Backside of the Kazak is even more akward with the Ammo Belt going through under the shoulder plate (EDIT and even TROUGH the shoulder!!! ) , as well as the Bullets growing in length on their way through.....
This is something that should be no issue anymore with 3d sculpting, aswell as different sizes of the same weapon on different models. And that is one of my few complaints I have with CB nowadays, but its a big one. These miniatures are not cheap, and thats what makes these kinds of unnecessary mistakes even worse in my eyes. It also makes my argument towards beginners, that these miniatures are mire expensive than others, because they are superior in design and quality weaker. And that cant be good for business in the long long run. With that said, I will almost certainly buy it nonetheless, because it looks good apart from that issue. But I want CB to know, that there are issues that shouldnt be ignored by them. That belt will disapear and the part on the back will be covered with a weapon or a backpack and it should be fine for me.
actually it's even worst. The belt enter on top of the shoulder. And exits below the arm. Maybe the arm has a giant hole in it. 2/10 on the sculpt. Do not repeat these errors
The belt is draped over the shoulder, just not over the pauldron... it's not going through the shoulder or armour at all
Nope, that one i'll give you ;) I'm not sure whether it's the pose, or the colour scheme. But for me the model just feels N2 era
Explanation for growing bullets: the section of the belt must be something like this: Anyway the rest of the ammo belt is just horrible.
The ammo belt is a weakness in an otherwise acceptable, but not mind-blowing sculpt. Next to the TJC box it definitely suffers, but then so do most minis in the range
If they couldn't have a more natural looking ammo belt because it was to fragile for this pose they shouldn't have just enlarged it the way they have. I would much rather not get this model for several months and instead have it re-sculpted with a box magazine. It's bad that the model got so far both sculpted and painted because just that ammo belt takes the model from being a 8/10 to a 2/10. I'd rather CB keep their quality excellent as they often do then have them always adhere to their release schedule.
Poor Vet Kazakh can't get any love. In a universe full of Pupniks and artichoke-stinkbug aliens, the ammo belt doesn't really bother me. Is it stupid? Yes. Is it stupider than a werewolf? Nope. So it's ok! I think it's got that N2 vibe because they were so faithful to the look of the original model. This guy did not get a heavy redesign, which I happen to think is pretty nifty. A lot of stuff in the Infinity range is starting to look a bit same-ish to me, so this is a breath of fresh air. I'd give it a solid 3/5.
After some googling, i think this is what the miniature is trying to convey. Some experimental stuff made by american soldiers fighting in Afganistan. Also some video of the system:
The problem is not the concept but the execution. here is the russian version:
Different size is thanks to 3d. Without, the norm is to model some master weapons (backpacks, etc... *rolleyes*), and use casts of those for the hand sculpted miniatures. Now 3d gives you plenty of range to shot yourself in the foot with the free approach (vs mechanical design style applied by hard ass CADers, so to speak "anything goes" vs "this is 3.52mm and stays that way": it's not the computer, but the attitude towards it). After seeing they resize based in sex as a norm, year after year, some blown off feet are on purpose. Another factor is that by looking at a screen, it seems that a partial blindess appears to what makes sense (lower attention, virtual 3d "fix it later... if I remember" vs tiny physical epoxy/polyclay blob "in your face, and no easy undo") or even what will work in final miniature (as in "add more, make it finer, it looks great so far"), to levels in which cleaning a small mold line may become a nightmare reworking detail. Maybe this one is such a case... all looked fine, until too late (elastic bullets, magic armpits changing belt section, reaching the shops). The Copy Baste becomes absurdly obvious too. Not a P (as in Premium minis, with unique designs and not flagrant errors), when "vibrate my armpit" already settled the tone, extra weird things were to be expected. Or maybe it should be "Copies? Basta!"? More direct: CB, less tears and more coffee in the mugs. Don't make some "almost!" become a trend.
Well, if we can have growing bullets, maybe it's magic that it's doing this? So, when can we expect Kazak spellcasters? Whe needs hackers, when you have magic, right? :D
Why does it has to be belt-feed in the first way? I liked the old hmg versions without them. Almost all units with belt-feed hmgs look someway wrong. From the Iguana back then, over the Azra’il, to the VetKazak now. O.o