@inane.imp, I wholeheartedly agree. The barfight could have happened on a Mothership (I wrongly assumed your character was already a Minotaur, and not a newbie like Dreanna). The other way we could go is make the barfight our Meeting Event. I mean, my Catgirl can hold her own, @Yasashii Fuyu 's Oni-ko is a good fighter and @oldGregg 's character seems to be a beast. How funny would it be that the last people standing are actually the four new recuits on their way to the Minotaurs Base?
Concur totally with @Danger Rose assessment. . . Circulars aimed for System Dawn are full or notorious unruly bunches; the fact that A LOT OF the Passengers could be Ariadnan Mercs going TO and FRO the Paradiso Frontline could be a sort of "Ticking Timebomb". . . Also, even if Miyu of @Yasashii Fuyu would have gladly kept Her privacy She is STILL a Maya-Star Level Yujing Citizen of Japanese Heritage; could have been harassed by Tatenokai without brain ("Respectable Nihonjin Girls Should Stay At Home, in the Family''s Tokonoma, awaiting for their Husbands" !!); Yujing Triad Bullies or even Pan-Oceanian "Otaku Fans" of "Silver Paladin" (a "Fake M.O. Knight" T.A.G. Pilot EXPRESSIVELY created by a Lobby rival of Her parents Keiretsu / Zaibatsu to vanquish Her, and that ALWAYS failed spectaculalry). . . @oldGregg "Kum Fremen" will be normally a VERY reserved fellow, but if some stupid "Kaffir Drunkard" in the Circular Lounge would have done some vulgar comment about "Bedouin stinking of Desert Sand and Camel Shit" then even the more pious of the Faithfuls of Allah would be SORELY tempted to unleash "Righteous Fists" all around. . .
Seems about right. I could also see the clash of cultures lead a seemingly simple mistake to a disastrous confrontation. Some drunk merc stumbles by and spills my water; an unforgivable sin. And debt that may only be repaid with water. To meet out punishment and take payment for the debt, I spill his life’s water in return. ... Things may get ugly from there. Most of these water-soft infidels would not understand such an offense or the payment required to clear the debt.
@oldGregg. . . Well, without goint to kill anyone, TEARS are still water, salty but water nonetheless. . . You smash enough their ugly faces and pin their arm in a very painful joint-lock and even a burly Caledonian Hooligan, Kazak Vory-Bratya Mobster or U.S.Ariadnan Desperado Biker will start to shed Tears. . . Of course if they have spilled a WHOLE big glass of clear, pristine drinkable water it could be needed A LOT of tears to shed on their part. . .
@inane.imp @loricus (still need Your Character Sheet, even if NOT STRICTLY necessary for the first "Roleplay Only" kind of orientation posts) @oldGregg @Beodren @Danger Rose @Golem2God @Yasashii Fuyu O.K. Starting to post the START of the Game. . . Please leave Me the first 3 to 5 Posts of the I.C. and O.O.C. thread reserved for some useful "Campaign Basics" that will be continuously updated, then You could start the Game by posting the various Actions, Descriptions, Roleplay-Speak of Your Characters. . .
By the way, the I.C. Thread and the O.O.C. thread are in the other Sub-Section of the Forum, where is also @Solodice 's Game where I'm playing. . .
Anyone could feel free to write what their Characters (currently ALL separated) are doing EITHER on the Nomads Satrship or down in New Knossos Island. . .
@stevenart74 Alistair would likely, as it was discussed, be doing final medical tests with his new cubernetic graft. Either via sparring while watched by doctors, or he will run drills with the more disciplined part of the group. If he was informed that later that day he is to accompany Lord Grey as part of his honor guard, I doubt he would be drinking. In case he would be free for a while? He would likely share whiskey and war stories with Khawarij as he could possibly find other Paradiso vets there.
