Do you want to elaborate on this so I can get a clear grasp of what you're trying to get across here?
I'm sorry, I thought you were in the US. Anyway, it's (loosely) a bunch of people who want a smaller government (greatly simplifying things here). Here's the wiki entry. Anyway, I do need to note that wikipedia has a slight left-of-center bias on political topics, so the wiki article is somewhat dismissive and negative. Then again, I'm not too happy with one of our local idiots, who voted against a bill that would have been good for the state because all the other Tea Partiers were voting against it.
Oh, I am. I'm familiar with that group. I was just unclear as to what point you were trying to make by bringing them up; I didn't follow your logic.
Do you see what I was getting at, then? [not trying to pick a fight, trying to see if I need to provide further clarification]
OK, the Tea Party folks are all about reducing the size of government. There's a sarcastic comment that the TEA stands for Taxed Enough Already. The fact that there are enough people thinking that to get elected to US Congress should indicate that there is a difference between people who run as Republicans and people who run as small-government conservatives.
I disagree that Tea Party types are for smaller government as a rule. Many of them would fit into the category I delineated earlier of people who are perfectly happy seeing citizens do long sentences for nonviolent drug crimes.
While I don't want to downplay the number of shootings, they are not disproportionate to the sort of 'mass attack' you see in other countries, just different and unusually horrifying in form. In other respects, armed civilians in the US have also stopped mass shootings, so that bullet goes both ways. Anyway, the sound of freedom is the free speech we have in the US that most certainly does not exist in too many other nations. My police department won't threaten me with jail over tweets.
Yes. In my eyes law enforcement is a part of government. I have no idea where you live where that's not the case.