That would be terrible, and make the modification unplayable. So I hope they have made the same good choice they did last year.
Fixed for you. When you have to modify the basic rules to introduce something new, perhaps that something requires more looking at. Or the rules a N4.
It makes absolutely no difference to the validity or quality of the thing. There, fixed THAT for YOU.
It does when the modification is contrary to the basic rules, yet no patch is provided, and the basic rule "gets turned back" for all other purposes. Lets be clear: that kind of "special cases" means a new set of rules for Infinity is created, Infinity!ITS and Infinity!Net-Campaign. Just so "a new thing" can be introduced... for a time. We are all still waiting (eagerly, if I might say) for the Terrain rules being changed from restrictive "stop, single MOV action, sometimes the first, sometimes the second, terrain skill nullifies this" to "if you have the terrain it is applied, move 1''/2.5cm more". That was tested last year's campaign, but was not used anywhere else...
I understand why you might find that frustrating. But I like and appreciate the modifications, they certainly work.
To be sincere, they only work for the faction that happens to have those precise, exact type of terrain. The elite troops are given Multiterrain directly... and so the bloat is still more evident. It was mentioned that only 2-3 units in the whole game have that terrain... Jotum, CALEDONIAN VOLUNTEERS, and Briscards... Please explain to me how does it improves the game for a 100pts TAG to show up at your doors, or a frigging wave of 6pts Light Shotgun + Chain Rifle irregulars turned regulars thanks to Wallace. Three units in the whole game. One Caledonian, one Merovingian, and a PanOceanian TAG.
It's just for one mission in a campaign that runs for 4 weeks. Even if it turns out to be hugely unbalanced or whatever, it's hardly a big deal. Just a bit of fun.
This. Plus : it's for a campaign, it isn't a real rulechange for tournaments. Furthermore, this is maybe the most useless rule of all terrain rules - save aquatic (I've seen jungle and desert tables, never moutain ones). So , that's fine for me.
Before we freak out completely, do we know for a fact that this applies to Mountain Terrain specifically or is that an assumption?
Guys, wait, what! Are you sure? You’re not kidding? We’re getting a HUGE well produced campaign, with smashing flashy videos and new scenarios, FOR FREE? For a game where the rules are FREE? Let’s... let’s focus on the right things here. Think good thoughts, goosfraba etc.
exclude this special rule from your games, you nitpickers. No one will notice. It is your game after all.
@Skjarr as I thought. CB had missions the previous campaign which said Zero-G until the problem with Multiterrain was pointed out and Multiterrain got included going forward. There's nothing to suggest they won't do the same now, in fact since Mountain Terrain is so few and far between there's something to suggest the bonus will be included for Multiterrain troops. It will be a delicious choice for Tiger Soldiers, but some troops will be bananas :p Maybe people will use Combi Intruders here @Brawler I know what you're trying to say, but free doesn't mean without cost nor that it will be satisfying.
Wait wasn't Multirerrain excluded from getting AD in Wotan ? I remeber being bit sad that you could add AD to Joan....
I seem to recall, don't correct me too hard on the details, that during stage 2 there was a mission that dealt with Zero-G, it caused a lot of fuss and confusion, and then in stage 3 when all missions got replaced there was a new mission where it said Zero-G and Multiterrain.
Hm.. I might only recal part 2 when the problem was found out and ruling that it Zero-G means "only" explicitly Zero-G skill. I agree that limiting new rules only to 3 units seems very narrow/restrictive, on the other hand I would thought that CB really learned from Wotan and fixed this particular phrasing (especially that the new campaign is a short one). @HellLois could we use your assistance here (as it seems you are quite active now in ruling sections :) )
I guess in all missions from the get-go Multiterrain will be allowed to chose a specific terrain type and take advantage of its bonus. That is coming from the Ariadna video with Mountain Terrain bonus and Carlos reaction looks like it benefit Ariadna a lot ("that is, that is, something really! that benefit Ariadna") But they only have a single trooper explictly with Mountain Terrain. The Volunteer has Multiterrain where they must choose between Mountain or Jungle. And a whole lot of trooper has unrestricted Multiterrain (they must chose one between all exisitng terrain type).
A brief aside, it's interesting that Volunteers have multiterrain (mountain or jungle) and Bagh Mari just have aquatic/jungle/desert.