Confused Minelayer

Tema en '[Archived]: N4 Rules' iniciado por Amusedbymuse, 23 Ene 2023.

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  1. Amusedbymuse

    Amusedbymuse Well-Known Member

    1 Dic 2019
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    During missions with confused deplyment can a model with FD and minelayer stay in DZ but deply whatever they have outside DZ without rolling?
  2. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    3 Mar 2018
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    > The deployment of the Deployable Weapon or piece of Equipment must follow the Deployment general conditions and must always be within the area in which the Minelayer Trooper is allowed to Deploy.

    So if your troop didn't roll for confused deployment, it's not allowed to deploy outside of your DZ. The deployable then also cannot be deployed outside the DZ.
    Jumara, anubis, Amusedbymuse y 3 otros les gusta esto.
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