I don't know if this has been answered before but it came up last tournament and I wanted some clarification on this. When playing missions that require you to have more point cost than an enemy to capture something does the inactive symbiont profile count for any points? Since, as you can see, it has no points listed next to it. Which leads to the greater issue of does the inactive symbiont profile of the Gorgos count for the same amount of points as the active Gorgos?
Yes, a Gorgos is still a Gorgos whatever profile it's using, same goes for Dismounted Bikers, Transmuted Doggo Warriors, or cat-form Susan's. The exception is Manned TAG Pilots who are explicitly worth no points as per their rules.
Which is really only necessary because the Pilot and the TAG can both be on the board at once, and the Pilot can still be running around while the TAG is Unconscious.