Yu Jing Fluff - Perception, Reality, Desire

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by Devrailis, Mar 28, 2018.

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  1. DFW Ike

    DFW Ike Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2018
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    This is the unit that was pointing cameras at the bodies of civilians.

    As per today's publication:
    "Following the operations in Kuraimori, the Yuándùn Division has earned a well-deserved reputation in the StateEmpire Army as a task force specialized in hunting Japanese, a task that they conduct with particular joy and efficiency."

    It sounds like they are describing Christoph Walz's character from Inglorious Bastards.
  2. AdmiralJCJF

    AdmiralJCJF Heart of the Hyperpower

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Well, that's not entirely fair.

    But I'm not sure that I think it's entirely helpful either:

    chromedog likes this.
  3. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2018
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    I'll be honest, after that release. I think I'm right there with you. It's kind of like CB saw the raging fire created by Uprising and figured it needed more gas. Even if they do release stuff to fix the mechanical hole they've left, the faction has progressed so far in a direction I already disliked that I'm not even sure I care anymore. I started the year stokes to throw money at CB for the IA, and barely for months in and I'm wondering why I even play my faction in the first place.

    It's going to take one hell of an effort to win me back after this mess.
  4. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    When has Yu Jing used its military to attack PanO and then hid behind O-12's skirts?

    The point is not to actually lose Paradiso, that will only happen if O-12 actually doesn't care about protecting itself. The point is to show that you take your integrity and sovereignty seriously and you're willing to go to MAD situations to protect it. As it stands now - PanO kills Yu Jing citizens and troops, destroys their materiel, and Yu Jing can't retaliate or it's destabilizing the Human Sphere, and it apparently cares more about that than O-12 and PanO. O-12/PanO has no incentive to treat Yu Jing fairly if Yu Jing will always suck it up when PanO takes their lunch money. It's the Danegeld problem.
    Dragonstriker, xagroth and Devrailis like this.
  5. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    My point was that if it wasn't for the post-WWI environment, Germany would have taken that as the act of aggression/war it was, and retaliated with force.
    Dragonstriker and xagroth like this.
  6. Saintrangers

    Saintrangers Member

    Apr 8, 2018
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    ummm ok not relevant though to my point..... my point was simply that humans are shit to each other throughout history, CB making YJ shit to JSA and killing them due to their uprising is no different from what humans have done to each other for the whole of history. Why do you think YJ are some sacred cow that wouldn't commit horrible acts, JSA wouldn't hesitate to destroy YJ cities if it met their goals of freedom clearly, so YJ doing the same to them because they can is part of that.

    Humans are shit to each other to achieve their goals, CB have pulled from that and every faction in the game has committed terrible acts on each other, you are all just moaning because you think your faction who already did some terrible things just did another terrible thing you don't like. You were all ok with them having suicide bombers but pull the line at killing civilians (which they had already done in the fluff). Odd
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  7. Aldo

    Aldo Spare 15

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Ooops misclick
  8. Dude

    Dude Master in training

    Nov 7, 2017
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    I honestly have no idea what you think is wrong with the style or grammar of the text.
    chromedog and A Mão Esquerda like this.
  9. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Fuck it, let's just drop that fluff here in the thread.


    I actually feel nauseous reading that.

    There is a word to describe this unit. A phrase, rather. Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity.

    I would not play these lists. I would not play against these lists, I would forfeit the entire tournament and walk away. Because the other thought going through my mind is to punch out the person.
  10. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I don't think YJ won't do anything "horrible," it's just that the narrative has YJ acting *stupid*, not evil. YJ also acts like PanO/O-12 has some moral right to intrude on its territory and blow their shit up, acting like a child caught picking on its younger sibling, instead of retaliating with the righteous indignation it *should* have.
  11. Fyeya

    Fyeya Yakitori over a light flamethrower

    Mar 24, 2018
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    Also, @Section9 and company who hate the new fluff... I do too. Keep in mind that almost every weapon used in this game is, in fluff, illegal.

    That said, I am taking the approach of my troops being 'my dudes' and running with it.

    My JSA are reluctant rebels who knew that staying in YJ would be impossible once the uprising happened, so they took up arms to protect their friends and families, knowing it would likely cost many of them their lives. They're a mining corp holding an old orbital in one of the nastier belts in the human edge, giving them home court advantage to hold off the superior firepower of YJ. They're pragmatic, humane, and willing to die for each other.

    My YJ are hardened troops from the Terracotta army who fight enemies of the state empire, alien and human alike, whether it is PanO trespassing and causing trouble, or Morat teams trying to break in and destroy YJ facilities, or Nomad terrorists up to no good, they'll step in and get the job done. They're my dudes, so I get to say that this detachment fights hard, and limits collateral damage. They're professionals, patriots, and comrades.

    That's how I get to enjoy the game, when shit happens in lore that I find really stupid.
    Pen-dragon, Xeurian and Shiwen like this.
  12. Aldo

    Aldo Spare 15

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Lemme make a summary using my phone's poor interface.

    THE YUÁNDÙN DIVISION “The enemy does not show any respect for honor or rules. To protect the StateEmpire, we will do the same. We are the Emperor’s shield.”
    Colonel Peng Shou. Extract from thefoundational harangue of the Yuándùn Division.

