That Vet Kazak looks excellent. Definitely built up off of the Mormaer. Just shooting right instead of left.
That 3d-sculpting has its pros and the very first glance I saw a Hakim on the the picture, then the HMG and I thought, whoa a new Ramah Model already? The paintjob doesnt help either, as its very similar to RTF scheme. That beeing said, it will make a nice Djanbazan HMG. Just paint the stripe red instead of orange get rid of the voila.
Yeeeees! I also plan to carve down the shoulderpads a little, but this guy looks a lot more like what I wanted from my Djans than the actual Djans.
Well, they are using the same tech from the same army with almost the same loadouts. I mean, look at any YJ (Or JSA) HI, and the basic framework is all the same, (like the boots, the boots are all the same on every single YJ s2 HI). I actually really like the consistency, it makes the tech look like actual military hardware, rather than some sort of handcrafted nonsense where every single unit is unique and mechanics all want to die.
Equipment consistency has always been one of CB's strengths, for sure, but the joke here is aimed more at the pose, I think... when designing a miniature that is going to be equipped very similarly to an existing one, having the pose ALSO be a mirror of an existing one... I like the sculpt, but it deserves some gentle ribbing at very least ^_^.
Yeah, its more the pose combined with the similar looking equipment. And the fact they came out within what, 2 months? of each other. I really like the Vet Kazak though and will probably pick him up.
I like both (the same?) poses, and it's unlikely I'd ever field one of each at the same time. But also; Komrades before Shaolin Monks...
Only that those pants are supposed to be 'hakama' (skirt-like trousers, in this case strapped under the knee with greaves, as (e.g) samurai would have worn them when in armor). I'm disappointed how the sculpting of hakama has regressed with the new miniatures (if you, as an example, compare them to the old haramaki). Now they actually look like pantaloons.