
    A shame to see that the rumours of primitive Ariadnan behaviour seem to be true.

    We offered you a chance to safe face and potentially succeed in your operations, but you choose needless violence instead.

    Future generations will condemn you for your actions today.
    To the NA-2 High Command,

    First you mistake Yu Jing Bombardments for Ariadnan Bombardments. Then you attack our base. And call us the agressors.

    We at least had the intention of helping you even after this agression. And now you tell me that surrender is a good deal. We have always been upfront with our allies so I do not know were this untrustfullness comes from, especially from a newly formed nation that could use any friend they can find. Especially the ones next door.

    You think I could sell that proposal to my Commanders. I would be court marshalled if I would utter the word. Already risking my reputation changing hearts and minds to ally with the only nation fully attacking us.

    If standing your ground against an attack makes me a Barbarian, then call me Conan and I will make my enemies flee before me. Your behaviour turns symphathy into remorse.

    And through it all, Pano only has to gain from this.


    High Commander Cabaray of the Ariadnan Home Guard
    Last received message and the end of the peace talks. Had hoped for a more creative answer with actual thought behind it.

    It has come to our attention that the NA-2 rather wants to go into an alliance with the Hyperpower instead of standing with us. They rather have a bad neighbor and a conflict at the borders for years to come. Irmandinhos in their harbors and Foxtrots in their forests. the Hyperpower will probably love to pay for all those expenses of the conflict, keeping JSA in debt indefinitely. JSA has only traded one Master for the next.

    They could have lived in peace and prosperity as a free nation. We could have been a good neighbor, reach an agreement and protect Dawn together against the meddling Hyperpowers. Wise voices among them have not been listened to. I hope the people of the JSA can see that their High Commanders are leading them on a path of destruction. Some were willing to listing, some might still be convinced.

    We will defend our base against the attacker. We will show them that Allying pano was a mistake!


    High Commander Cabaray of the Ariadnan Home Guard
    #1 Cabaray, Jun 30, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2018
  2. Yasashii Fuyu

    Yasashii Fuyu Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    It pains me to see how low a whole nation can sink.

    Not only do you insult yourself by attempting to insult us for something that you yourself considered a diplomatic responce first, but you also have gotten so desperate as to publically display what has been talked about in private under the protection of diplomatic discourse. We frankly didn't expect anything else from you as you have already shown a complete disregard for your current situation and basic manners, but are happy to note that our diplomatic exchange at least showed you how to fill our a proper diplomatic message. (OOC: Copycats :-P)

    We would also like to inform you that bombarding civilian installation and attacking a long term established base on an island you previously had no real interest in does not count as "defending" in civilised regions of the galaxy, and your attempt to act like a victim here has been noticed, if for its comedic value alone.

    Anyhow, as I already mentioned, JSA and its allies don't care for meaningless Ariadna Propaganda. We gave you an opportunity to save face and gain a potential ally for the long term future even though we know of your almost legendary treacherous nature (just ask your former allies about it...), but it seems like your primitive nature and unwillingness to share this planet's riches for a common interest have apparently gotten the better of you.

    History will one day judge you for the mistakes you made this day, but until then, see you on the battlefield.

    PS: I didn't even bother to check if you altered the texts somehow, if you seriously steeped that low...*shakes his head in disgust*
  3. Teslarod

    Teslarod when in doubt, Yeet

    Nov 23, 2017
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    +++ incoming message +++
    Greetings honorable Ariadnans and greetings High Commander @Cabaray ,

    I sincerly hope you can forgive the breach of your level 3 command channels in exchange for what I am about to say.
    We've had to work hard to find this temporary exploit in your security codes to send you this message. I'm sure your operatives have noticed the breach and will make sure no one else enters this way. Sometimes simple measures are the best, this was exceptionally hard to crack, but ultimately a matter of time, please do not blame them.

