xD Cuando he visto lo de Andromeda en el enlace, creía que la miniatura base iba a ser Andromeda de SSA.
Estaba entre ese título y "Ninjandrómeda", quizá si lo hubiera puesto al revés se habría entendido mejor xD
[English below] ¡Buenas a tod@s! Hoy os traigo otra conversión basada en Saint Seiya (Caballeros del Zodiaco): Pegasojimbo ¡Espero que os guste! ___________________________________________________________ Greetings everyone! I'll be showing today another Saint Seiya themed conversion: Pegasusjimbo I hope you like it!
[English below] ¡A las buenas a tod@s! Por fin os traigo la última conversión de Posthumanas femeninas para Aleph: Posthumana MK4 femenina con ametralladora Con esto ya tengo todas las posthumanas conversionadas (salvo la MK5 con mk12, dudo que llegue a poner algún dia sobre la mesa ese perfil). ¡Hasta la próxima! _________________________________________________________________ Greetings everyone! I show you, at last, my final conversion of a female Posthuman for Aleph: Female MK4 Posthuman with HMG With that conversion I've finished all my female posthumans (except the MK5 one with the mk12 rifle, I highly doubt I'll ever field that profile). See you next week!
I'll have to do the same thing or similar, i dislike the Posthumadudes and would much prefer more Posthuman girls that fit the originals. My only obstacle is that i'd need to find a way to have the same head on them all, as one thing i like from the original box is that they all had pretty much the same face, it really felt like it was the same person in all 3 bodies, the Riots and other alternatives all have a different one as this was before the 3D era. Not sure what would be better, to get a box just to harvest their heads (feels horribly wasteful), or to replace the heads from both the originals and new ones to some other that fits (maybe Statuesque heads? they have some in the right scale and great variety), which would, well, lose the originals...
Statuesque have some gorgeous female heads, a friend of mine is using some of them for his posthuman conversions. I'd use them instead of harvesting heads from the original ones (unless you're swimming in money, but then you wouldn't even mention it as an issue ) If I had access to the new Riot Grrls I would have used them, as weapons would not look as huge as they do with the old ones, but I had one of the old ones lying arround from a prize I won once in a tournment, so I had to keep consistency with scale. But the most important thing is... Pick minis that you like most, that way you will enjoy more the process of converting them.
¡Buenas a tod@s! La entrada de hoy en el blog es una mini original, que hace tiempo que no modelo nada desde 0. En este caso es una mini que comenzó como una broma entre colegas y acabó siendo una mini completa: Crazy Manel (Parte1) ¡No os perdáis la continuación de esta locura! ____________________________________________________________________________________ Greetings everyone! Today's post in my blog is a mini modelled from scratch, it's been a while! This mini started as a joke between pals, and turned out to be a full fledged model: Crazy Manel (Part1) Don't miss the follow up of this crazyness!
¡Buenas a tod@s! La semana pasada estuve de vacaciones, y por algún motivo el planificador automático de tareas (que debería haber lanzado el artículo para el martes pasado) estaba mal configurado y lo ha lanzado para este martes, fallo mío por no revisarlo. Aquí tenéis la entrada que debería haber salido el mes pasado: Crazy Manel (Parte 2) Estaré más atento la semana que viene para ver que todo salga bien. ________________________________________________________________________________ Greetings everyone! Last week I was on vacation, and for some reason my automated post uploader on my blog (which should have shown last tuesday's post) was not set up right, and it posted it today instead, my bad for not checking up. Here's last week's post: Crazy Manel (Part 2) I'll be watching closely next week's update.
¡Buenos días a tod@s! Hoy os traigo una conversión rápida para el nuevo Garuda con escopeta de abordaje: Aligerando el Garuda ¡Hasta la semana que viene! ___________________________________________________________________________________ Here's a quick conversion for the new Garuda with boarding shotgun: Lightweight Garuda See ya next week!
¡Buenas a tod@s! Hoy nos vamos a las profundidades de Rapture para traer la última conversión que he realizado: Big Punka Daddy La semana que viene (si mi ordenador aguanta hasta entonces) os mostraré mi último trabajo de conversión para Infinity, el cual me ha llevado un tiempo pero ha quedado con muy buen resultado. ¡No os lo perdáis! ______________________________________________________________________________________ Greetings everyone! Today we'll go to the depths of Rapture to bring my latest conversion job: Big Punka Daddy Next week (if my computer holds 'till then) I'll show you my latest Infinity conversion, it took a while but the results are really good. Don't miss it!
¡Buenas a tod@s! La semana que viene comienza la Crisis Kurage, así que nada mejor que tener un personaje que lidere mis tropas durante la campaña. ¡Os presento a Kii-Thera, la asesina especular infiltrada en Svalarheima! Crisis Kurage: Kii-Thera (parte 1) ¡Espero que os guste, e id preparandoos para la campaña! _____________________________________________________________________ Greetings everyone! Kurage Crisis campaign starts next week, so nothing beats having a special character leading my troops during that event. Here's Kii-Thera, the speculo killer infiltrated in Svalarheima! Kurage Crisis: Kii-Thera (part 1) I hope you all like it, get ready for the upcoming campaign!
¡Buenas a tod@s! Ya tenemos a la Crisis Kurage encima, y mi asesina especular está lista para la batalla: Crisis Kurage: Kii-Thera (parte2) ¡Listos para infiltrarnos en todos los ejercitos de la Esfera Humana para destruirlos desde dentro! ___________________________________________ Greetings everyone! Kurage Crisis is uppon us, and my speculo killer is ready for battle: Kurage Crisis: Kii-Thera (part 2) Ready to infiltrate each army of the Human Sphere to crush them from inside!
That speculo is top notch. I must say I wanted to do something similar for my second kanren - and combine female zanshi and a dragon lady. Still sculpting half of the miniature is a feat in itself. Kudos.
Buenas, Esta semana hice una entrada rápida indicando que los próximos días voy a estar bastante más centrado en la campaña de la Crisis Kurage, de ahí que no pusiera enlace a la entrada. Básicamente es un post donde voy a ir recopilando todas mis batallas (narradas de modo cinemático) Crisis Kurage: Campaña global Una vez termine la campaña volvemos a la programación habitual. ___________________________________________________________________ Greetings, This week I uploaded a quick entry on my blog explaining that during the next days I'll be focusing on the Kurage Crisis campaign, that's why I didn't put any post in here. What I uploaded was just a collection of all my reports I'm playing during the campaign (written as cinematic as I could) Kurage Crisis: Worldwide campaign Once the campaign ends, I'll be back to my regular schedule.
Si tanto me echas de menos, puedes ver aqui mi conversión de Especular ya pintada : https://forum.corvusbelli.com/threa...ll-votaciones-concurso-de-conversiones.23959/ Y aqui las imagenes: