This is just straight up bullshit. and I say that because I feel attacked by this post. Its not even about what you're replying to, or its context. So you're just dredging up old ground again, for what? To feel shitty again when I inevitably disagree with you? The thread was largely going along with some good discussion and was derailed by some negative posting and shitposting. I called that out and you're going to come along and try throw some labels and assign me the blame. Thats the definition of trying to shut people down, throw some blame and guilt around. The only thing staggering is how much hypocrisy you managed to squeeze into so few words.
Please follow that discussion by Private Message or leave the thread, we would prefer this one to NOT be locked. Both of you please, @Kallas And I'd say that any phrase that can be taken as a "wait for the next article/book" will be harshly received, since that was the attitude asked to all of us who were alarmed and/or dissatisfied with all Uprising since the Enough Facebook image (personally, I went into "WTF!!!!" with PsychoCrane's mass graves image). So please: While asking people to "take five" because they are too excited is legit, asking people to wait for further developments onto the Uprising plot is kinda a provocation. And I'm placing it there, so clear for all to see, so we all understand this. Now, I ask everyone to NOT provoke anyone with this, and those of us who would feel furious about such cheap attempt as making others to call the Rightful Fury of the BanHammer (Praised It be!) to either directly call on Moderators or ignore the entire post.
So, I hope not to be inopportune, but it will be helpful if we know who will join the campaign. Thanks for your attention, and please answer as soon as possible.
I want to join the campaign for YJ with my head up high, but I don't know if I can manage it cause I will also be writing my thesis starting in June
Funny how the so-called shitposting is always in response to the same few posters saying “wait and see” and “if you don’t like it, quit the game”. It’s the whole “I’m okay with this, so you should be too” attitude consistently expressed by Uprising boosters that is so galling to the players who are unhappy. This cannot have been unnoticed by you @Alphz, or @A Mão Esquerda, or @psychoticstorm, or @Dude or... Thus the only logical explanation is that you are deliberately provoking a response which you can then complain about. TLDR; don’t be disingenuous, you are deliberately provoking then claiming offence.
No chance in hell. This debacle* has already cost CB $235 in purchases I intended to make. It’s likely that I won’t be buying the Tunguska starter when it is released. I cannot say with any confidence that I will buy anything released this year. *the debacle is the “community engagement” and the doubling down on stupid-evil in the event pack. The handling of Uprising is the issue, not the JSA succession, despite the illogical and poorly phrased background in the book.
Can you honestly doubt that that is exactly what the campaign will end up saying? That is how every piece of fluff involving YJ (with the notable exception of Outrage) has been presented since the beginning of Wotan.
I'm going to ignore your previous post. As for your question? Yes, I can honestly doubt that. There have been continuous arguments about how to interpret what we have and where it might go. Can you not comprehend that people might actually view the recent events differently to you? Or are you just that convinced that we're out here simply to be dicks to you?
To be fair I had seen @Alphz being pretty reasonable in most of his points. I get how some of them could be taken/read the wrong way (and I totally get why they were given how much this whole episode has pissed people off) but at the same time if you can take a step back from that emotion it's also possible to take almost all of them in a more positive way too. So I think he's taking some flak somewhat unecessarily compared to others who have done nothing but shit-stir.
I think we the players can have an impact on how our faction is received in the public by acting like we want to be seen, so maybe leave out those "i'll send you an agent soon, you will make a nice kuang shi" when some PanO commander deus vults a bit too often. Remember that politeness has great value in asia and we should be able to do the propaganda and shady stuff more subtle like it should be when negotiating on an international level. Gesendet von meinem SM-J500FN mit Tapatalk
Am I going to fly the Yu Jing banner in the campaign? Hell yes :-) I just hope that I will be able to get some game in the fact that this campaign may be shorter can f*** with that.
Sadly no I won't. For me the only way to protest recent actions is not to play them. I’m an old comic book guy who found the hard way that they only thing do when the story sucks, is not to buy what sucks. The pick it up again when it’s good.
So, there is no more people interested? I wanna thank everyone who answer my call, afirmative and negative answers. Please, be clear if you want to join.
I'm waiting to see what it even is - I am also torn between my JSA and YJ armies, so uh, no idea mate.
I'll certainly be getting in at least a few games... I was rather more enthusiastic about it before Uprising dropped, to be sure, but current disappointments do not reverse promises made to my local group. It is the kuge who abandon their commitments at the first opportunity, not I.
I'll step up and aid in the campaign, but I'm holding out to see what the details are before I commit myself to it 100%. It could be a lot of fun, but if all our decisions are in vain and all we can do is follow predesigned plot branches then I won't be too impressed.