    The Yuándùn (“Shield”) Division is a special task force of the Imperial Service (doesn't read right) created for contact operations and the suppression of high-risk threats. Known as “the butchers of Motobushima” for their cruel performance in the takeover of the city of Kuraimori (this is just bad translation, "the city o Kuiramori" should be "that city in Kuiramori", since it is refering to Motobushima) during the Japanese Uprising, their infamous reputation precedes them wherever they are deployed, where they are feared and hated in equal measure. Following the operations in Kuraimori, the Yuándùn Division has earned a well-deserved reputation in the StateEmpire Army as a task force specialized in hunting Japanese, a task that they conduct with particular joy and efficiency. As a unit that is “all or nothing,” (who translated this? The FFVII translation team?) it is clear that members of this division will neither show mercy to Japanese forces nor expect it from them. The members of the Yuándùn Division are selected from among the best troopers in the Imperial Service and from some State regiments, which provide the heavy tactical reinforcements that a light corps such as the Imperial Service often lacks. However, it takes a special kind of person to become a member of this division. Beyond combat abilities, Yuándùn Division members are all committed to fulfilling their duty to protect the StateEmpire, a duty that prevails over moral sense. The purpose of this special body (shouldn't this be special corps?) is to protect the StateEmpire from both internal and external enemies, using special methods and tactics, many of them of dubious morality.
    However, all the actions of this body are approved by the Emperor, the only authority to which they are accountable. The knowledge of being backed by the Emperor reinforces in them a sense of impunity and of importance in their mission.
    The Yuándùn Division goes to great lengths to safeguard the StateEmpire security, and there are neither lives nor rights that these corps (which corps? This is a division, but also a body, but also a number of corps?) are not willing to sacrifice to fulfill their duty.

    A feature report by Amber Bohanian for the Modern Elite Groups series. Check it out at Sabot! Available on all Maya regions.
    xagroth likes this.
  13. Saintrangers

    Saintrangers Member

    Apr 8, 2018
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    maybe because its a war they know they cant win, just like you were highlighting the issue with the german's early. Maybe because YJ are reacting to an uprising they were not prepared for. Maybe because YJ are not idiots but when managing an intergalactic empire you smartly pick your battles. Trying to crush the JSA before they managed to get people on side is not a dumb idea, YJ tried to stop a rebellion and failed, why did they fail because literally everyone else sided against them, why did they not decide to fight literally everyone else? because they are not idiots, not because they are.
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  14. Fyeya

    Fyeya Yakitori over a light flamethrower

    Mar 24, 2018
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    Honestly a number of those are based purely on opinion - and many of them are technically fine. As far as translation/writing goes, it really isn't messed up in any noticeable way to me, as an English Major and native speaker+writer.
  15. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    If PanO and O-12 treat Yu Jing like post-WWI Germany, they deserve what's going to happen to them... though it seems unrealistic that Yu Jing is unable to defend its own territory from PanO. Surely they have safeguards in place if PanO decides to attack... and it looks like PanO had the run of the field. And if they're stretched too thin... like I mentioned, the Paradiso front is the first to go, pull them back and let PanO fight the aliens if it wants to stab YJ in the back.

    You're right, it's not, but more relevantly they killed a bunch of civilians and broadcast it, which has the effect of getting everyone on the Japanese's side. That's what I'm talking about when I say that YJ Is *acting stupid*.
  16. Aldo

    Aldo Spare 15

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I guess it just looks wonky because I've read the Spanish version and I can see the parts where someone (I hope it was someone and not Google translate) painstakingly translated word by word instead of sentence by sentence. It is really obvious in the structure of both texts.

    At least it is not N2 Hac Tao levels of facepalm.
    Due to someone missing a T, Spanish Hac Taos were Lethal (written Letal in spanish), whereas English ones were Loyal (Leal in Spanish).
    xagroth likes this.
  17. AdmiralJCJF

    AdmiralJCJF Heart of the Hyperpower

    Feb 21, 2017
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    I mean...

    I'd have made Closed Battle Lists out of a "Shield" division too.

    But I'd have made the background for them all about how they were woken early in the uprising by the execution of their MPs and have been fighting to protect Yu Jing citizens against Japanese atrocities since then.

    A unit which has done everything it can to abide by the rules of war in a dirty campaign, one which has its actions to protect civilians and losses due to being ambushed because they refused to fire on civilian occupied buildings...


    So, yeah.

    Somewhat different to this.


    But at least the Closed Battle Lists are better than the Svalarheima ones.
  18. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2017
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    I feel Jealous, these lists are much better balanced than Svalarheima.
  19. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    You're damning them with faint praise lol.

    But at least they have some interesting *ideas* going on, you're right.

    They do look like they're trying to move some Guijas the same way the Sval lists seemed like they were trying to move some Jotums.
    xagroth likes this.
  20. Red Harvest

    Red Harvest Day in, Day out. Day in, Day out. Day in, DAY OUT

    Nov 23, 2017
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    It's not Google translate. Yes, I did check. The text has the usual sorts of errors one might expect, dangling modifiers and such, but nothing egregious. I certainly have no trouble calling out bad writing either. ;)

    I'll just forfeit any claim to winning this thread -- calling Godwin* on myself-- and say I got a distinct Waffen-SS vibe from the Yuandun background.

    Now, is this a foreshadowing? Making the current Emperor and his most loyal troops utterly despicable so that we cheer when they get their just desserts and the State-Empire gets a new government and direction? If the storyline is to advance, then it most certainly won't stop now.

    I certainly hope to see this. Not a full redemption, mind you, but something.

    * merited or not.
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