Any camoed infiltrating KHD that is willing to sacrifice himself has a pretty reasonable chance of killing a Interventor. Especially since the nomad will probably have repeaters close to mid-table. If you know the interventor is the lt it is usually a worthy risk, knowing that nomads don't have CoC.
that is why i always run 2 interventors with the same loadout first they have to guess and deal with two interventors, 2-3 aros from my hackers, and the high bts interventors have.
I feel like we can't use "but PanO gets it" as a justification of anything these days, not since we got StarCo i.e Nomad Sectoral 2.5 with arguably the best Drop Bear platform in the game. Let them have Kirpal Singh.
Don't forget that cyber mask adds that extra level of protection to an interventor Lt, that killer hacker cant attack bob from accounting sitting behind enemy lines through that repeater.
Us getting the shit the other factions make and making it better is what nomads do. pano got religeous dudes with swords we got hot nuns with swords everyone have or want drugs and hot girls our bakunin guys made super drugs and cat girls you can see where i'm going we get stuff and make it better than everyone else, and lets be honest most armies have the damn skill. In fact our skill should be called "better chain of command" :P
On the one hand, I feel that factional balance and identity should be carefully maintained. On the other, your message of glorious Nomad supremacy is very appealing to me.
You are actually better off forgoing Surprise Shot when targeting a model with a HD+ because of Breakwater , and whether or not that chance of killing the Interventor is reasonable is debatable. I believe someone said in another thread that the numbers were just under a 50% chance of causing a wound with Skullbuster and WIP14. So my opponent gives up an infiltrating specialists for a 50/50 shot at giving me one turn of LoL. This is most likely on the first turn when I have all my command tokens, and this all assumes I am not running Kaleidoscope. It's not a great play imo. 9 times out of 10 times when my Interventor LT dies it's to a shotgun, flamer, or some speculative fired BS, not to hacking.
Could not have said it better. Also our mid-field repeater is most likely a moran. If you are hacking through it, there's probably an additional chance you are eating a crazy koala for your troubles so you likely won't get a second chance. I tell newer players that try this tactic that I think it's a bad idea, and I really do mean that.
The only thing that would give me pause would be the Interventor KHD, because she's frightening (and cheap).
I'll be honest, I just kinda want the Daktari to get an N3 resculpt so I can steal her for my other armies.
Yes. That Lt costs an additional SWC and the CoC has hella anti-synergies. It's fair. Nomads Lt weakness is fine. Whether or not it actually makes sense from a fluff POV is irrelevant. From a gameplay POV it works. The absence of CoC and other Lt options is a reason to go play other factions. This is a good thing. I wouldn't mind seeing it in Tunguska (either as a faction specific profile or as an extremely high SWC option in Vanilla), but I don't think it's necessary (whereas I will be a little disappointed if Sterenko doesn't appear with a Leadership skill). I do, separately, think toning down KHDs is in order. They do tend to make Hacker Lts poor choices. This disproportionately affects Nomad Lt choices but also affects Onyx and HB (if anyone deserves a CoC profile it would be an Umbra). Between that and the introduction of a ~15pt Securitate Lt all my Lt needs are covered in Nomads. And, in addition, occasionally I get to have fun with CoC due SoF or Spec Ops.
Maybe they will because of StarCo. I literally made a custom "Corregidor Clockmaker" days ago so it would figure.
me too it is like every other faction got their n3 support packs beside us if we don't get a new models soon i'll just green stuff a bag to gata and use her as Doktari :P
Google Panoceania support pack and cry out in pain brother. Not every faction got one - almost none got one. Back to CoC topic - Nomads got Taskmaster and Kriza recently, two heavy bodies with interresting loadouts/skillsets. CoC or another similar skill would make fielding these two as LT's much more common than it is now. Personally would love to change LT from godlike Interventor to RedFury Taskmaster and play him agressively but the risk now is just too high. Isolation or plain death awaits anyone who goes commando.
Can I recommend Yu Jing. They get Rambo HI Lts and CoC. Personally I want CB to give me reasons to run MI other than Intruders and Hellcats in Vanilla.
Nomads already have great Rambo HI LT potential, just no backup to make it happen. If it's not meant to be - why introduce such options in the first place? MIs are strong in Vanilla. Sin-Eater, Armand sniper-king, Wildcat LT, maybe soon to be Grenzers. It's not bad.
Those profiles are extremely useful in Hunting Party and Decapitation as is. I agree with inane.imp in that I'd also rather see us get an LT with Strategos, Inspiring Leadership, or Advanced Command. Strategos L1 gives you a lot more flexibility than a Rambo LT. (Yes, I know the other leadership skills are extremely unlikely.) Unrelated Edit: Spektrs are good, but it's not like there aren't PanO equivalents like Croc Men and Specialist Order Sergeants. Not saying there aren't tons of differences between the factions, just saying the Spektr isn't the best example.