Deflector is a straight penalty, FTF isn't required. Although it's possible I misinterpreted what I you were saying.
If we talk Brigadas they would be sweet with a skill like Veteran L1. With no negative MODs of any kind and no tricks up their sleeve Veteran L1 would make them interresting for reasons other than just brute force. A lot of points invested in less and yet solid orders that you can count on when shit goes down.
Yes, I'm aware the WP penalty is applied regardless of it being FtF or not. it's just that having to roll, at best, with a target of 9 for humans (I think the CA has one or two hackers with WP 16-17? Charontid and Anathematic) AND face an opposing roll AND then, if successful, the BPS roll of the brigadas... I would go for a straight bullet, thank you, since at least that would force a -6 to their roll (and possible a -3 to mine), or -9 if it was a TO instead of a camo. A little too sweet, they already have courage, however, so they would improve with SS2 and being immunne to Isolation... I wouldn't mind if a "basic" MULTI+flamethrower profile were added as Veteran N1, with Lt option, to represent the elite Brigadas, but giving it to all of them would break the point costs, I'm afraid.
Honestly, just give them Fatality L1. it would suit them much better, given that their fluff is supposedly about staying power, while being able to dish out heavy hitting pain. Corregidor don't really have the Rambo Lt's to really take advantage of the Veteran L1. Also a Harris option would go a very long way. I'd field them much more if I had the option of supporting a trio og MB's, with a core of Alguacils in the back.
And not suffer the "opportunity cost" of using the Core slot with the Brigadas... Being able to make a Brigada Haris with a Wildcats Core (or Alguaciles Core) would be good.
I would really like a Haris option as well. I don't know what else you give them that fits with CJC's theme and wouldn't make them too good. Dogged is The only thing that comes to mind, but I'm not sure how that would play out on the table. It fits the fluff though. Honestly, I'd be happy with them being plain HI, even though that doesn't really fit with CJC fluff, if they got a 2-3 point cost reduction and a couple loadout changes (MR/LFT for the Tinbot and an Assault Pistol for the Missile Launcher). The Combi load out could just disappear. There's no model for it anyway. I also think the SWC cost for Tinbots should go away, but I think that for every Infinity unit. Edit: from the Vanilla point of view a Duo option would be nice to go with the above changes. Being able to take a Hacker & Tinbot, provided at least one of them had something better than a combi, would be attractive in some missions. Right now I can't imagine ever taking them in Vanilla.