So, refraction says what that means? It's inflict 1 damage if enemy was dazled before this tactics effect or just every dazled enemy including characters dazled by this tactic?
This is a new card for me also. By using the word "all" I believe it is emphasizing that not only characters taunted by Prism but also those Enemies taunted by Maximus, Señor Massacre become dazzled as well. They get this state imposed on them and also characters that were already dazzled by Gata for instance then have one damage inflicted. I imagine that even a dazzled state token flipped to blue side would incur the damage. If so then if you could catch poor enemy Dart the round after she used Ambush and before she activates then her blue sided Dazzled would harm her as well.
Follow the card in order - all enemies that have the taunt state assigned get assigned the dazzled state THEN Any enemy that is dazzled takes a damage. The reason that these 2 are separate as @Roadrunner7431 suggests is that other enemies that are suffering the dazzled state take a damage as well. This could mean that the card could dazzle 0 targets but if anyone is dazzled at the time of playing this card they would take a damage I hope that clears it up for you
It is meant to work that way. It's a double synergy: with Allies who Taunt and with Allies who Dazzle.
Assuming the blue side of the dazzled token has the "X" on it (I don't have one handy to reference), this is not correct. Like any other blue side with an "X", if that side is active/showing then the character is considered to not be under that effect. Otherwise, your post is the way it reads to me too. :)
I'm afraid not. Whenever a Effect needs a State "working", the Character must be suffering or under the effects of that State (red side). Then, a blue side with a "x" does not count. When this Effect works on State tokens it is explicitly written that way: "State token".