Oh yeah! I had totally forgotten that angle! You know what design space just opened up wide with JSA leaving? Blue Wolf!
I’m willing to bet the AVA wouldn’t change for Vanilla. Even if they did split them, you can still take 3 combat jump Tigers. I’m thinking more towards the future and IA or WB. I think the argument for WB being stronger. I don’t think Scot Guard are that bad, at least they are not stuck in seed pods for a turn and have different stat as well!
Scots Guards aren't bad, they're cluttered. There's two different units of Scots Guards with fairly different and confusing rules crammed into the same unit entry.
Right, but then you'd have a total Ava of 6 sub 30pt bs13 mimitism models (assuming the other version was also ava3). I have a feeling there will be a number of brand new units that will make IA more interesting/powerful than what it appears as of right now.
No they would still be AVA 3. This would all be under one troop. Some with Combat Jump some without. In the sectoral they are eventually in it would probably be AVA 5. Also, only the ones Multi-terrain instead of Combat Jump would be the only ones able to do that option.
We're talking past each other. JCJF was talking about making two completely separate tiger soldiers with completely seperate profiles. What you're describing already exists as written. Tigers are currently ava3 with the ability to either have multiterrain or combat jump.
No he's saying: give the one's with Multiterrain Camo as well. So that there's a reason to forego the AD. At the moment there's no reason to take Multiterrain Tigers over AD Tigers. So basically nobody does. Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk
What about a mission like rescue? Difficult terrain and an exclusion zone make AD a lot less appealing. I also believe this is largely due to most communities rarely (if ever) making use of special terrain ruels, which Bostria himself said are as big a part of the game as something like hacking.
You're better off just not taking MI in Rescue / if you need to deal with lots of terrain. The only reason I didn't say 'I've literally never seen it' is because I have in a Recon game of Rescue (played as part of a 3 game tournament): my opponent took a Tiger Spitfire and deployed it normally. It worked: but you can't really extrapolate to general play. Guilangs are overall a better choice in Rescue than Tigers. And a Daofei deployed in B2B with the Difficult Terrain largely doesn't notice the effect. So there's options that already do it better. Basically it comes down to the fact Multiterrain doesn't offset the cost you paid for the AD you've foregone. Making the choice AD or Multiterrain + <additional skill> would change it into a real choice. Camo was suggested as an answer (specific for Yu Jing), whereas I think doing it as a change under ITS and giving all MI AD troops AD/(<Terrain Skill>+Mech Dep + Duo) for a Season could be interesting (also, I'd drop the LT SWC on all AD troops: there's already no reason to take them, so adding SWC just makes it really ridiculous).
@inane.imp sure, multiterrain doesn't make up for the cost of AD, but you don't have to decide to use it during list construction, you decide to use it during deployment. If you're in a tournament that's actually using some terrain rules, and you get assigned a table where the multiterrain will be an advantage, you can then choose to deploy the tiger with it instead of using AD. It doesn't cost anything extra to have that option available, and in some situations it may be a huge boon. Splitting them into seperate profiles like Scots guard would eliminate that benefit. It's an option, not bloat that you're paying extra for. Options are never a bad thing.
I still haven't played on a map where Multiterrain is preferable over AD2, not even on a board that's roughly 30% aquatic terrain (harbour board) and when I know there's maps like the TAGLine maps I'm more likely to not select Tigers at all (or use AD2 anyway because it'll be less expected). Having a choice of a slightly less good skill is interesting, but that skill has to matter a bit more than Multiterrain does. For instance, if that other skill had been Sensor (for the combi/BSG profiles, which is very close in cost to Multiterrain), it'd have been a completely different story
Well, at least at first because the Marksman Rifle didn't exist in the game, it was introduced in Paradiso IIRC, while Guilangs were in the game from the first book. Now, I wouldn't mind having a few marksman rifle profiles. I think the hacker should keep the combi, since that's likely to be close to the enemy, same for the FO. Minelayer wouldn't be bad to have the marksman rifle, though, and the LT and basic trooper could probably pack it as well. Ah, thanks for chasing that down! Yeah, since the idea I had for a Blue Wolf TAG was a light TAG, ARM6 BTS6 S6, more or less a manned Uhlan. But with Holo2, just to screw with people. And kinda call up that 'wolf pack' feeling, because some wolves actually are nothing but a distraction while another member of the pack goes for the kill. Agreed, and the current layout for the unit entry is terrible, with some 1st BN mixed into the 2nd BN units. Complete PITA to sort out which units are camo and which are linkable. Oh, and that's why we can't do Camo Multiterrain Tigers, they wouldn't be linkable.
Yes, but the point behind splitting the Tigers into AD and Multiterrain as separate profiles was so that the Multiterrain Tigers could be linkable.
Ah, right. I missed that you meant separate profiles. I'm not sure, wouldnyt really fix the problem that AD has with certain telable setups nor really contribute all that much. At that point; why not a completely new and separate unit, you know?
That's basically what I was saying. And this is EXACTLY my point. These unit entries are bad, we shouldn't be creating more of them. And the ones that currently exist should be eliminated one by one by splitting them into separate units.