Minotaurs Out-Of-Character Thread

Discussion in 'RPG' started by stevenart74, May 13, 2018.

  1. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Should the need arise, @Redwulfe character will have "Pilot Stats" similar to other Player Characters and its "Customized Lizard" a Gecko-Styled "Rule Frame" with Advanced Sensor Suite (useful to enhance its Hacker Capabilities), Heavy Machinegun in Right Arm and Big Grenade Launcher installed on the Left (able to shoot "Repeater Sticks" and EVEN "Fire Grenades" so acting ALSO as Flamethrower, as for Lizard tactical options !!). . .

    An Evo-Repeater Drone in the typical Nomads Insectoid Style is the most sensible "Robo Pet" configuration. . .

    Then when the Player will have more time it will be tweaked to the desired effect, with more Customized and Personalized choices and options. . .
    Golem2God likes this.
  2. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    A Cat, Dog and Monkey walk into a bar. The bartender says 'Oh, fuck...'
    DaRedOne, Danger Rose and stevenart74 like this.
  3. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Standard 'Zond' in the rules is a Transductor (so the repeater Drone). I'd recommend it over the Salyut (EVO Repeater drone). It'll do a similar job but you won't need to stat up something new.
    Danger Rose and stevenart74 like this.
  4. DaRedOne

    DaRedOne Morat Warrior Philosopher

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Alright doods! Guess who's in da house!

    I've finished my character concept and am ironing out some stuff with @stevenart74 at the moment, but so far, meet Joakim Ilari, kazak heavy weapons specialist: He's a veteran who got his legs and one arm blown up during the Dawn conflicts and now is basically kazak robocop. I might intro him soon.
  5. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    @DaRedOne So he will be like a Vet Kazak? That sounds grand.
    stevenart74, DaRedOne and inane.imp like this.
  6. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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  7. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @DaRedOne is creating a Character that is a "Modular Tactical Cyborg"; the Veteran Kazak Armour encase a 75% Cybernetic Conversion (all Limbs are Artficial and the Spinal Cord is a Synthethic Advanced Neurosystem) and is the "Lighter Form". . .

    The Idea is to bolt more and more AND MORE Armour Plates, Weapon Hardpoints, Hydraulic Actuators and Myomar Fibermuscles to allow Him to "Jump S-Categories" towards a Superheavy Infantry Suit, then a "Buffed Blackjack" and even more bigger "T.A.G.-Sized" Exoframes, that the Character essentially does NOT merely "Pilot Wear" but rather "Feel as Own Body". . .

    We discussed this Idea to "Bridge the Gap" between Player Characters that are essentially "Human Sized Supersoldiers" and the T.A.G. Pilots that are RELATIVELY "Squishy" outside their Exoframes (a "Tactical Issue" that is further muddied, and blurried, by the fact that @Beodren Character is "JUST a Burly Highlander" in Dogface, but the Caledonian Dogwarrior Form is LARGER than a Superheavy S4-S5 Armour). . .!!

    While COULD have the possibility of "Explosive Jettison" away unnecessary large Armour Modules (much like the Iguana T.A.G. explode the Big Parts to remain a Heavy Infantry Suit) the "Add-Ons" of the Bionic-Controlled Parts is quite lenghty and complicate to do on a Battlefield WITHOUT its dedicated "Truck Team" of Ariadnan Cyber-Mechanics (that could not be FEASIBLY LOGICAL to bring along on a Stealth Recon Mission !!). . .

    The same "Modular Spare Part Truck" could ALSO help the Lizard Exoframe of @Redwulfe , as the VERY namesake of those "Praxis Pimped-Up Surplus Suits" is to be endlessly kitbashed together and "Improved" when newer "Junked Hulk Spares" are found around. . .

    This could synergize quite well with the Tech-Savvy of the Tony of @inane.imp and even Dreanna of @Danger Rose (being an Ex-Shipwright of "Meteorhead Culture") that could employ this Allied N.P.C. team of "Mobile Pit Stop Crew" to Salvage downed Exoframes, Drones and Vehicles of Fallen Enemies (or even "Unlucky Bystanders". . .) to Repair the Tactical Armoured Gear of EVERYONE (and also gift the "Big Organic Boys", the Morat and the Dogwarrior, with "Emergency Stuff" such as Vehicular Weapons stripped down of "Unneded Parts" and able to being toted around with some RELATIVE difficulty, if the need arise !!). . .
    Danger Rose and Golem2God like this.
  8. Yasashii Fuyu

    Yasashii Fuyu Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    By the way, Miyu won't be doing anything more on the shuttle, so from my side landing is ready :-P

    I'm also glad to see that not much has happened this weekend and Monday as I've been completely "out" due to my eyes. I notice

