I must say, a T2 Heavy Pistol would be damn cool. Probably not worth whatever you'd have to pay for it... But DAMN cool.
Are you referring to the Missile Launcher wielding guy in the background the Uxia artwork? I am pretty sure he was just supposed to be a line kazak. They already have the Tank Hunter for as a MI unit, and I am not convinced the need a linkable one.
A rumor kicked around back in the day that he was a character from the RPG circle that helped spawn the Infinity lore. I dunno if that was ever substantiated, but since that's how we got guys like Yasbir and Konstantinos.
Ah, yeah. I had heard rumor that there would be a Missile Launcher wielding Line Kazak as a Dire Foe, but that was before we got Rosie, so I expect the concept changed.
i kinda want a new FRRM starter and maybe few updated minis for them but who knows if CB will do anything with them this year
There's definitely a new Chasseur in the pipeline, but I think that's mostly just to replace the one in the starter set that's going to be out of production when it's swapped out for the TAK set. Frrm in full is not something to hold your breath on.
the old solo model of the adhesive launcher chasseur is one of my favorite ariadna models, i hope CB just resculpts it to their new standard instead of making a new design
I'd be a fan of a forward deployment model with a synchronized Antipode. A model going for a "man and his dog" type dynamic.
The Survivor & Dogmeat? (S)He is a member of the original colonists, frozen until a cure for his/her illness was developed, and now it was...
Or maybe the child of that one guy in the 45th Highlanders box who can literally skip half the game by accident and comes with the option to get power armour far too early for game balance and always counts as dead at the end of the game unless you paid for the dlc...
Foxtrot Ranger with Sniper Rifle (in a non recycled pose, something cool like the old Djanzaban sitting sniper)