    While NA2 command has to uphold a united front, some of us are not pleased with parts of our representation. We faced you on the battlefield as has been decided and found you to be worthy opponents.
    While I am certain you understand that orders are orders and we can't abandon the assault until a treaty is in writing, we share your outcry against being mocked in bad taste by parts of NA2 Command. We share a common gripe and perhaps a common goal there, as some of us tried to preemptively keep one particular failure of a Japanese citizen from taking office.

    To be abundantly clear I neither disapprove of the decision to target you, nor am I distancing myself from the NA2 strategic command.
    Further we unfortunately can't really change the current state of affairs anymore. What has been done, has been done and what has been said, has been said.
    So while I am in no position to offer you a new deal, I suggest you reopen negotiations with your currently tricky position in mind. Perhaps directed at a more suited recipient. Most gaijin mercenaries aiding in our cause would do a better job as diplomats. No offense to them and their clans, they haven't been taught to know better and still would be an improvement.

    The mere thought of baselessly accusing a foreign nation's representant of forgery...
    Better men have been called into the gardens for less in my time.

    As for who I am or who we are - really, no one of significance to you. Believe me, I was pleased to never have heard of you before, a fact that tells good things about your character.
    We're sure you'll need at least someone of your comrades to vouch for our good intentions. So I hope Commander @cazboab can back my claim in that regard.

    Kiken Hito
    Gardener of None
    3rd Squadron

    +++ end of incoming message +++
    #3 Teslarod, Jul 1, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2018
    Errhile, Cabaray and Macbain like this.
  4. Cabaray

    Cabaray Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Greetings Gardener Kiken Hito,

    As a High Commander I would also not approve of treason, and as an Ariadnan I can truly understand that orders are orders. And I tend to be realpolitik enough that your breach of channels can be a blessing in disguise. We will close that breach as soon as possible and give you an option for a private line. I would be interested in this more suited recipient.

    I was told by my diplomatic advisers to send a communique as the culture of the opposite side dictates. As a gesture of respect to the Japanese Culture. Did not expect that this would be a reason for mockery. Your message makes it clear that I am talking to the wrong spokesperson after all.

    I had my reservations already, but you have given some weight to my General "gut feeling". This spokesperson not knowing what is the difference between attacking and defending. How can a High Commander not know where the bombardments come from? Our intelligence clearly shows the Zhan Huo Firebase (what's in a name), which is owned by the Yu Jing. Their cannons are aimed at the Kurage base. I pity the Civilians who have to undergo this nightmare, not even getting the proper information to what is happening to their family and loved ones.

    With all the efforts of the NA-2, their allies the Tohaa. support of the Hyperpower and the "favorable odds" in battle, we Ariadnans are still holding the line. There is clearly no need to surrender the Redoubt when we seem to be holding it. So I hope this suited recipient understands this will drive the JSA bankrupt. And we all know from history that the last time the Japanese went bankrupt, they joined Yu Jing. Which Hyperpower is going to pay the bills this time? I think we can all agree that this is not an option that is in the best interest of the JSA.

    If this suited recipient wants to reopen negotiations. they know where to find me. Until then we will fight for Dawn, always have, always will.


    High Commander Cabaray of the Ariadnan Home Guard.
    Errhile and Macbain like this.
  5. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Dammit how did he get in. .

    Login: rgrvnzt420
    Password: beer

    Oh for Fu...
    Deltervees, Barrogh, Hakuna and 7 others like this.
  6. Hakuna

    Hakuna Member

    Feb 14, 2018
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    Дерьмо, tovarisch! I've told you to change our passwords to something more manageable like хрустящая курица or сожженная рыба
  7. Luisjoey

    Luisjoey High Marshall of Wotan

    Mar 3, 2017
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    Ateks keep your spaming as we KEEP THE REAL FIGHTING! @Cabaray @Hakuna @cazboab

    No Human sphere nation shall be treated like cattle, Japanese deserves this forgotten land and they are fighting to their best, keep your illegal weaponry to deal with the combined army, the sole purpose of your existance.

    May your mortal and atek souls have forgiveness from the allmighty, because you will not get any mercy from the Panoceania Zealots!

