I wouldn't care. If the person was awful and a douche bag then maybe I wouldn't play with him but if it's just paint of his army then that's fine.
Agree with this. Law enforcement is one of the basic functions of government, representing both a realization of protection of property rights and enforcement of contracts (usually in terms of what is acceptable to be bought and sold). Certain governments have outsourced parts of this (Icelandic Free State, for example, even outsourced the military), but it's still one of the things a functional government must provide. Or else someone else will (eg, organized crime). Some places, asshole steals something from you, you don't bother with the police, you go talk to the local organized crime boss. Sure, you pay your protection money "taxes," but that's what the (lowercase) mob is for. Sadly this does include some parts of the US. Me? Most of the nonviolent drug-related offenses (including stealing shit to buy more drugs) will largely go away with legalization. Netherlands proved this, they legalized damn near everything and made addiction-treatment free. I admit, they did show a spike in drug use numbers as the idiots who didn't do drugs because they were illegal "experimented", but 5 years after legalization crime numbers were back down to pre-legalization numbers and 10 years after legalization the crime rate was 1/10 what is was pre-legalization. The trick is keeping people from panicking during that first 3-5 years. Legalizing it also allows you to tax it. And if I wanted to be a real asshole, I'd push legalizing industrial hemp, because that will utterly destroy THC-marijuana growing. You see, hemp, whether minimal-THC industrial or high-THC marijuana, pollinates via air like corn does. And when an industrial hemp farm is upwind of a THC farm, the THC farm doesn't make THC. It makes industrial hemp.
Well, that makes sense. I got used to more specific meaning that refers to everything not already covered by commonly used terms for specific services with more or less mundane functions. I.e. those parts of the "government" which actually govern as their main function. I didn't bother to read up on Tea Party Movement until now to figure out what is their actual collective stance, so I've made that mistake as a result.
Oh, so you're part of the reason that the sun never set on the British Empire, as God didn't trust the English in the dark! (I've mentioned this before, but my family hails from either the western end of the border with Scotland, or the western end of the border with England, and are those lovely people who gave the English language the word "blackmail")
You've sadly walked into this conversation at the wrong time. We're arguing about the government now.
Ah I see the political threads continued on the new forum haha Generally speaking I find the idea of getting offended at someone painting a miniature in nazi or confederate regalia is a bit petty. Offense is ultimately taken, not given and to take offense over something as small as that is rather weak willed. Now if your opponent is spouting off say nazi propaganda in a serious non-satirical manner, then sure, I could *understand* someone may get offended. Tbh I always thought it ironic when he North called the confederate South traitors, considering how America became America in the first place. Not only did they leave the British Empire and killed the redcoats, but they even invaded us in Canada to try to force us to leave. I also very mixed feelings on the attempt to censor the Confederate flag, and the idea of censoring certain flags based on some bad history is a slippery slope. We are already seeing huge censorship and historical deconstruction of our British past in Canada, and it seems to be spreading. Where's the outcry over the Turkish flag? The turks committed genocide not long ago too against the Armenians and still refuse to admit it. Don't get me started on the Hammer and Sickle... People should always have the freedom to spout whatever dogma they believe in, be it good or bad, without worry of the state persecuting them. Any civilian who thinks its okay to punch said offensive person and actually does so deserves to be charged with assault. As George Orwell stated, "If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” But back on topic, I'm totally cool with armies with regalia of factions, be them nonfictional or fictional, that have a bad history. I personally always play as the Principality of Zeon in gundam based games and roleplaying. This is a faction that is *highly* inspired by Nazi Germany and commits mass atrocities in the setting(though to be fair, Federation did too later). If someone got offended at me for playing this faction or or any faction and designing my minis to fit it, I'd tell them to pick a number, get in line, and kiss my a**. @Barrogh Not sure if you mentioned this earlier in the thread, but your avatar is that of Jarmen Kell from Command and Conquer Generals, a unit in the GLA pseudo-jihadist faction that uses suicide bombers and launches scud missiles into civilian populations. I'm triggered haha :P
It's ok, the Welsh have a long standing history of being an 'acceptable target', in fact it's practically one of our main exports now since Thatcher closed the coal mines...
That happens when the penalty for molesting sheep is a hand, and the penalty for stealing a sheep is a head :p
Yeah, you're probably much less likely to repeat the reprehensible acts associated with a given flag if you tell what the acts were. Sadly, the people who want to censor things seem to be wanting to file the serial numbers off the acts and apply them to different ethnic groups.