    By the way...since you did list inane.imp and Danger Rose as potential engineers.....Miyu herself is actually quite the skilled engineer as well in terms of her stats/engineering skill. She doesn't have many talents in that area, but if I saw it right neither do the others.....but obviously her background isn't "a skilled engineer", I guess she just picked up a few tricks of the trade and experience since she spent all her life around giant TAGs and other Engineers and whatnot. So if things go extremely south, Miyu should be able to work some engineering magic as well :-P

    I have to say...at this point I'm scared to see what kind of enemies could be waiting for us....I mean we're basically a collection of ultra murder machines and get even more so with every passing second it seems...will we ever be facing "normal Infinity" stuff, or will all our enemies be demi gods or whole army divisions? :-P

    Once everything is settled and all equipment finalized we should try to get a summary going which describes each characters strong points, equipment and preferred battle roles, as I think otherwise it'll be very hard to coordinate ourselves in a mission as most of us do kind of the same thing but in different ways I feel (the thing being murdering stuff of course..)
  9. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    I think it's more personality than anything else. Tony will be at home in the workshop rebuilding TAGs/tinkering. TN13, Foc 2, Facilitiy + Teamwork from his Tinbot / Betty + Natural Engineer re-roll means anything that isn't a really complex task is trivial.
  10. DaRedOne

    DaRedOne Morat Warrior Philosopher

    Nov 23, 2017
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    As a GM, I'd not worry about Combat as much as I'd worry about environment. Being caught with sub-par gear or having to fight in dense environment is as dangerous as another tag for a murder machine :D
  11. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    We're doing this in space right? Because I have extraplanetary covered ;)
    stevenart74 likes this.
  12. Yasashii Fuyu

    Yasashii Fuyu Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    We have Flamethrowers, Giant Blades, and Rocket Launchers....what Terrain? :-P
  13. DaRedOne

    DaRedOne Morat Warrior Philosopher

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Nothing of this will help if we get caught in a Bog :D
  14. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    A bog?!?! Nobody said anything about a bog! I thought we were doing Urban Combat! Where there's a bog, there are mosquitoes, and ticks, and blood-sucking bugs. You can get Malaria, and Chagas, and Lyme!

    *Runs to a corner and crumples a pile of paper to set ablaze*
    DaRedOne, inane.imp and stevenart74 like this.
  15. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Don't worry overmuch about Terrain and be more worried about Enemy's Firepower. . .

    As for "Competent Opposition" goes I think that the Infinity System is GOOD ENOUGh to have an enjoyable challenge with "+/- Nemesis Level" foes equalling more or less than Players Character (such as slighly less versatile and skilled T.A.G. Pilots with Exoframes less customized AND / OR "Supersoldiers" of similar caliber) in ROUGHLY the same numbers. . .

    Or with "Warband Hordes" of Low Level Mooks, that even with Light Rifles and Small Autoguns with subpar A.P. Ammunition could threaten even a Heavy Exoskeleton if they are firing from Rooftops, Windows or "Behind Corners" in a cramped Urban Environment, if they are enough to shoot on the Back and Exposed Joints. . .

    And even more lethal if Powerful / Skilled / Well Equipped "Lieutenants & Sergeants" use a relatively high number of "Low Thugs" not as "Order Cheerleaders" as in the Tabletop Wargame, but rather as "Ablative Human Shields" to soak up the Players firing options and waste anti-encirclement tactics before unleashing THEIR "Special Attacks". . .

    Remember that the Minotaurs "Mission Statement" is to block WITH ANY FORCE NECESSARY the Smuggling of Teseum OUTSIDE approved Ariadnan Channels and deal with "Tactical Issues" that O12 Infringement could have for National Armies / Federal police Forces "Natives" of Planet Dawn. . .

    They will face Pan-Oceanian Lobby's P.M.C. own Mercs. . . .Zanshi / I.S.S. "Military Counselors" bodyguarding Yujing "Minerary Prospectors". . . . ."Space Pirates" that are an unholy amalgam of Yuan-Yuan, Druzes and Kaplans (along with Elite Bounty Hunters acting as "Team Leaders"). . . . .Ariadnan Traitors and Opportunistic Turncoats (such as Irmandhinos Smugglers and Cateran Road Bandits). . . . .and the nice Ariadnan "Almost-Death-Planet" whole ecosystem (Wild Antipodes and their Natural Native Rivals, often profiting from Planet Dawn's improvvise "Flashflood Thunderstorms" and "Weird Blizzards") !!

    Even NOT ALL Nomads and Haqqislamite "Merchantile" personnel present on the Ariadnan Soild will be IMMEDIATLY frieendly and allied. . . . .and there is the issues of "Unwitting Dupe Moles" planted by the Minotaurs Nemesis: "Svengali" a Rogue Artificial Intelligence with LOTS "Hivemind Lhost Bodies" that is ALWAYS three steps beyond the rach of A.L.E.P.H. and the Nomads Black Hand. . .