Everyone could post in the In-Game Thread in the P.B.P. Section of the Subforum. . . By the way I'm also thinking about "Gifting" each player with a Drone / Android-Gynoid "Butler-Bodyguard" / Ferocious Trained Animal, that could act as a sort of "G.M. Mobile Plot-Hook" but ALWAYS to help the Player when in dire straits. . . @oldGregg has YET obviously the trusty "Kameel+Shaitain" kitbashed Custom Haqqislamite Arachnoid Drone (armed with a Selector Shotgun and with all manner of Skill-Helpful Equipement in its "Desert Baggages"). . . @inane.imp is not very keen on the idea of "Grafting" a Waldo-Servoarm on the back of its "Field Mechanic T.A.G."; would have rather some sort of "Tiny Helpful Humanoid Tin-Bot". . . . .Why NOT fusing both ideas with a Zondbot with an oversized "Crane Winch Arm" that could detach from its Anchor-Bay in the back and go around to assist the "Pit Boss" in everything. . .?? @loricus I have not thought nothing better than a "Chappie" (Male Android cheap replicas of Karakuri Gynoids) that wear somehow a Stetson Hat and a Cowboy Trench and that has downloaded as O.S. a copy of the "Vizier Butler Geist" that He owns from early age to cope with various social problems. . . @Yasashii Fuyu could have a similar thing, but rather a TRUE Karakuri from Nihonjin Tech, with welded on extra "Samurai Armour Plates" and maybe a scowling "Oniko" She-Demon Noh-Mask; could be not only "Dressing Maiden" and "Bodyguard" but also programmed to continually test the character's "Naginata Halberd" Skills with its own "Yari Spear". . . @Danger Rose could have instead a "Zoanthropic Drone" similar to a Nomads Zondbot, but shaped as a big cat; maybe it is evolved from "Pest Control Devices" thought for defending Ships' Pantries from all manner of "Nasty Space Critters" but it is clearly HEAVILY modified in the typical Bakunin Fashion. . . @Beodren could instead be tasked to "Bond" somehow with a Lone Antipode (in the "Devil Dog K9 Team" fashion) but with a special kind of one; an Antipode Specimen was submitted to horrific experiments (ranging from Invasive Cybernetcis to Gene-Wracking Biotech) and served the "Black Lab" that provide the hellish "Malfeas Module" (into which the Caledonian Commander and its Stavka Dogwarrior Wife risked to do a very, Very, VERY Bad End, along with their twin Wulver Daughters !) for creating horrible Hybrids like the two "Enhanced Cybermutant Dogfaces" that safeguard the Prison Vaults of the Minotaurs. . . Shunned from normal Antipodes as the extensive scarring and "Unnatural Abnormality" and still incapable to become a "Lone Wolf Alpha" this poor, tortured Creature could find the right place by "Bonding" with another One-Of-A-Kind. . . . .The first successful "Cyborg Dogwarrior" with whom will heed immediatly the Radio-Pheromone Commands (issued by the Comlog or with JUST bestial snarls !!). . . @Golem2God could have instead another "Interesting Pet" to spice up a little the "Peaceful Domestic Household" of His family (Pun Intended !!!); I totally invented a "Rival Race" to the Canine Humanoid Antipodes, that was anyway NOT chosen by the Tohaas for the "Planet Dawn Uplifting"; dubbed "Snakewolves" these ferocious scaly predators rely on Savage Speed, Venom Quills and Brutal "Swarm Tactics" to stall the unevitable genocide that the superior intelligence and tool usage of the Antipodes is causing (well before the Human's Arrival !!). . . An isolated specimen could be feed enough to grow to respectable size and act as between a Lupine Predator and a Big Feline Stalker, but is VERY difficult to Tame & Train; Morats instead will have easy work (hailing from a Planet where the Apex Megafauna needs MILITARY T.A.G.s to be hunted !!!) and will easily instruct the beast to follow simple commands and tricks. . .
I think I can come up with something in that regard. Having a Snakewolf might be a good idea as well.
@stevenart74 Zond with an Engineering Waldo fitted and a winch rated for dragging TAGs out of the mud (when appropriately anchored) seems ideal (and by ideal I mean extremely good). Easiest way for me to acquire it would be to find it gathering dust in the back of the Hangar on Knossos and for Tony to 'fix' it.
@stevenart74 a Zondcat similar to Carlota Kowalski's Moriarty would be nice. Add in a mini flamethrower (to get rid of pests, yes, I'll go with that...)
