Remember back when QK was the only faction who could form haris teams? Good times. Lately I hate to deal with B2 Aros on every corner =( Gesendet von meinem SM-J500FN mit Tapatalk
Now that you mention it, besides me and our USARF player, no one uses them. The NCA, ISS, CJC, and Onyx players never, the Caledonian rarely has one.
Not even the Massacre+Jaguars chaos crew? Corrigedor has some pretty decent Haris team options to either go for objectives or be pains in the butt. Bakunin too: the Reverends and Kusanagi (when she's out of space jail at least) can make some nice Haris teams. Haris sounds like Harass for a reason, y'know :P I think it's because most Haris options are MI, and MI are often overlooked by players for a variety of reasons. Focus on a core HI pain train or LI Fire Team seems to be how fireteams go for most people.
NCA doesn't have a Haris team at all. Onyx is pretty limited. But Corregidor and ISS both have some decent Haris options. That Massacre Haris in Corregidor is probably one of the top 3 reasons to play that Sectorial.
Harris feels faction dependant. With Morats I use a Kurgat Hariss every time. Locally its pretty common in the factions that use it well. The Massacare Haris is awesome, tanko Haris is good to. Lots of good merc options. This year I have been playing Tohaa so I have been using them every game :p
To be fair, the CJC player isnt that competitive and he likes his Gecko Duo. The ISS player came to the conclusion, that a full Core and a Haris is to much points in to little space on the board. And he rather plays a devastating Core with support than a <5 member Core and a Haris. I myself love my Harises. A 3 model Core and a Haris give a good bonus for Firefights and allow me to drag a Specialist with a gunner and an utility guy across the board, while the other Link does the same or provides better ARO coverage. Kudos to CB for the Asawira Haris...that Link is so awesome and fun to play, with so many possibilities for composition.
Yes he did twice or thrice against me, but he likes the CG with Cranes or the Wu Ming more it seems. We have a new ISS guy now, he might go that route though. Havent yet played against him.
I really dig the CG core as well, and without a crane you can still easily run the hsien Haris too. I find myself switching off between them pretty frequently (crane/CG focused or Zhanying/Hsien focused), but both are really solid. Having the madtraps in the Haris with a hsien hmg opens up some options for some really brutal maneuvers.
Ran this today. It was a ton of fun. The Kuang Shi controller was just long bombing smoke onto the Hsien as he did work. The Zhanying profiles can be pretty flexible as well.
Heckler and borac look great like the hollowman though think its paintjob could do with some freehand (ive got my gundam transfers for that though)
All of these extremely good. I'm not in love with any of them but the are all good action oriented poses but still fit within their silhouette. This is an ideal starter.
Love the heckler and the securitate. Now give us the profiles! Gesendet von meinem SM-J500FN mit Tapatalk
Given the weird booby/T&A type models CB occasionally churn out , I was worried about the bizzare hyper weeb direction Infinity art design has been going (it's going to take a long time to get over the tech-bee). Those securitate go long to allay those fears. The pink haired girl is amazing. No nonsense ballistic chest armour with a professional looking shirt/tie poking out with some door smasher boots. Absolutely goddamn badass.