Odalisques...Thought about them

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by Doa, Dec 20, 2017.

  1. Doa

    Doa Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    I really like the models and i like to buy the box but i don't understand thier role/use

    Could you give me some advices?

  2. barakiel

    barakiel Echo Bravo Master Sergeant

    May 5, 2017
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    Are you playing Vanilla, or Qapu Khalki?
  3. Lazarus0909

    Lazarus0909 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2017
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    barakiel and Cadwallon like this.
  4. Doa

    Doa Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Qapu, sorry forgot to write it
  5. Natsymir

    Natsymir Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2017
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    Odalisques in vanilla

    Depending on how much Shock ammo people use in your meta, Odalisques can work as cheap-o Heavy Infantry. Remember that you can heal them when they're in No Wound Incapacitation mode, making great use of Haqqislam's excellent doctors. An odalisque with spitfire has a good range band and surviveability, and decent BS, making for a cost-effective assault piece.

    Then they have nanopulsers, that are good for cammo hunting with Intuitive Attack, and for putting some pressure on enemies that are close. Always declare shoot with your second short skill, not the first, so the enemy won't know whether he'll be facing a BS weapon or a nanopulser. If he dodges; fire BS weapon. If he shoots back, either try to tank a hit with your No Wound Incapacitation in return for giving him a nanopulser in the face, or go for your Face to Face roll.

    Then they have sixth sense lvl 2 -or- 360 degree line of sight, which synchs well with other good ARO pieces/deployment zone guards that Haqqislam has, and truly makes for the game's most impenetrable deployment zones.

    i-kohl lvl 3 also synchs with this role; not even an Oniwaban is guaranteed a close combat win against an odalisque. Let's pit her against Shinobu Kitsune, possibly the best close combatant in the whole game:

    If Kitsune elects to use lvl 3, the other choice that'd be reasonable in this situation, her CC becomes 19, and the Odalisque's become 12. The Odalisque might definitely win that roll.

    If Kitsune choses Martial arts lvl 4, her two rolls are made at CC 16, wheras the Odalisque hits at 15. The odalisque might win that roll, too.

    If Kitsune instead elects to use Martial Arts 5, her own CC becomes 16, and the Odalisque's becomes 9. Maybe this gives Kitsune the best odds, but still, the outcome is far from certain.

    The best profile is possibly the submachine gun+contender one. Her abilities are the most in synch with each other. Let me elaborate.

    She's a cammo hunter and flank guard, all in one, so go with sixth sense lvl 2, to be immune to surprise attack. Here's what she brings to the table:

    - Good burst at short range in active turn, with shock ammo, to boot.
    - Great short-ranged ARO BS weapon (Contenders have double action ammo).
    - Nanopulser for auto-hit at short range, or cammo targeting with Intuitive attack.
    - No wound incap
    - Immunity to being surprised or snuck up on
    - Good at not being killed in close combat

    In short, this little lady is a great choice if you want to protect an area from oniwabans, cube jägers, hassassin fidays, speculo killers, and similar sneaky enemies, but also various warbands, as she can hit them with Shock or Double action ammo, tank a hit from their ubiqutous chain rifles, and even stand up well to most close combat attacks that might be thrown her way.
    #5 Natsymir, Dec 21, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2017
    Danger Rose, P-Chan, barakiel and 3 others like this.
  6. Barrogh

    Barrogh Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Thanks, that was useful. Their potential usage was giving me headaches for a while, even though I'm not collecting vanilla/QK at the moment.

    On a side note, I'm one of those guys who have them at the top of most wanted resculpts list. Odalisques cannot afford having generation one face.
  7. KedzioR_vo

    KedzioR_vo Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    They're a very interesting case in our Haqqislam forces. They seem very good, with solid stats, suitable for many tasks - fast attacks (with Spitfire), good ARO in close range (all of them, especially with Contender/Nanopulser), securing deployment zone et cetera.
    BUT - even though I used them few times in QK and won some low-points tournaments playing their link, and fight with them in Vanilla, I rarely use them now.

    I agree with Natsymir about them, but it doesn't change the fact, that I cannpt remember when I used one in my Vanilla last time.
    I rarely use Spitfires in my roosters (if I do, it's in the hands of Tarik), and about securing the deployment zone - in a cost of one Odalisque with SMG/Contender I can field a Naffatun with flamethrower and 2 Ghazis... So even though the ladies have their prons and their beauty is indisputable, they usually stay at home.

