Would be, but I bet we will see one in RTF. Everything else would be very much against the background.
No hints, just our hopes and dreams. Honestly, though, a low 20s Doc+ would be preferable to a more expensive Akbar. I really want this to be cheaper than the Tuareg. The Spanish blurb in the Devil's Advocate thread is interesting in its implication that the Hakim is designed to work with the Red Veil starter (and presumably Beyond Red Veil.) Is this really the new support pack? Or is it something else?
All these unanswered questions are driving me mad!!! I would like less expensive as well, but I think it would be very interesting to have AD2 Akbar - with worse BS, Arm, CC, maybe even 4-2 mov. BUT, low 20s points-wise. Is that a pipe dream?
We shall see. I'm not excluding the possibility of Hakim Engineer, but I wouldn't bet any money on it, either. Cost-wise, SMG is the low-end option, while BSG is slightly more expensive (much seems to depend on extra options). I'd expect BS / CC to be Ghulam, maybe Hafza-level. No point for making Hakim ocmbat monsters after all. Move, however... well, they look bulky, kinda like Djanbazan, who are HI... but I'd expect Hakim to be a MOV 4-4 LI. Possibly with Multiterrain ability.
I can see them being engineers or docs. I believe they are just described as “recovery teams.” TAGs need to be recovered too! With Akbar only being +1 point, I would pay for that on any profile.
I guess everyone would do that, but CB knows that this would be to good on many profiles. Thats why we dont have 17 point Ghulam Akbars, because far to ggod for the cost. And that could be the reason why we might not get a low twentish AD2 Akbar. If they bloat them to around 30 it would seem alot more likely.
I think at least the engineer idea is more or less disproven by the background text from the corvus belli store. https://store.corvusbelli.com/products/haqqislam/280495-0711-hakims-special-medical-assistance-group
Jup, cant have it all...would have been nice for glued guys and the like, but I feel no big loss. I just hope they release the rules next week and not when the street date is due.
Well ... I absolutely love that background text. Makes me feel like they might actually be Akbar though. Which I also like.
The protection stuff makes me almost think neurokinetics :P (No, I don't think they will or wishlist for that)
Odd, the store page shows 3 bots in one picture, then 2 in the other. Where is the third bot from, and where did it go?
For the hand that can mend could just as easily rend. That’s a nice turn of phrase, +1 to whoever at CB translated that. Okay that means to add on to the hype, Hakims better have Fatality L2 now.