I'm really hoping the only way to get a regular rifle equipped brawler isn't through the exclusive. Though I have a feeling it will be. Box will be HRL MSR MSV2 SMG Doctor (likely not carrying a rifle) If they do this I do hope they put out some sort of merc starter box to get access to some basic brawlers. But this also leads into a continuing problem of CB making key profiles exclusive access only. I really feel a lot of these special edition models should be alternate pose options for specialists that usually just get a base model option. (The Druze Killer Hacker comes to mind here of a really good example of what these exclusives should be.)
Big twist : kazak sectorial is released and next campain is about how we kick everyone out of our planet Tunguska support us by ruining every (Pan Oc and YJ) company who try to stay More seriously : - Tunguska starter - arogoto box - some kazak release to tease for next month (new scout, new TH autocannon - some vedic release to tease for next month (new asura with reworked profile) - some repack - a brawler SWC box
My hopes -Grenzer/securitate swc (or a suprise Nomad support box) -brawler box -aragato box (which I think will make JSA count as "done" -Trauma doc ultimate edition (with real working karate chop action)
Does the Druze killer hacker have anything that actually makes her a hacker? The model doesn't have goggles, a hacker-hand, or fancy backpack which are the usual trademarks of a hacker. I'm half convinced she's a normal Combi Druze they called a Killer Hacker because they wanted her to use some of the new rules.
The most likely release is the magisters box. I would anticipate something Tunguska to follow up the new release (Grenzers or Securitate) I would like to see arogoto and something totally surprising.
I think you're right to be skeptical. There have been no cads or word-of-mouth indicator that a Brawler box is coming. Every time someone has asked about a box at Q&A session or seminar, CB has steered us back towards the limited edition model that comes with Uprising. I'd think of a Brawler box were on the horizon, we would have heard it mentioned by name. On the broader topic, I think Magisters are likely. I'd love to see an ORC box (complete with Varuna paint scheme) but I don't think that's going to be July. I'd expect that one after GenCon.
Brawlers seem to me to be a catchall merc unit. I am loooking forward to filling them out with conversions of old N2 models that no longer fit a profile. Seems like the perfect opportunity to give a purpose to outdated models, so I wonder if we'll ever see an actual box.
Here is what I am kind of expecting: Pretty much likely to happen: +Magister box +Some kind of JSA release (money is on Aragotos) +Some kind of Tunguska release (money is on Securitate box) Possible but unsure: +Celestrial Guard box +Some sort of repack +Some release that is model updates related to an upcoming sectorial to be spoiled later Everyone's pipe dream: +Any releases of Taquels or Sukiels
I doubt the Securitate box will arrive so quickly. My guess is: -Magisters -Aragotos -Wardriver -a Tunguska release -a Vedic resculpt My dream is a CSU box.
According to Bostria it's planned, but not soon, so I reckon probably end of this year/first half of next year.