    TheDiceAbide likes this.
  8. Shiwen

    Shiwen Commissar, Yu Jing Political Work Department

    Dec 31, 2017
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    And there we have it, the leadership of the so-called 'hyperpower' laid bare: "Let the rest of Humanity march and die to save the Sphere, while we and our pets remain behind, to take whatever strikes our whims.."

    Ariadna and Yu Jing have differences, to be sure, but when there is respect differences can be resolved and peace secured. With every word they speak PanOceania, and the unstable elements they hold on leash to lead Japan astray, show them to offer no hope of such peaceful, equitable resolution.
    Thandar and Ten Thousand Arrows like this.
  9. Luisjoey

    Luisjoey High Marshall of Wotan

    Mar 3, 2017
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    There is no strains on Japan.... remember @Shiwen the Tatenokai success, and the free determination of their people, freedom from your totalitarism.
  10. havocfett

    havocfett Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2018
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    Ah, yes, the incredible freedom from totalitarian government with a secret police offered by becoming a different, neo-feudal, totalitarian military government with a secret police.
  11. Luisjoey

    Luisjoey High Marshall of Wotan

    Mar 3, 2017
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    Change Kuang shi indoctination for their own culture Sudoku thing

    Thats nation self determination... everybody needs their own order and remember panoceania its a -cough- Democracy -cough- a solid one based upon the Aleph path.
  12. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    A democracy is "one man one vote" so who's the one man with the one vote in PanO?
  13. Sunabe

    Sunabe Active Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    I have to agree with my fellow commander Kiken Hito and find myself in a similar position. Furthermore
    I advised the high command against the current actions. As PanO is unreliable ally. They were supposed to decommission PanOc 23 after the uprising yet they kept it operational when we found a cache of valuable resources on the island. Also pardon my language but is easier to deal with an ally of similar power level then one who is significantly more powerful.
    To my high command I stay loyal to a free and great Japan and will fulfill my orders to the best of my abilities.

    Commander Sunabe of the 56th Imperial Marine Corps.
    Detached to the high command on Dawn
  14. Vabap

    Vabap Member

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Commander Sunabe,
    With all respects to a newly formed nation that tries to find it’s new home, and from a part of it (JSA) that claims to respect honor, we would expect negotiations to be done not in the flames of war and definitely not demanding surrender! Please kindly enlighten me on something. You used to be part of a superpower and revolted for your freedom, how do you accept to make others have the impression that now you are the puppet of the opposite superpower? Was it intended to be vassals of another lord? In my eyes it seems you have lost face, and by continuing to assault our base having lost one of your own by your former lords makes me and many others to believe this statement. You want us to believe that you are samurais but your actions are closer to a wondering ronin! I wonder what can be the price of the contract you’ve signed in order to abandon your base and instead continue attacking Lafayette...
    Ariadna forces will never surrender, we never let anyone back and as so wherever our flag is waving expect our forces to do what yours have failed! I challenge you to prove me wrong by claiming back the docks. Then you’ll gain back my respect.
    I leave politics to others, after all I’m just a soldier and as one as long as I can hold my rifle the flag of Ariadna will proudly wave over Lafayette!
    For Dawn!
  15. Sunabe

    Sunabe Active Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    I think something went wrong in translation.
    I was against the push at Lafayette. I advocated for hostile action towards the superpower that you claim that I'm a lacky of. Your commander knows this. Because I was trying to get alliance on the go before our high command was voted into power. Unfortunately my efforts were dismissed
    Ten Thousand Arrows and Vabap like this.
  16. Vabap

    Vabap Member

    Jan 29, 2018
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    By “you” I meant the plural use of the word. Thanks for clarifying your personal opinion too, gives some light in the darkness over Kurage!
  17. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Sure buddy, you're just following orders. We'll take it into account at your trial...
    Vabap likes this.
  18. Brother Smoke

    Brother Smoke Bureau Trimurti Representative

    Dec 19, 2017
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    This all seems pretty cut and dry to me

    Ariadna sends olive branches and the Japanese only responds in insults.

    That's why I took a leave of absence from StarCo, because no paycheck is worth my principles. I know some comrades on the Nomad side agree.
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