Are they comparable in size to Djanbazans and Naffatuns? I think so, based on the image on the store site. Does anyone have them standing shoulder to shoulder?
I just got mine and see size difference. I'm guessing since Haqq is supposed to be the genetic super soldiers they are beefing them up. I was thinking it was just the RTF models but the new Asawira is also a lot bigger.
To be honest i'm kinda bummed out that i can buy a blister of 2 models which are in no way legal to field at the same time. Wait for RTF i guess? (Not that it would make a huge sense to have 2 of them in a list).
I havent come around trying him yet cause of how well Hassassins work for me, but this Friday, I will take one for a ride. And there am I, who was dissappointed, that they are only AVA 1 in Vanilla. I can definitely see myself taking 2.
Well, that game was over so fast, he didnt even have a chance to get on the table. Next game on moday might bring more insight.
Just ordered mine. Really looking forward to trying one out. Feel it will give my vanilla options a little boost. Plus I really like the look of the bots. Haqqislam doesn't seem to have as many bots as some other factions, but I feel they always look the coolest.
About time for me to figure out what to do with 4 Nasmats now since I've ordered Hakims already and support pack looks neat enough that I might pick it up just because. ...I've just realized that if I'm going to use that Ghulam Doc, my Ghulam links will become all-female almost every match when I'm not using them for HMG...
Just ordered mine. I hope they aren't in the scale of the new Asawira and the Death by snu-snu Janissary Rocketeer. Have proxied one in my last game, but he was mostly useless due to crits and derpy positioning on my part.
Whew, that game yesterday was an absolute blast. Tense until the last order. My Hakim came into play for the last 3 orders of the game, where he landed in the middle of the table, shot a 112 which guarded the console and move with the last order into contact with the console and flipped it from the opponents to mine and so I had the majority and won the game. My initial plan wasnt to keep him out for so long, but since Tarik managed to do his job without going down, there was no need to bring him earlier. All in all, still to little to give a good review about him, but having a Doc outside that can come into the game where you need him and beeing an unhackable specialist is a nice thing to have. Tomorrow he will have his next assignment in the Kurage Crisis and on Sunday its Frontline. Maybe I can tell you more after those games.
That was bad wording from my part, my apologies. I meant that walked in touching the middle line of the table. Did the same today in the Safe Area Kaserne version, because I again didnt need him as Doc the whole game.
And was he just as impressive? I keep forgetting about the unit as I build lists. It doesn’t help that Frostbyte doesn’t really help him much. I can’t wait to use him though.
Nope, this time he didnt manage to hit anything and went down. So Leila had to step in and do his job^^ But despite that, I really like him. Cheap, fitting weaponry and the ability to heal someone on 18 who pushed far into the field or do objectives is what I want. If I could, I would take two some times.
@vorthain was asking for the line up - here’s how they stand... very close to muyibs, naffatun and djans I guess... the nasmat is bigger but a little slimmer.
Short question: Am i missing something or shouldn't the Nasmat A2 have G:Servant somewhere? (Screenshot was taken just now from army)
*Heavy breathing* I'm actually more impressed by the models now that I'm putting them together. They look really like some sci-fi special forces. Well done CB! Here is one Hakim body next to a Govad. They seem pretty well sized.
They work well as relatively capable jump troops with the obligatory mid-2018 SMG discount. I used one to tie up an isolated Saito with the bot, which worked fairly well. Points-wise, there's a fair bit of bloat (regen on a PH11 model) but it's about the same cost as a Ragik if you want a Regular AD Specialist. In this particular role, I'd take the Bashi 9/10 times unless the mission called for something specific, or I was preempting a corner case where a unit with high PH (Tarik or a Khawarij) was down upfield early in the order pool and needed to be doctored. The points cost aside, costing .5 SWC is kind of silly given the doctor role but it might dovetail nicely into a list with 2/2/1.5 SWC in LI. Maybe RTF will change things...for now the Hakim is a soft maybe.