    Powerful Characters will draw respectively powerful opponents, but for ENTERTAINING PURPOSES and not for a cruel "Gamemaster Deus Ex Machina" that wants to "Trollolol" the Players; the "Antes are Upped" in favour of the PLAYERS' Roleplaying Enjoyement . . . . .But You'll Sweat for It. . .!!
    Golem2God likes this.
  16. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Have to solve some Issues of Personal Healthcare, Family Problems and Work Deadlines, but this Evening SHOULD be able to move the Plot considerably FORWARD. . .!!
    inane.imp and Danger Rose like this.
  17. DaRedOne

    DaRedOne Morat Warrior Philosopher

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Don't sweat it, @stevenart. Life can be tough. Good luck, mate.

    Meanwhile, let's have a little storytime (aka "I'm bored in the train and want to write something"):

    Not sure how many of you are familiar with the Deathwatch role playing games, but it's one of the coolest "overpowered as fuck players" setting that's out there. It's warhammer 40k on steroids, and that's a lot of diddely.

    Since in Deathwatch players are supposed to be veterans of a hundred years of conflict carrying guns that can one shot armored vehicles, it has to split the enemies in three categories: troops, elites and masters.

    Troops are weak cannon fodder, elites are roughly as strong as the players and masters are bugfuck powerful modafockas that can reliably one shot even the tankiest marine.

    But let's talk about the troops. Troops in this game are so weak that a single marine can punch one of them to death. So the game has a system of "horde" combat, where instead of facing a cohesive group of enemies, the players face off against a whole squad (or even a whole platoon!) Of enemy forces! It works like this:

    A horde doesn't have HP, it has a magnitude. Magnitudes are always in multiples of ten, and the players have to damage the magnitude as opposed to damaging the HP. A non explosive attack can only shave off 1 magnitude from a horde, so players have to either lay down a lot of attacks or use explosives or other AoE damage, like flamers.

    A horde can attack all players in range at once, either in melee or at range, and if the horde can use both melee and ranged attacks, it attacks everyone in range twice! It also gets +1damage dice for every 10 points in magnitude, up to +3damage dice.

    It's a simple system, but can get hilarious.

    In the campaign I played we had two guys geared to kill off hordes. One was a ranged devastator that could double the damage he made to a horde's magnitude if he fired an automatic weapon, and the other was a melee assault that always did an extra 10 damage to a horde's magnitude when he charged (we always played the Guile theme when he did it.)

    So hordes were were a breeze of the kill team, until the day the two horde killers were trapped and I got to laugh as the rest of the team got swamped by a bunch of savages using Spears and bows and arrows. For about five or ten turns a group of four ultra-badasses was getting their asses kicked by naked people with makeshift weapons.

    Then the devastator managed to get free, and swooped in to obliterate the horde in a single heavy bolter salvo, breaking their spirit with the roar of his gun. I wish I could say I was that guy, but I was the DM :D

    Moral of the story: Quantity has a Quality of its own.
  18. Redwulfe

    Redwulfe Member

    May 18, 2018
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    Just got back form memorial day weekend and Have been frantically reading the book to learn the rules to the game and start the character creation process. Please feel free to start the next arch without me so that I have a bit more time and can watch the group to see how things go in the game. I will continue to work on the character and learn the rules from that.

    Currently from what I have read I am not sure I am liking the rules set but actual play may be different from what is in my head. :) Still looking forward to joining but it is a lot to go through in too little time.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  19. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Infinity Rules by Modiphius have their own problems, they are NOT PERFECT but neither THE WORST that I have seen. . .

    The Hordes and Magnitude of "Adeptus Astartes R.P.G." from Deathwatch had some merits, but also some glaring issues. . .

    The ONLY perfect systems are the one intimately known by ALL the Players and Gamemasters, and it is a lucky thing that happens VERY RARELY. . .

    But this is the Ruleset that we are served and this is what we will start to employ (with the Caveat of IMMEDIATLY "Neutering" Rules that have a Negative Impact on a Entertaining Roleplay to Enjoy). . .

    Working on the basic premises of the "Next Plot" but issues are accruing at an alarming pace (as usual. . . . .!!!) but will manage something. . .

    @Redwulfe I will keep the Character in "Background Reserve" (as the other "Hiatus Players") present but not overtly active, save to answer SPECIFIC prompts of the other P.C. ; in that manner when EVENTUALLY the Action endures a little too much (as could happen with P.B.P.s) then You can enter when You feel good to go. . . . .!!!
    Redwulfe likes this.
  20. Redwulfe

    Redwulfe Member

    May 18, 2018
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    Sounds good, I will try to get up to speed as quickly as possible in the meantime. Looking forward to the game.
    Golem2God and stevenart74 like this.
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    We are a company founded in 2001 in Cangas (Spain), and devoted to design and manufacture games and figures. Our main product, Infinity the Game, was born with the ambition to satisfy the most demanding audience, offering the best quality.


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    Because we are, first and foremost, players.

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