I see people do it in nearly every battle report I watch. People should know better but people cluster all the time.
Pros: BS 14 HMG with a repeater & ARM 6 Spits out a bs 12 HMG with 2 wounds when it dies that is 8” away from the trouble area. The operator still...
I would love to get the ITS winner model but it looks like I missed out.
I’m looking for two chain rifles so I can convert a Krakot renegade to the profile I am most likely to actually use.
I think I am going to keep the minelayer. Between him and the Krakot that is two area denial options that can start right next to the civilians.
White Noise protection if MSV ARO becomes scary Stay away from my TAGs/ ARO to keep them from acting up if they get possessed Making life hard for...
Should I swap the minelayer for the deployable repeater zero?
Chain of command would be pretty nice.
Planning on making one of the Geckos my data tracker. Being able to fix it is super tempting. Also I am tempted to change the zero KHD into...
So I listened to some of the advice in the thread( I really want to use the Geckos and I am waiting on the Kriza to get released as a stand-alone...
Do you recommend the specialist Bran for this mission or is it too unlikely that I could sync multiple civies?
I get that it takes 3 orders just to get to and sync civie assuming a direct path and no resistance. Naturally anything that has to blow an...
Goodness no. I just noticed they can ignore the terrain issue and being big tough models with 3 wounds hopefully manage to fight their way to the...
As for the rest of the list I was hoping I covered most of my bases while still giving myself a good amount of multi-terrain troops with marker...
So I have a limited insertion tournament coming up and I was thinking the Zero-G on the Geckos would be very handy in a mission where the middle...
Regarding shooting at high arm models without crits seeming futile. I wonder if that argument “proves too much”. Consider the case of ODD or...
Burst 5 sans fatality only gets up to 22% crit chance I only mention it so people can easily compare.
With a fatality 2 burst 4 spitfire the odds getting at least one crit are 34% Math: 90% chance for each dice to get a non crit 4 rolls = .9^4 =...
I want to congratulate you for successfully winning a battle while remaining non-violent.
A viral rocket launcher sounds extra war crimey. So naturally I like it.