So, 2018 is comming with an anounced JSA resculpt. The question is simple and you can submit up to 2 options. I've coosen a question that doesn't take products into acount to make it cleaner. So, as an example, if you choose the Keisotsu you are wishing for all the products thet include one or more of them, such as a starter and a SW box. If you want me to add another option, just make the request and @tag me on this topic After voting, use the coments to explain your reasons Let the poll Begins!! PD. For grammar errors/corrections, please contact me via PM
I think Haramaki and Keisotsu will get the treatment first, well and probably Neko too but thems my picks.
Keisotsu (except the ML) are some of the oldest sculpts of the entire Infinity chatalog. And of course the Starter will probably be the first product resculpted. then the SW box (containing HMG, GL, Multi Sniper and Hacker) becomes imperative, we've been waiting too long for some of them. But they are not my top desired resculpts. I think O-yoroi is the only JSA miny I sincerely hate since it was released. The only mini I completly refuse to buy. So weird in proportions, so thin and scrawny, with such an awkward posig, with an oversized spitf...HMG... It has almost no resemblance to the concept or the illustration, that are more bulky and heavy. And that's also one of the reasons I loved so much the new Guijia when it came out And Haramaki had also a design that shocked me for bad when they came out. A heavy infantry that seemed like a Medium, with a geometric and weird helmet so out of Yujing/Japanese Style... But in this case I've grown to accept them til the new domaru came out. Now they seem more out of scale inside a samurai linkteam.
I think Keisotsus are the most important troop to be resculped, because their scale. The same for the Kempeitais. Of course is neeed for the Aragotos but I think the others goes first because they are more useful
Umm, why is the most important choice not on this list? Clearly we need more Musashi resculpts before anything else in JSA :P
I'm not surprised to see the Keisotsu and Haramaki at the top of the list. I really like the new Haramaki but it seems many of the complaints are about the size rather than the sculpts themselves. I would really love for the Keisotsu to get a resculpt so we could get a Support Weapons box for them. I'd rather just have a box with the HMG, Missile Launcher, Sniper, and LGL options on top of the starter than need to buy a blister of two for the LGL and single blisters for the HMG and Missile Launcher (not to mention how derpy the HMG Keisotsu's face is).
Raiden is missing on the list. I don't believe the current Raiden is digital (and stellar so probably won't get votes).
I don't know... Because musashi is a Merc? or Because it has 5 esculpts? Or Maybe that's why it shoud have another reesculpt? ? If my memory doesn't play me tricks, Raidens and O-yoroi are 3D sculpts. both one of the first 3D sculpts (or I could be wrong). I remember @Bostria telling a story about the benefits of the 3D sculpt and how the sculptor was playing with the 3D tools, resulting in the O-Yoroi proportions... something seems to be of the liking of the bosses, and due to be something new, different and fresh passed to production. But well, I could be mixing dark stories of the insides of the company
Keisotsu obviously. The current ones are dated and haven't aged well. Haramaki would be good for the link.
To be honest I still like/love most of the current sculpts. Sure the keisotsu might be a bit small and the haramaki look tiny compared to the new domaru but I still think they are ok. Not that I will complain over new lovely sculpts but I'd rather that they fill in the minis that are still "missing" like the hacker keisotsu, sniper raiden etc.
Haramaki and Keisotsu (with bonus Kempei). It shames me to even THINK of using them along the new Domaru.
Raiden's are digital sculpts (you can tell from the square pins that they have), so they aren't going to get a resculpt any time in the foreseeable. And the O-Yoroi was the first digitally sculpted minis, so @Mc_Clane did remember that correctly. While I didn't vote for the Aragoto I would like some dismounted versions of them when they do a rescuplt. My main vote is for the @tox thinks, it is really hard to use the with the new Domaru (and why I proxie Neko presently too :tongueclosed: )
I went for Keisotsu and Karakuri, but it was hard to pick between the Karakuri and the Haramaki. Both could do with an update but I'm happier with the Haramaki sculpt as it is, its just a bit small. I'd love a new O-Yoroi too, I'm not a fan of it, but it's already digital so probably wont happen for a while. Most importantly I just want a new JSA starter.
I see keisotsu are the main option. Such an obvious choice due to their oldschool sculpt and thir innerent needs (lack of some profiles since the beggining of times) I'm sincerely surprised to see the lack of urgency of Ninja and Oniwaban reesculpts.
Most of the minis that have certain human features hidden (under helmets, clothing that isn't tight etc.) work fine even if they are old, for the most part. Stuff like open faces however gives away their age mercilessly.
Haramaki. Just because they're the same size as the Keisotsu, which makes them look utterly bizarre next to the Domaru in a link team. But I'd seriously be OK with CB laser-scanning the existing models and scaling them up to match the height of the Domaru. Plan B would be to sculpt some hakama onto the Domaru models. Except for weapon size, I think the Keisotsu have aged pretty well. They were in the second generation of infantry sculpts (the first generation are almost all gone), so they're a bit small, but their proportions are good. Obviously, if the JSA starter gets a resculpt, then we'd almost certainly see Keisotsu (and Kempeitai) and probably a Domaru. But the thing is, there are actually 5 different Keisotsu models aside from the basic combirifle: HMG, ML, sniper, LGL, and hacker. For a JSA starter box, I'd just about expect 3 basic Keisotsu and the hacker, with a Domaru and Kempeitai to make 6 models. Then we'd also see the Keisotsu SWC box with the HMG, ML, sniper, and LGL. I would really hate to lose the LGL sculpt. Though I suppose that if the hacker wasn't in the starter but was in the SWC box (making a standard LI SWC box mox of HMG, ML, Sniper, and hacker), CB could resculpt the Keisotsu LGL blister. This would mean that someone buying the Starter box, SWC box, and LGL blister would have 4 combirifle keisotsu and the 5 support weapons. I'm afraid that if the Yaokong REMs got resculpted, they'd look more like the Yaoxie and Yaopu, which I can't stand. Can't stand to the point that I bought Nomad Sputniks to replace the Yaoxie and Haqq Kameels to replace the Yaopu.