@stevenart74 Don't want to sound like the party pooper here, but I was wondering, coolnes factor aside, why would you want us to have such a thing as well? I am afraid adding yet another complex component like that would make combat situations even harder to manage. I mean we already are a bunch of extremely powerful people running around in murderous killer bodies or giant TAGS, it will be hard to find suitable opponents that aren't all GOD TIER as is I'd reckon, if you now add potential murder robot sidekicks to the mix, things will get even more complicated.... I mean obviously from a "powered up super hero squad" point of view, having a robot sidekick is totally awesome and stuff, but things are already very "filled to the brim" with potential and options to begin with, the more we add right away, the easier it will be to get overwhelmed and fall apart. If everyone agrees to want one though, I'll be sure to come up with something nice :-P Not too fond about the Karakuri idea though, as I already follow a similar storyline with Yuki on my Blog, so something a bit different would be needed.
It is just an option. . . We could go with some Player Characters having the "Robo-Sidekick / Dangerous Pet" and others NOT (and so have a suitably different "Extra Bonus"). . . It is only that more or less "Same Things of Stuff" will make Me easier to well balance things. . . Decide it between Players. . .
@stevenart74 I like the idea, though I would like to run a counter idea too. How about Alistair contracting Odalisque? He comes from a positively rich family, we as a team lack someone with high personality. If I am allowed to have a secondary NPC, butler/bodyguard style I wonder how you would feel about such choice. Also, dropping post in the I.C. thread!
The Idea would be to have a sort of "Faithful Retainer" and "Bodyguard Sidekick" that could ACT as: 1°) Comedy Relief, for either "Witty Banter Exchange" between G.M. and P.C. or as "Solo Laughs" for the Player. . . 2°) Pointing some uncomprehended "Plot Hook" without it being forcefully "Deus Ex Machinaed" by the Gamemaster (those "Sidekicks" will have their Stats and a Botched Roll could be wrongly conveyed infos). . . 3°) Allowing Physical Interface with the Geists (even the Organic Beasts will have "Slaved Com-Log Collars" with Radio-Web Links) and a "Direct Relay" when the Character is physically away. . . 4°) Extra Help when there will be SOMEDAY, SOMEHOW the "Inevitable Surprise Back-Alley Ambush" by a Player Nemesis. . . 5°) Offer new and interesting perspectives for the real meaning of a SUCCESSFULL Character Skill Roll (such as a "Beastly Pet" sniffing an hidden extra clue or a "Drone Pal" zooming with Micro-Optics where small traces are hidden !!). . . Those could be considered as a sort of "Robo Alfred" as the "Helpful Butler" of Batman / Bruce Wayne rather than a "Robin Android" that ALWAYS goes on Adventure Mission with the Darknight. . .!! . . . . . Should someone wants to hire Odalisques there are many pretty helpful "Bellydancers-In-Training" that will be EAGER to be alongside the Players in various Social Events (and even FOR FREE as their "School Principal", Mistress Jasmine, will say is "Precious Field-Teaching Experience"); that some of these Odalisques are rather Unmsaked Hashashins of the Bahram, rather than Bio-Borg Bodyguards will be JUST a side effect of the weird organization and deployement of the Haqqislamite Branch of the Minotaurs. . . . . . . . Also @Beodren , as a Caledonian Noble it is ALSO "Automatic" that is YOUR Character to be "Mission Leader" for Operational Briefing; at the Start of the Game ALSO You will be "Junior Lieutenant Rank" (as much as Military Ranks REALLY matters between the loosest members of the Minotaurs) while the other Players will be roughly "Master Gunnery Sergeant". . . Obviously Respect and Camaraderie will be prevalent amongst the same Culture & Specialization; the "Dune Fremen Supersoldier" of @oldGregg will entice much more "Clout" between the Kum Side of the Biker Gang, while @loricus "T.A.G. Pilot Cowboy" will have much more success with the U.S.Ariadnan Desperado side). . . Also the Rank is not fixed; should some Character will want "To Rise and Climb The Ladder" successful mission will be the key, alongside excellent Ally-Gathering Roleplay; NOT EVEN the "Ultimate Command" of the Minotaurs as "Warmaster General" will be OUT OF REACH, provided the N.P.C. High Command Staff is succesfully swayed towards a very good leader. . . . .!!!