A AD2 Doc+ should be. They would have to add a lot pointless stuff to make them to expensive for what they bring. Zhayedans (sans MML2 profiles), I am looking at you!
But in what way they are "like tomcats" then? With special rule allowing to threat Unconscious allies as enemy models for the purpose of Impetuous movement.
My guess is that they will have an AD2 loadout, not in the parent profile. CB has to know by now that AD is not a popular skill.
AD not popular? Why? Its such a powerful skill. Better than HD, because you dont have to choose during deployment, where you place him. Edit: But I would like a cheaper ADless option.
But you can roll poorly and have the unit end up exactly where you would never have chosen to place it. (Which happens every single time I make an AD roll).
That's why I walk in from the side 99% of the time. I've never heard that it's unpopular though. I would usually have one in just about every list.
I don't have one in every list. I love the Ragik, but I can always get the job done without the headache, and usually choose to do so. And choosing a side may be better than Hidden Deployment, but is still situational. Especially when we consider a Doctor. Circumstances may require your high value unit's attention where you did not anticipate at time of deployment, thereby weakening your initial choice of table edge. This becomes even more pronounced if you consider multiple AD troops now being required to deploy on the same table edge. Regarding the choice between AD in troop profiles, Raoul Spector was recently released for Starco. and may have been a test. Players seem to be greatly enjoying the unit and CB may have set a new precedent. Again, I like AD, but I can definitely see why it isn't always popular.
I rarely see AD. Seldom 1, never more than 2. There are far more bad AD units than good ones. Most factions are facing choices like Akal vs Naga, or Sukeul vs Gao-Tarsos, and choice rarely falls in favor of that unit who doesn't provide an order or BS modifiers.
I'm kind of disappointed that we need to pray at all. I think it's a missed opportunity to not have profiles public when the pre-orders are available in stores. I would love to make an informed decision about the models I'm interested in buying, rather than "pay and pray".
You do not have have to chose where you deploy during deployment with AD2 aswell as you are not forced to deploy all of them in the same quadrant. Thats AD1. Different metas play widely different I suppose. But AD is the thing I almost always miss, when I am not having it in my list.
Correct me if i'm wrong but anything that has a better AD skill than parachutist does not need to choose a table edge at deployment. Airborne infiltrations is the way to go. Nothing stops you from waiting till next week when we get the profiles. And the models only get released around the 25th. So there is alot of time to still decide after you see the profile and before the hakims are released.
My bad. I was totally thinking AD1. Still, with the tables I play on, there is often minimal cover on/near table edges making entrance risky at best. As I've already said, I enjoy AD, but often pick other power pieces to fit in my list.
Also on AD. Airborne infiltration is amazing in Power Pack. Because the deployment zones are so different you can just walk up from the opponents edge.
Very good point! I totally failed in basic arithmetic and didn't realise the actual release will be long after getting profiles.
Again, that's one of those "situational" examples. If I thought Power Pack was more fun than other missions and played it more frequently, I'm sure I would fit more AD into my lists. Also again, we don't see a lot of AD where I play. Hidden Deploy/surprise shot is much more popular. I am very excited for the Hakim and feel like it will help me justify AD more frequently.
Tables should be (imho have to be) be built in a way, that every skill is useable. DaBoarder has a stickied thread in the Access Guide, that is a very good guideline.
I am currently following that thread and love it. When I build my own tables or set them up, I always try to follow those guidelines with the goal, as you say, of using every skill available. Unfortunately, I can't always choose and end up taking lists that don't rely on things like this.
Yeah, CB should write explicit rules with lots of examples, so that all tables are built as intended. It quite sucks to not be able, to use key models in a list, due to bad table layout.