Where do you pick that? The idea of CBLs for ISS is just very sad :( Edit: nevermind i found the information for myself sorry x). Amyway having special (list full of kanren)? Seem very frustrating. If they want to upgrade the anty insurgency point just upgrade the kanren o get an alternative porfile, don't waste the closed battle list in a sectorial active. And if the "improvement" are only for the CBL insted for the normal sectorial it will be even more frustring...
There is a special IS formation called shield or something mentioned in the book but they don't come off as anything particularly unique or competent.
To be fair, there is some hope. It is IS. There is some unreasonable love for IS over at CB HQ. So I wouldn't be surprised to find some madness like a Hsien in a Fireteam Core with a Celestial Guard and 3 Kuang Shi.
Don't know where you get your confidence, I just read 15 pages of them getting killed in their beds and failing to even detect or even prevent terrorist threats directed at obvious targets like their bases. They only manage to scrounge short term victories as a result of extreme cruelty or some other excusing factor and basically get slapped down every time they try something other than turning Haramaki into TankoTM.
That's kinda my worry. How good the standard of ISS is coupled with how overwhelmingly bad all of the current CBLs have been, we're going to probably get lumped with nothing more than some joke lists that will never manage to compete with what you can normally take.
New profiles for the ISS CBL? Or new profiles for CBL in general? Consider that the only addition the Svalarheima CBL lists had were in the Fireteam options part... And it's not like ISS needs new Fireteam options.
I just hope they don't translate across to IS generally. That is one Sectorial which does NOT need anything new (and hasn't for about the last 5 new things they got).
Maybe we will get a new IA profile on loan to the iss for the uprising so they can kill children more efficiently or something.
I think that could make new state demartment and new sectorial army for YJ. (Weapons that can wound only s1 models)
No, unfortunately, the CBLs were meant for popping out around the time of the campaign, while the profiles were set for some time after Gencon. So unless CB are hiding something, they've basically told us not to expect new profiles until late summer/early fall at best. But there is an equally likely chance we wont even see them that early. About the only other line we have on it is that we've been told ISS are getting more releases this year, but that almost definitely means CG SWC box and not new profiles (which ISS don't really need even if it was new profiles). But those CBLs are likely just using units we already have access to and not bringing anything new to the table (doubly so because they're representing a sectorial that already exists, because why would CB use CBLs to preview an apparently finished sectorial instead of just giving us a different take on one we've been playing for nine years?).
... ... I was expecting so much worse that these seem ok. Nothing too special, some weird fireteam stuff, no lists short of 10 orders. Then again, I just finished painting a Guijia, CB offering a chance to support it with a Sophotect is surely skewing my perspective here.