@Interruptor @Bostria @Koni Sometimes a band I enjoy puts out a bad album and I don't enjoy it, and then the next one comes out and it's top-quality again. Maybe they were experimenting with a new sound, perhaps they made a bad call, perhaps they just didn't want to get stuck in a rut. Other times it means a band has gone in a direction that I'm no longer interested in following, or the quality has dropped. From my perspective, and the perspective of some others here, Uprising looks like a "bad album." I'm sure there are people who really enjoyed it, however, and that's great for them. The question is if it's part of a new direction (or possibly an old direction that I failed to apprehend), or merely an experiment that may or may not be returned to. In games structured like Infinity, where there are multiple factions that players can play as, with various levels of exclusivity between them and an extensive narrative backdrop, players can identify pretty strongly with various factions, especially when you have sociopolitical or ethnic identifiers along with with them. I've encountered women who participate in the hobby who really dig the riot grrls, for example. Combined Army was the faction I picked up first, and you can't really identify with the races that make it up in the same way, but I would peg it as "my" faction in this game. Other players I know picked up Yu Jing, some of them focusing on the Chinese/Imperial Service side of things, others being drawn to the JSA aesthetic, others enjoying a mix. From the way the setting was described, nobody's nose was clean, every faction was involved in their share of dirty dealings, but they were all at least justifiably self-interested. Combined Army stood out, as perhaps the one out-and-out "villain" faction in the game, at least the EI itself, perhaps with some room for individual members of its component species to be heroic or laudable. So some people have bought into these factions and the characters within them (which is a good thing, I think, getting people engaged), with full awareness that the factions have dark sides - oftentimes played for laughs, as wargamers tend to have morbid senses of humor, in my experience. It can feel like the rug's been pulled out from under you, however, when something that you've bought into changes into something unrecognizable. The way Yu Jing's been portrayed in the Uprising fluff has been unremittingly villainous, and, as per the narrative event fluff, it isn't a matter of in-universe propagandizing by the other factions, but rather a matter of objective truth. The Imperial Service is engaged in ethnic cleansing and mass killing of Japanese, and the only person on the YJ side who's protesting is a nonhuman cyborg (and even he goes along with it after raising complaints). That's not a protagonist faction; that's a villain. I'll set aside the idea of how competent YJ was, or was meant to be (that's a discussion for another thread), and focus on the fact that they're presented as morally bankrupt (with every other faction being morally laudable to oppose them). It's no secret that the creative minds behind Infinity are big fans of anime, so there's a heavy influence of Japanese science fiction on the whole setting. You've got examples of ethnically Japanese characters outside of the Japanese state, even (The detained mother-superior who's either Kusanagi or Kusaragi, forget which). What you don't have, though, is examples of characters who ethnically hail from non-Japanese nations that are part of the Yu Jing collective that aren't represented, in-game, by the genocidal actions of the State-Empire. Those of you who know me, online or off, know I'm generally not particularly concerned with "politically correct" thought or art, but it seems very off-putting to present the entirety of East Asian (sans Japanese) characters in your setting as enthusiastic participants in ethnic cleansing, with the only voice of dissent being a nonhuman AI in a cyborg body (who's promptly ignored). I have friends in the Infinity community who are ethnically Chinese; I'm not going to say that your depiction demeans them (or is racist on any level), as that's a decision for those affected to make. But from someone who appreciates science fiction, who's not a member of the ethnicity in question, it still seems very lazy to peg an entire nation/group of ethnicities as totalitarian and murderously racist. There aren't any counterexamples in the fluff of ethnically Chinese characters who aren't onboard with this, even outside of Yu Jing itself. From my perception, that speaks to a lack of sophistication in the setting; even Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia had their dissenters (who were obviously treated incredibly harshly, but w/e). If I were to introduce Infinity to someone who happened to be Chinese, and were to talk about the setting (It's anime-influenced and cyberpunk, with a bit of space opera in it, plus Hyperion etc etc), and they were like "What's this Yu Jing faction? They look neat!" and had to explain that they're, well, engaged in ethnic cleansing of the Japanese and generally considered villainous, it might be off-putting. It might not be, sure. But I can't imagine telling someone that everyone of their ethnicity in the setting is portrayed as evil would be a selling point; if Americans (a nationality, but you get the idea) were portrayed the same way I'd probably write the whole thing off. So it comes down to a few questions: Is Yu Jing meant to be a morally black faction? If that's the case, was it always intended to be this way or is this a recent change? If it's not, why is the fluff so one-sided in the current round of releases? Is this fluff meant to portray Yu Jing in a morally ambiguous manner and you believe we are misinterpreting it?
