Hey guys. New player to Haq. But now it's time to take some time off my MO, and go for something different. Have been looking around and found that I REALLY love the Ayyaar. Looks so damn cool. But how to build the rest of the list? So looking for any tips on what to go for. Noone in my meta plays them, so have no idea what a hassassin list usually fields. So any help would be appreciated. Only thing I really want is to field the Ayyaar (and perhaps a Lasiq sniper). Oskar
The Hassassin starter and Muyibs box are a good place to start. You get the Muyibs Core link team, which is a fantastic toolbox link that can do a lot of things. You get an Ayyar with a Shock Marksman Rifle, the best loadout they have available. A Farzan Forward Observer. Also 3 Daylami, which are super cheap Irregular speed bumps. Beyond that, the Ghazi Muttawi'ah box is fantastic. You'll likely pack at least 2 per game. They're Ex Impetuous and Irregular, but for 5 points you get smoke grenades, a chain rifle, an E/Marat (large teardrop direct template EM attack) and a Jammer (no LoS required WIP attack that Isolates an enemy). If you want to run a Lasiq sniper, grab one as well. If you can get a hold of individual models, I'd grab the Fiday from Beyond Red Veil and Leila Sharif. Leila can link with Muyibs, but is also a 20pt specialist with a KHD and Shock Marksman Rifle and D-Charges. Fantastic unit. Instead of the Muyib box, you could also grab the Govad box and Govad HMG. This is a seek and destroy link that can hunt down a lot of different targets thanks to its wide range of powerful long range weapons, and packs Hassassins only MSVs. This option lets you grab the Asawira Spitfire, and link the Muyib LGL from the starter and Leila with the Asawira for a brutal little Haris.
Wow, there are a lots of ways to build hassassins, but i think everyone will tell you about muyibs, muttwi'ahs and fidays. I use all them, but tbh, i prefer finding the troops i like the most and get a way to make them work. Saying this, i love the govads (as ARO team, mostly), i like the sniper lasiq, but also the viral rifle one, wich combines well with ayyar for some zone control... i think u may combine both em with a miner farzan (or two) and some ragik power to wrap enemy troops while doing the avaiable objetives with your specialists (one of em can even be the ayyar itself, or a hacker ragik, who knows). Dont forget about daylamis, they are a good hidden trick. Hassassins are an awesome force, thinking about the different ways you can play them. My only real suggestion is to be creative, so you find a way that fits you!
I think leaving out your modest Ghulam link would be unfair. HB has enough order-intensive units that do their job pretty well, so a link of cheaper order generators that is still a bonused core link with pretty much any weapon you'd want and that can work as troubleshooters enabling more efficient movement of aforementioned rambos is not to be overlooked. Well, we all know what basic infantry link of decent quality is, but I wanted to bring them up since unless you face a metric ton of mimetism/camo on a daily basis, I would recommend them long, long before you look at expensive and pretty specialized Govads. If anything, we have other means to kill units with visual mods in the forms of Normal and EMP DTWs, mines and even CC, what's with being one of the few factions that can deliver most of those things somewhat reliably.
Thanks for the info guys. Now I have a start to go from. Let's see what my local dealer have at home. ;p
Take a look here : https://forum.corvusbelli.com/threads/the-charm-of-the-assassins-v2.1171/ It's a discussion about this amazing sectorial army, recently I've also put my BRs from my last tournament.
If it's just about the Ayyar (and the Lasiq), you could also consider Vanilla Haqq if you want more variety.
I also play MO and Haqqislam of all flavors, so welcome aboard! One thing worth emphasizing is that Haqqislam, in general, doesn't have a lot of power units or potential Rambos. HB's Asawira runs a lot like knights, but most of the faction relies on asymmetric trades. This something the Hassassins excel at. Sacrife a Daylami to slow down or kill more expensive opponents, instead of leveraging your superior firepower to clear out cheaper units.
Welcome to Haqq! Really any choice in HB is a good choice. They have a solid selection of units to choose from.