Dawn is under attack and it's time to convene forces on the Lafayette forward Airfield on the Island of Novy Crimmeia. Join the Ariadnan Home Guard Today on Facebook and be ready to repel the invaders on the 25th of June. The former Wotan HQ has taken up command to defend our homeland. For a whole month we have all the different factions coming in to have a visit. Let us make sure they do not stay for to long. #DawnisOurs #Dawnisaurs! Rawr! High Commander Cabaray of the Ariadnan Home Guard.
my chili subsea commander,when you said sam Sherpa Billy abner activness frag ananova committee said rosetta the claddagh wit stuff secret nigra chief JD you catch a zone estonia vania and I heard it says a brazil emigrants ariadne an elite shakira common dude oakland yatza a primo vostok marina doc doc yes lea private up animosity towards ooh rock for road will crack a flood gaku every a vote on ur knees knock acne shot aj stop nikkis no yes i moons by a mystery story. Who needs to think up there own memes when youtube autogenerates them for us, I have titles for my first dozen or so batreps now... #ChiliSubseaCommander
+Yes fellow human commanders let us stop these foreign interlopers.+ +Nationalism is great! And those space men cannot be trusted+ +If only we had some sort of third party who could help us defend against these colonialist invaders+
Keep cool and don’t be afraid, little hairy humans. ALEPH is your friend. ALEPH loves you all. ALEPH brings you Wi-Fi. Our boys are coming, it’s play time for the… #MYRMIDAWN
I guess we got the armory mission again XD. Least we all must be getting good at it now. Two zones off the get go. I bet we'll be seeing some offensive come our way right out the gate Hoping to kick some ass in the name of Dawn again this year. Though my local competition will be much tougher this time around. Look in forward to working with everyone again. ^^
As i stated in the spanish section. Lets kick these japanese Tesseum robbers out! I guess capturing all kurage and defending whole Lafayette is a good goal, but i dont know very well how much punch will we have in the campaign so ill just put my Merovingians and Caledonians on service where needed. My Meros want a full revenge for De Hell
Merovingia will not stand aside as invader come to claim our lands and rob our kids and family of the wealth and land our grandfathers worked so hard to acquire. Dawn is ours ! "Hardi les gars !"
I was going to play my CHA and join you guys but I been on a losing streak, with my CHA and don't want to drag your winning down.
No worries, Mate, no worries! Losses do not cancel out wins. If you get a few victories we are better off! Anyhoo we came to fight and kick asses! Winning is for the weak and meek! For Ariadna! For Dawn! PS Seriously, dude, this is a game! Take it easy and enjoy it!
LOL! I do take it easy my friend! it's, just I three armies to pick from, and one was giving me a hard time to win with and I thought I would hurt the cause.
Right now the HQ consists of the old-guard who led Wotan and Flamia Cazboab (Solid Veteran of Flamia and Wotan) Sergej (Mastermind behind Project Buran) Deltakilo (our secret weapon from down under) And me Cabaray Pride of Rodina will not be joining HQ this year, being to busy with his personal life. That means we have an opening for a new High Commander. So make yourself known and give a good showing in the Campaign. Join the Home Guard today! https://kuragecrisis.warconsole.com/
I have some serious issues with the FB group. Although it seems i have joined, whenever I try to enter the group the FB app crashes!