#Not my Highcommand

Discussion in 'General' started by Teslarod, Jun 23, 2018.


Do you want to make NA2 great again?

Poll closed Jun 26, 2018.
  1. NA2 is a democracy!

    8 vote(s)
  2. Nah, I'm fine with the guys from last year.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Whatever... it's just a game dude

    12 vote(s)
  1. Teslarod

    Teslarod when in doubt, Yeet

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Some of you might remember last year's campaign as a bit of a clusterfuck.
    TL:DR some underhanded shit and a lot of pointing fingers went down - not to kick YJ while they're on the ground, but their Highcommand was not exactly what you'd wish for.
    I say that as someone who didn't suffer from it directly, coming from the other side.

    Alas it seems certain people have migrated to JSA and are trying to put themselves at the head of things at their own discretion.
    Since this seems pretty fun to get into for fluff related reasons, deciding the new leadership for JSA should be a time of intrigue, different agendas and loads of friendly (fake) backstabbing.

    So instead fellow commanders of NA2 how about we do this by vote this time around?
    Since I have absolutely no intention to sell myself to you as leading personell, I'm not going to take part unless someone insists (but seriously, why would you, eh?)

    What I will do is nominate someone I'd be willing to follow, namely @barakiel (hope you're playing JSA mate or I will look really stupid here).

    Feel free to suggest someone you'd be willing to trust or yourself if you dare and lets hold a vote afterwards.
    I've included a poll to see if you guys even want elections or if you don't care anyway, which will be open till Tuesday the 26th.
  2. Yasashii Fuyu

    Yasashii Fuyu Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Just like in the other thread, I'd really love to know where your harsh critique comes from?

    You do know that when Corvus Belli mentioned "Yu Jing High Command" they weren't talking about the actual Yu Jing High Command, but a High Command they made up in their story which had nothing to do with our actual player decisions right?

    If you haven't been part of Yu Jing, or somehow interacted with its High Command, I almost feel insulted by your baseless accusations O.o and if you were, once again, please elaborate what you base your critique on...

    As for voting, that's a lovely idea, and I'm sure it works in factions like Haqqislam or PanO where active players have been around for 2+ years now and everyone knows who they like or don't like, but this is a newly formed alliance here with players from many different factions that recently switched to new factions, nobody knows each other for the most part, and the main goal for now is to get some form of High Command going to coordinate in the beginning before the very active players crystalize themselves out of the masses and form the real High Command that everyone can trust even more in.

    Lack of doing so leads to fatal inability to act and a very bad campaign start, as has been seen in other factions during the last campaigns. And this one is very short indeed with only 4 weeks duration to make things even worse...

    Also, your pool is flawed to begin with, what do you even mean with "Nah, I'm fine with the guys from last year.", you act as if NA2 High Command would consist entirely of JSA players that used to be former Yu Jing High Command Players, which from what I can see for now, is completely wrong.....some of the people that said they'd want to join have even just started and want to get involved...

    Seriously, your actions saw Chaos before the campaign even starts, a shame.
    chromedog likes this.
  3. Teslarod

    Teslarod when in doubt, Yeet

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Oy mate all I needed to hear from that is how you're saying we don't need to vote on this because it's already decided.
    But I never heard of that so I'm just gonna disagree with you there if that is alright with you.

    All you need to know is I was there and I found the leadership you were involved in tasteless and lacking in capability for reasons that reside in hundreds of pages on the old forum for anyone to dig up.

    Now that is my personal opinion and it doesn't actually matter, so I am asking the people what they think we should do.
    Dragonstriker and jimbo slice like this.
  4. Yasashii Fuyu

    Yasashii Fuyu Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Your inability to read is shocking.

    The NA2 High Command is currently building itself based on people who willingly volunteer, with no prejudice or big requirements other than that people intend to be active and play a NA2 faction, The thread to do so is only a few hours old and everyone can still join in if they want to participate, so what you claim is just nonsense really.