    PozdRawiam / Greetings
    JoKeR likes this.
  8. Natsymir

    Natsymir Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2017
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    KedzioR_vo: No I agree, I seldom field the odalisques myself. They're sort of generalists in a game where specialists often feels more appealing, we have better spitfire platforms, and Haqqislam is spoiled for great deployment zone guards. For the price of 1 odalisque, you get 4 shotgun daylamis...

    Nevertheless, I wanted to give them a thorough analysis, and know what? I kinda got excited to try them again. Especially against Yu Jing and their fearsome Oniwabans.
  9. Natsymir

    Natsymir Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2017
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    [Erroneous post, but can't find a 'delete' option]
  10. barakiel

    barakiel Echo Bravo Master Sergeant

    May 5, 2017
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    Not a QK player, but a few thoughts on being across the table from them:

    -4-4 MOV with a bit of durability, a broad range of options, and a Haris setup is a nice configuration. What it means is that you can send them after almost any target and have a good chance of threatening it. A TAG doesn't want an SMG or boarding shotgun coming around a corner. Even a Swiss Guard is going to be annoyed by eating shotgun/SMG hits or Nanopulser blasts. And a link team of them, all well painted and working in tandem, looks awesome. They almost look surreal with their non-combatant ability to be great combatants.
  11. Lazarus0909

    Lazarus0909 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2017
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    Yeah I put most of my thoughts on Odalisques above, but a few quick notes:

    - If I'm just taking 1 (Vanilla or QK) it'll usually be the Spitfire. For her cost, that girl does work. A weapon for every occasion, cheap, quick, semi-durable, and simple to use.

    - As noted you do have to avoid shock, yes, although in this regard she's no worse off than any other LI/MI, while still having both 4-4 MOV and ARM 2 (best of both worlds, essentially). Shock will wreck her, but it will wreck just about any other LI/MI anyway, and while Shock is prevalent, it still doesn't change the fact that there are also far more weapons without it that with it.

    -The SMG/Contender loadout is my fav girl overall, but the limited rangebands of both weapons make them inherently better in a link. It's actually my biggest grip with the Haris funnily enough, as once you get your Haris+Spitfire and add in a Hafza specialist, you're out of room to add this little lady, who I would argue is the best profile of the bunch. Throw a couple of these in a core (with a HRL Hafza so you have a long range weapon, another reason to love the Core), get close to the enemy, and watch enemies just evaporate. They are also one of the most cost-effective suppressing fire turrets in the game.

    - I always choose SSL2. It just comes up more, and even in a Core when you would get it anyway, it's important to retain that strength even when the link breaks (which it frequently does). I go into more detail here in the article above.

    -Final addition btw - if you ever play the infinity zombies narrative scenario, they are borderline OP in that ;) . Try it if you ever want a laugh.
    barakiel likes this.
  12. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    For QK it should be noted that you can add a Hafza to the Haris (or two in the Core) which adds a specialist or surprise long range weapon (HRL), adding further flexibility to the link.
  13. Envihon

    Envihon The Sword of Haqqislam, High Commander Envihon

    Nov 23, 2017
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    When it comes to QK, I mostly use my Odalisques as a forward Haris team. The third member depends on why I am taking the Haris. I throw a Hafza in there to make the link cheaper or to provide a specialist. The Haris profile is forced on you for this option so that is automatically in the team and the real reason why I am taking the Haris is for that Spitfire. It really makes for a great offensive active Haris team. The third member is determined by what I need. If the only purpose is to kill, I stick another Odalisque in to give the unit durability with their NWI. If I need to press buttons, a Hafza FO goes along. If I am thinking I might need to clear some stuff out from long range to get that spitfire into range, I take the Hafza HRL. It is also great, because that Holoprojector Lvl 1 means they won't expect a rocket to the face.

    Biggest thing to remember about Odalisques are they are meant as offensive pieces. You are going to be wanting to be spending orders on them killing things, otherwise they aren't doing their job.
    Danger Rose likes this.
  14. Todd

    Todd Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2017
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    They used to be my favorite QK unit in N2, as they played more like a fast HI unit. However, these days Shock is a bit too prevalent, and QK's other link options are looking so much better than they used to (especially this ITS season, where the reduced emphasis on button pushing mitigates the main drawback of slower MI).

