Seams I stirred up a hornets nest by doubting the effectiveness of Corregidor. Always going to happen when you doubt the effectiveness of something. I now feel compelled to double down lol. Corregidor was my first faction and It even won me in first place for Tagline. I do really like Corregidor...but Now this could have more to do with me just being a bad player, but each time I go to make a Corregidor list the only thing that appeals to me as to why I would run them as opposed to something else (probably Vanilla) is really just McMurrough. Even the loss of the Massacre Haris is not something that I truly miss but it is a great haris. I personally (or would like to think) that I like solid and winning, vs a gimmick.... but I am not convinced Corregidor is going to do much that other factions cant do better. With the exception of McMurrough and Deadpool all of those strengths are also a part of Vanilla. Sure it is going to be mission dependent even the guy defending them says "Not enough incentive compared to Vanilla? Sure, possibly." and considering how Barakiel tends to rate things,I find that pretty damning =p So back to the original point. I thought MO won the last interplanetary thing with a paintrain no less? Do you really think Corregidor is just stronger then MO despite that win?
Who said Corregidor is weak? Jaguar Links, McMurder and Intruders shouldn't have fallen off since last time I checked. They merely suffer a similar fate like MO and NCA as half their troops are lackluster in comparison to those that shine. However when the Corregidor Brigada Link being shite shouldn't have been up for debate to begin with. Starco getting a much better version only makes it more painfully obvious how bad it is. I dread the thought Orcs could end up anywhere near that bad in Varuna. Would be nice if people would stop calling stuff good merely because it beats them. There is no shame in losing against a Mobile Brigada pain train. You can drop a game against pretty much everything. Still would expect much better odds against that list compared to a Bakunin one built around Riot Grrrls. Being apologetic towards suboptimal choices is how this thread came into existence. MO isn't weak, NCA isn't weak, Corregidor isn't weak, they're merely horribly limited in proper choices.
Only if your a power gamer obsessed with only taking the most optimal units all the time. I don't think Corredgidor is limited to just 2 or 3 effective units. All the units in the sectorial are useful and can be quite effective. Yes, except 2 or 3 units, none of them are the optimal units in nomads but theres a big difference between optimal and effective. Especially when your playing objective based missions. The main downside to the Mobile Brigada is the expense of the full link team. The link itself is pretty good but again, its just a basic HI link. Basic HI will always be a sub optimal choice.
*Sees Corregidor list in army* *Sees good choices for core, Jaguars linkable with Senor Massacre in either core or haris, AVA 5 intruders and some pretty decent specialists* Uhh....can someone explain how they are bad outside of Mobile Brigada being slightly restricted to play? Because most of these things catch my eye as pretty good.
So yes, getting shiny new toys is not likely for PanO anytime soon barring whatever possible surprises exist in Varuna. But is there any chance at all they'd trial some mixed fireteams at least for the other factions? It was already a notable omission when NA2 got them but now Tunguska has them as well, a REM link in NCA might just be enough to give Bolts a new purpose. Maybe. Probably not *cries in Bolts*
@Teslarod That was actually a good post, don't get me wrong, but There's no practical difference between hand adjustment and a "formula-derived" exception made for one specific unit. In fact, that's exactly what hand adjustment is, creating a specific exception for general rule. Honestly, the only concern here is to make sure that similar rule interactions are priced equally when they are encountered elsewhere, but then again, definition of "similar" may vary. "CB has stopped releasing shit profiles. So I'll give examples of units with shit profiles except maybe one". Well, to be honest "Low tier" doesn't mean "bad". It usually just means "Outclassed by something else", and while I don't know that much about Nomads, I feel that competition with Vanilla and StarCo is fierce. And then there's Vanilla...
MO isn't weak; it's just ridiculously restricted even when compared to other PanO sectorials. Hospitaller Pain Train is its high point. Corregidor is way ahead of MO, because you can get good power level out of all of its units. Exaggerating, but just a bit; imagine that the only way to play CJF competetively would be to use the MB link. This is how it feels to play MO at times. edit: oh, and when comparing CJF units with its PanO counterparts I've taken another look at Lupe vs. Bipandra... - Same statline - Same points - Doctor (4 pts) = Mimetism + SO + Panzerfaust + Smoke Grenades + upgrading Knife to CCW + upgrading V:Courage to V:Dogged. I'll just leave it here. Actually no, I'll include it as one of my examples in my message to CB.
Well, 1 pt for Mimetism, 1 for SO, 1 for Panzerfaust and 1 for upgrading Courage. Smoke grenades are just free and the same for CCWP.
Wow, I've read the previous 10 pages and nobody went "you have TO CAMO TAGS and SWISS AKWILLAH!!!111!" That is really strange, cause when I posted my butthurt about the way Hakims got designed, a legion of defenders rushed in. Also note the linked Feuerbach for 1 SWC. In Acon we have 0.5 tax for FO being linked, Burst 3 AP+DA or EXP shot with long range is worth taxing in my books.
Mimetism is 2 points on pretty much every profile, and even with her re-costing Bipandra is trash, she's got 21 points of stats/equipment but costs 23.
Not saying that it isn't but there's a massive difference between potentially taking 6 saves or 9 saves. ^^
Meh, if the Bromads are CB's poster boys, CA are their golden child. It's either an interaction with G:Mnemonica giving it a discount we can't see or a rounding issue thanks to either the S3 or the CC8.
As far as I know "pretty much on every profile" means "almost on every profile". People tend to estimate Mimetism as 2 or 3 points (depending on who you ask) with the exception of, you've guessed it, Q-drone.
bring a post from page 5 because I also wondered why Cube Jagers had monoswords Reading altered carbon led me to believe that when you don't have time to precisely get the cube you get the whole head and sort it out later, hence why they would need something extra sharp.
You don't really need monoblades for that, though. But, even if we take that, it still leaves a question why you need E/M weaponry - because that is the crucial other component of Cube Jaegers anti-heavy duties. Mono CCW without it is useless for CJ in game otherwise.