    Here is the thread:

    Since you are unwilling to specify the reasons for your accusations, your own role in the whole picture, and have little else to say other than "I didn't like what you personally did" without naming any specific actions, even though I was only one of 10+ members of Yu Jing High Command, I'll simply consider you a Troll out to sow chaos in our ranks for whatever reason.

    Good luck with that, have fun.
  5. Teslarod

    Teslarod when in doubt, Yeet

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I am really not into namecalling... why do you insist I personally call out people (including you) on specific fuckups?
    Votes are supposed to be held by neutral parties, which frankly speaking neither one of us has any claim to call himself. If you're against voting that is your right and you are free to do so.

    Sure, that would help make my point, but it's bad taste and I'm trying to avoid that.
    What you're doing in that thread will ultimately be decided behind closed doors and ultimately has no chance whatsoever to prevent you from taking a seat on the council.
    So it is utterly useless for the goal I am trying to achieve. Which in the very least is to get some life into this campaign and stir stuff up for NA2 in approriate renegade fashion.

    Just cast your vote and stop trying to make me pull up the dirt that is easy to find already. Do your thing in those 5 threads of yours on the matter and don't let it bother you.
  6. Sunabe

    Sunabe Active Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    First off all let me say that I wasn't around last year as I'm new. So I don't know what did or did not happen.

    But as far as I can see high command can only be formed by people who want to be in it. That's exactly what the thread of Yasashii Fuyu is about. So we don't know yet the people we can vote for.

    Voting for people to be in high command is only useful if we get tons of people who want to be in it.

    As we are already behind with forming our high command. My friend who is in the Ariadna's one was talking about it a month ago.

    So let's keep calm and see how our high command will act.

    *On a side note one of the volunteers is a former nomad high commander
  7. Gus-its

    Gus-its Member

    Apr 11, 2018
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    It's not a democracy, it's money-rchi! Ikari spirit
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  8. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    StarCo would like to respectfully withdraw from this whole affair... well, at least on the JSA side. We aint shooting no Nomads, and we aint working alongside those Ikari fuckers. Only thing I have for them is loaded in my gun!
    loricus, nazroth, Xiphias and 2 others like this.
  9. Dragonstriker

    Dragonstriker That wizard came from the moon.

    Dec 3, 2017
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    @Teslarod its not worth engaging with him over his self appointed high command status. He just gets aggressive.
  10. Fyeya

    Fyeya Yakitori over a light flamethrower

    Mar 24, 2018
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    Tesla, I don't know who you play for/what you do - these seems like an attempt to break up NA2 before it even exists.

    I don't know what happened last year - nor do I care.

    If people step forward to help co-ordinate, I'm fine with allowing them to do so - if they then prove incapable, we form a new command as necessary.

    I believe it is appropriate to bring on those willing to play, to engage honorably and with honesty, and to do our best to have a fun and interesting campaign. If the goal is instead to wallow in chaos and half-assed bickering, I'm afraid I won't be humoring that component of internal politics.
    Paradur, Sunabe and toadchild like this.
  11. Teslarod

    Teslarod when in doubt, Yeet

    Nov 23, 2017
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    @Freya I'm a competetive guy and I want to win this fair and square through good decisionmaking on the strategy layer and a well executed gameplan on the table.

    Further I wouldn't want to be caught in the same room or mentioned in the same sentence as any of those guys bold enough to wave with their participation badges from last year as reference.

    If I can help it, I'd like to play JSA without ending up a target for mockery like last year's YJ forces.

    But that is just what I want, which again doesn't matter much.
    Ofc I'm biased and have an agenda.
    I'm banking on the community wanting to do better than to roll with volunteer leftovers if they are given a choice in the matter.
    My hope is that the majority feels they can do better if they pick their leaders themselves. This just happens to align with what I'd prefer over what we're about to get.
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