Dolphins are expensive to train, those demo charges are magnet-attached and the dolphins are trained to swim away from the enemy ship once they've played "tag" with it. I was thinking about the late "Swarm Grenades" mostly :)
Defence in depth. Pull out, figure out how the Tohaa destabilised the wormhole and cut it off. The bonus of that approach is that then PanO is fucked - “neoterra and aconteciment now have no functional wormholes” doesn’t bode well for them if they cross YJ.
That worked out well for the collaborators in France. Not so much for the rest of the French. And payback is a bitch.
It is not known that the wormhole closing that isolated Ariadna led to Dawn (all human and Tohaa presence was painstakingly excised from the planet), and even if it where not even the Tohaa (aside from their "Tohaa!Cerberus) know it was the Tohaa who did it with Tzechi-extracted tech (and the wormhole closing was unexpected). Incidentally, the Tohaa might know how to close wormholes, justifying that way how they were able to survive the CA for so long. They would not want that to be widely known, thought, and giving the tech to humans would run against their strategy of using the Mon-keig... I mean, the humans as meatshields and distraction against the CA.
I assume the new manga is going to be outrage 2 and will chronicle the adventures of a group of gamer who are outraged by the fictional war crimes and genocide against a fictional faction by the fictional faction they play.
Facing mindless trolls who think intruding in a thread about how disappointed other players are in how one of the pillars of the game has been (ab)used to say nothing of use but to try and look adult and mighty while playing with toy soldiers is a great idea ;)
Especially when they wrongfully accuse some of "intruding" in a thread. I play yu jing and don't mind being the bad guy. I even like shield division cbl and can't wait to use them, well atleast list D, to crush my friends Japanese army.
Read the fucking fluff again and say it’s not a perfectly accurate description. I want to vomit. Fuck this game. Fuck CB.
Yujing wouldn't forfeit access to alien technology or its territory on Paradiso, if they did players would complain about being excluded from the narrative. :V wait what? are you accusing one of my players of being a sockpuppet because you disagree with him?
Yes, yes he is. Disagreement with him indicates bad faith (being bought off/a shill/etc), didn’t you know, expressed with his accustomed eloquence and grace.
I skim read the fragile posting to be honest, it's a bit depressing watching people get worked up over a luxury toy soldier hobby.
That no one is forcing them to play and which they can easily walk away from if they are so adversely affected by the fictional story that goes along with the little metal army men.
There's so many alien tech examples you need, but even so, leaving aside words like "overextension" or "deniable assets to secure samples from other factions", there is the option to limit the involvement on Paradiso to a purely defensive and supportive role, letting the other factions to eat the brunt of the attacks. Of course those factions would notice that... And we are back in the "we ARE struggling together" problem XD Mostly it's a problem about how unbelievable the situation is at. Then again, this thread is about the fluff XD. If fluff were irrelevant, and system was all, people wouldn't touch a lot of RPG games (not to mention, tons of those would be redundant, since they would share the same system), and D20 wouldn't had such success. "You are not allowed to disagree with the company if not by not buying their products" is your line? So you prefer for CB to believe everything is OK until the time when they realize nobody buys their game, and Infinity dissapears like Confrontation did back in the day? I care a little more ;)
It's a bit depressing that someone came to mi jacuzzi, took away all the mineral salt pots and put black pepper in them. Sure, I can use the jacuzzi without the aromatic salt, but did they really need to put black pepper in there?
Why is this even about the territory on Paradiso? There's a multinational blockade in the system, all you need to do as Yu Jing is mention that the Steel Wall requires you to reposition space assets to restore air superiority over your territories, and as PanOceania has indicated an excess of capacity they can surely fill any temporary gaps. Sure, maybe CA lands additional forces on Paradiso, and thats an increased risk to your own holdings there, but the Combined Army isn't stupid... nothing like using those forces to attack the power that is pulling back to get them to reverse course, that wave is going to hit PanOceanian and Haqqislam holdings. If Yu Jing was winning the propaganda war to come off as legit leaders of the Sphere, they might hesitate at looking like they were shirking for self-interest, but Uprising demonstrates that war has been lost, public opinion is already against the StateEmpire, this wouldn't even make things worse. And in the end it boils down to a game of chicken, you don't need to actually do it, just the suggestion (and recognition that you absolutely could follow through) ought cause O-12 to tell PanO to knock it off. THAT would be playing proper politics.