TL;DR: "I want to respect your control over your art. However some things are coming as a surprise to me. I want to know if you made the mistake or I. If Yu Jing is supposed to be bad guys: okay. But I want to know your intentions now."
I don't want to get into the argument that much, but isn't this the 3rd or 4th thread on this same exact topic?
Thanks for taking the time to read it. You seemed to have grasped what I was trying to say pretty well.
Maybe wait for this particular story arc to play out before asking what the ending is? I get you're concerned, and the current direction is worrying. But this post is asking for comfort, or some kind of "please justify your creative decisions to me". We're in the middle of an evolving plot. I don't think you'l get the answers to these questions until later on, and maybe even then not to the detail you're requesting.
I'm not asking what the ending is, per se. A response of "Yu Jing is intended to be a villain within the setting" wouldn't be giving away anything. And my comments about how the Chinese themselves are depicted in the setting go beyond that idea. It's asking a question about their style of storytelling, fundamentally. In the end, I'm not asking for justification, I'm asking for a sign that the story has more to it in terms of sophistication than what's been depicted in Uprising and the little bits we got in the Treason narrative pack. If it doesn't... then, in my opinion, Infinity doesn't have a setting and plot worth getting invested in. If the plot thread of "How/why did Yu Jing become so evil?" isn't really explained, then that's a black mark on the integrity of the story.
Idk if its some kind of murpheys law but literally every time some had pulled a "wait and see" response shit got worse. I guess at this point I'm waiting for the discovery of the secret r&d labwith live Japanese being used to test new types of shock and breaker ammunition ala district 9.
One could posit many theories as to why... and interesting how it’s been the lovely behavior and language employed by those (and we’ll be generous here) “critiquing” Uprising and ignoring how ISS’ behavior in the Uprising is barely different from it’s already established MO have gotten those threads locked... fun, that, né?
Its almost like its stereotypical writing: the arc introduces the story, the story goes through a crisis and things look bad, almost hopeless. Then theres some kind of training montage, a victory and we all live happily ever after.
I was more referring to how you personally seem to feel the need to jump on every thread to blindly defend CBS writing and seeming incapable of realising this is more that just people being upset that the iss did mean things. Except for consistent goalpost moving and on multiple issues, ranging from the JSA arnt leaving and no profiles will change, the book is super great and will make everything clear, to the future of yu king article. Its a complete package. Well if that was SOP the kempeitei would have tried to kill literally every yujing commander including sunny boi long before the uprising. Never mind that using kidnapped civilians as live test dummies is significantly worse than giving soldiers, not conscripts mind, lawful if dangerous orders.
Is "goal post moving" the new hot phrase now? Most of your examples have been speculation from fellow people just about as much in the dark about the story as you? We're in the story. It is now. no-one knows what the goal posts are. People have been wrong, but that doesn't make you right.
I guess what I'm saying is don't be surprised when people don't take you seriously when you whip out a wait and see in response to one of these threads since given its past usage for damage control its now a meme.
I didn't have much to say about the Uprising topic generally and was not a little bemused by the very strong reactions of players (it's only a story, isn't it?) So this thread is interesting because I always appreciate a solid, well-written post on any subject whether I agree with it or not, and in this case it's one that also illuminates something I didn't previously understand. Thank you.
The locked threads were locked because people couldn't keep a civil tone towards each other so let's try and keep it civil and discuss on topic instead of the thread or the people.
Now if it gets out of hand it will probably be the fault of people against the OP and they would never risk looking like jerks.
So can we keep this thread civil please? preemptive, but I feel it is warranted given the recent trend.