    In QK it's always been a competition for Fireteam slots. Ghulam are such a good/cheap Core option, what with their super FO's (great at every range band), real Doctors, and access to Missile Launchers. I also have a hard time taking anything besides Sekban as my Haris choice. The Doctor/HRL or Spitfire/Haris combination is comparable to an Oda Haris with a Spitfire and Hafza FO, but I tend to find the Doctor to be more useful than another FO (which I'm able to fit in so many other places; i.e.- Al Hawa, Core teams, Rafiqs, etc).

    Their profile spread is very much an N2 throwback when you think about it. I'm sure once CB gets around to re-sculpting them, they'll add more options to help justify the new box, much like they've done with many of the HI units (consider how similarly one dimensional Riot Grrls were back in the day).
  15. MikeS1173

    MikeS1173 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Excellent discussion, and timely for me.

    What do people think of the Core fireteam option? Is the a haris usually better, with another unit as Core (for me, Kaplans, since they are all painted.)

    I am at a cross roads with QK (two games worth of experience) and am leaning towards the Odalisques over sekban for my haris team.

    I also own only one model, the spitfire lady. I was thinking of getting two more spitfire Odals, and converting one with a rifle to form the haris. Based on the above discussion, I'd do a SMG on the third. Unless a Core is a great option...If the core is a smart choice, I am probably better off buying the boxed set.
  16. Todd

    Todd Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2017
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    I like some specialists in my core team, especially if they're a unit that wants to be further up the table. With Odalisques, the only option is a Hafza FO (by sacrificing a HRL, if you want to take two of them). In the killy missions this will be fine, but personally I like a bit more variety in what a team can do, even if it's primarily an offensive one.

    It's a shame, because I think I'd play Odalisques a lot more if Hafza also had a Doctor profile that could be attached.

    So yeah, I guess Odalisque are pretty much relegated to Haris use for me.
    MikeS1173 likes this.
  17. Envihon

    Envihon The Sword of Haqqislam, High Commander Envihon

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Yeah, same, the only time I use Odalisques is as a Haris, there are too many other Cores that are better.
  18. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The best option is MA4, but the Odalisque only has a 16% chance of sticking a wound to the Kitsune's 50%. She's probably still toast.
  19. Lazarus0909

    Lazarus0909 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2017
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    I'm in the rare camp of preferring the Core over the Haris, running this setup

    Oda Spitfire
    Oda SMG/Contender
    Oda SMG/Contender
    Hafza HRL
    Hafza FO

    It covers every rangeband nicely, and retains a lot of punch without breaking the bank. The other nice option you can do with this is swap an SMG for the Haris lady, take Sekban Haris, HRL and Doctor in the same combat group, and then switch which link you run as Core/Haris depending on the table setup. This also means that as casualties come in from either link, Hafza can move in to plug the gaps (more so if you also have a Hafza Lt in the group).
  20. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    My whole theme for Qapu Khalqi revolves around a 4 Odalisques + 1 Hafza/Husam Spec Op (Hafza). My only roster is:

    -Oda Spitfire (Obliterette, and by the stars, she had earned her name)
    -Oda Spitfire (Doc Starlight. She used to use a BSG, but she was ineffective and the Spitfire redundancy gives the team a bit more punch)
    -Oda Rifle+LSG (Battle Charmer; the only profile I would change for a SMG/Contender, if I didn't play WYSIWYG with them)
    -Oda SMG/Contender (Apple Pie. Like they said in previous posts, the most versatile profile; and my favorite Rear Guard)
    -Husam Spec Op(Hafza) Eng/Hacker with Viral Sniper Rifle (Agent Valentine. My #2 murder machine)

    Abd when I'm not allowed a Spec Op, I use a Hafza with HRL.

    They are a primarily offensive Core Link Team. More often than not, people waste time trying to deal with them, leaving my specialists free to do what they must. This is a link team that you can't afford to ignore; especially when they reach the mid field.

    Sure, there are more versatile Link Teams, but I just love fielding my Wrecking Belles and setting them lose. And while shock ammo is a problem for them, it's not a problem you can't deal with positioning and a little forsight.
    JoKeR likes this.
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