We currently allow shooting and movement over but not under because of angle issues. Another aspect of the debate is a prone model, they may lose...
I appreciate all the replies. I have a few figures sourced from other games, some match better than others, but more helps. Biomckill, those are...
Speaking of civilians, anyone know of some, stls or miniatures, that are more relaxed? I'm doing some terrain with large windows and visible...
I talked to my tenant who has the special booth for his, he apparently has been venting outside as well through a window but has had to stop doing...
As a landlord, including to one of my Infinity buddies who handles our resin print needs, I have to say yes they do smell, and more than most...
One thing about the roof of a large industrial complex - the roof lines can be erratic with a myriad of levels that need not conform to neat one,...
A tail with missiles would make that lion into an amazing manticore.
I used my replica cutlass to chase out an errant raccoon out of my game room last year. In confined spaces a blade of reasonable length works...
Chromedog, just curious, do apply the no magic rule to include psychics? I seem to remember occasional psychics in CP2020, but whether they were a...
I was looking at using one of Bombshell's cybercrew as a pilot for a different model. They sell by the file...
Here are some helpful videos - smoke is easy to do well with some practice. Even with the tealights I often add a large metal nut to the bottom...
I f you do the grills (and you should, they are versatile and easy to make) consider color coding plumes of smoke for different effects. For...
Some general guidelines for all tables 1) Avoid copying the game map too closely. Keep your project modular rather than fixed so it can be a fresh...
The sets come with two colors of dice with one face on each die having a faction logo from the set. There is no mechanical function and different...
Redfaint, I am afraid I am not sure I am following what you are asking for. When you say "post cards or plastic cards with matching pictures" I...
I keep going in to the office for an hour or two (only person there) and complaining about how slow work is so my wife doesn't realize how much...
For a travel board I picked up 2 24"x48" plastic folding tables for a base. The standard grey plastic metal leg ones, I got them for $35 or so at...
In the past our go to is dumbing down the ITS into a couple of missions that keep the basics. One mission is about button pushing (first time any...
What is it with people thinking selling bars is easy. In the US the liquor license is usually what has the value, and with a license comes...
The doors of an indoor table can significantly change game play by excessively channeling movement. If you go this route I suggest allowing all of...