Question about Yu Jing remotes

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by Varsovian, Apr 16, 2018.

  1. Varsovian

    Varsovian Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    So... I'm considering picking up YJ lately. I've been wondering what would be an essential buy for a YJ army - and I'm thinking: does this army benefit from the remotes that much?

    I mean, a Haqqislam army might benefit from having a fast-moving with a big weapon... but from what I see, Yu Jing are all about big weapons and heavy armour. So, what's the use for the remotes? Some of the YJ infantry have heavier armour and bigger weapons... Is it worth to spend money on the remotes, then?
    Azuset likes this.
  2. Ten Thousand Arrows

    Ten Thousand Arrows Imperial Sage

    Mar 20, 2018
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    The Yaokong remotes are handy because of the versatility of their different profiles.

    Personally I use the Chaiyi to round off a lot of lists. It's an 8pt regular order, which is handy in a relatively HI intensive faction. It's also a surprisingly decent aro piece with its flash pulse and mimetism. It's speedy, so you can use it to quickly adjust your repeater + sniffer coverage.

    I've also been using the Husong in most lists. It's been putting in work, but it feels more fragile on the table than you'd expect. TR hmg will definitely deter some of your opponents moves, but it's quite susceptible to the smoke trick. Fairly inexpensive so maybe a good addition if you have that 1 SWC left to use.

    The Weibing is a relatively fast forward observer, perfect for running up to midfield and using the sensor to catch camo skirmishers. Also handy to stick into suppressive at the end of your turn with any spare orders.

    The Rui-shi is where it's at. Other factions are jealous of this beast and for good reason. Cheap, MSV L2, and an SWC discounted spitfire on a chassis with two levels of unconsciousness. Run it with Celestial guard KSD or monks and have fun smoke shooting your way to victory. For extra fun, just add supportware from a hacking device. Also a little fragile, but the pros far outweigh the cons.

    I've not used the Pangguiling, Lu-Duan, or Son-Bae remotes so I'll leave that to someone with more experience.
  3. Furiat

    Furiat Mandarin

    Jan 14, 2018
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    I see that intro play, with YJ, in Wargamer changed your allegiance. :stuck_out_tongue:
    As for remotes. Basic remotes are pretty much like haqq remotes. They are neither terrible nor great. I tend to use flash pulse and baggage bot in most of my lists.
    Our combat remotes are excellent. Rui Shi is devil incarnate. 20pts for capable msv2 gunner with marksmanship lvl2 is brutal. Lu Duan can clear minefields and deal with camo in the midfield. It's more toolboxy than Rui Shi. Not as popular but if you are low on swc and you need a backup attack piece, he can do the job.
  4. banthafodder

    banthafodder Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2018
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    Short answer is yes.

    Remotes are more important to Yu Jing, especially post Uprising, than Haq or Nomads because that wealth of workhorse profiles at 16-26 points just isn't there. Remotes pack a ton of utility for the price.

    We've got great trade pieces, but other than that, the increased prices from line infantry to the elites adds up fast so you have to scrounge for every deal you can get.
    #4 banthafodder, Apr 16, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2018
    xagroth likes this.
  5. Varsovian

    Varsovian Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    Okay, thanks! That cleared things up for me :)

    Heh heh. So, it was you :)

    And yeah, seeing my whole team blasted away by the Tiger Soldier + Hsien pair kind of... gave me the Stockholm Syndrome :D That and learning about the existence of Su-Jian...

    Although the biggest factor here was the following train of thought: 1. I need the Bow Ninja for Ikari!, 2. It seems I just need to buy a second Red Veil set to get the Ninja..., 3. Hm, if I am to end up with all these extra YJs, I might actually do something more with them...

    And it's not like I'm abandoning my Haqqs or my ALEPH... not giving up on the Nomads, either... and the JSA look interesting, cool... Gah! Not enough time for assembling and painting! Not enough kidneys to sell..!!!
    Furiat likes this.
  6. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The EVO is a good option when carrying a single hacker: he can defend itself quite good in hacking contests, and is inmunne to shock and has 2 unc. levels (so it's the hardest non-marked state hackers to kill via hacking). Being able to use Fairy Dust in a HI faction is good, he can also give Marksmanship to the Rui Shi...

    I would buy only the Rui Shi and Lu Duan box, though, and use Aleph or Haqquislam's remotes for the common ones.
  7. Zewrath

    Zewrath Elitist Jerk

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Or, if you're cheap (like me), you can just buy the Pangguling box. Use the Combi rifle version as a Rui Shi (as they almost look identical) and assemble the other as an EVO, which you can proxy as a normal baggage bot for when you're not using the EVO. That way you won't buy two boxes and you won't end up with a Lu Duan that you never use. :+1:
    smog, Kallas, krossaks and 1 other person like this.
  8. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I'm cheap too, since I'm telling him to use Aleph and/or Haqquislam S3 and S4 remotes :p
    We are tied at "buy 1 box" XD
    Zewrath and krossaks like this.
  9. krossaks

    krossaks Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2017
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    Nice idea, hope i had heared it a year before. On the other side now i'm descovering what a Lu Dan can do:joy:, and isn't bad at all...
  10. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The problem is that now it's impossible to disguise it as another troop, since the only S4 AVA 3+ troop YJ had were the Aragoto...
  11. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Though they were AVA 2. Lu Duan haven't been able to play shell games since N2.

    Unless you disguise it as a single model, which can be effective in luring out enemies who are vulnerable to fire, such as Panthisilea.
    xagroth likes this.
  12. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Basic REMs are basic for a reason.
    1. Weibing: Combirifle+FO for 16 points. fast specialist.
    2. Husong: Total Reaction HMG. Basically the Weapons Squad tripod MG on a moving chassis.
    3. Son-Bae: Smart Missile Launcher. Basically the Weapons Squad Mortar and ATGM rolled into one unit, that walks by itself.
    4. Chaiyi: fast-moving repeater. an 8pt Regular Order with a Flash Pulse ARO. Too bad it can't FO targets...

    Combat REMs are unique to the faction.
    • Rui Shi: MSV2 and Spitfire. What's not to like?
    • Lu Duan: MSV1 and Mk12 w HFT, plus Holo2. Can't shell game as well as we could, but hiding this as a defenseless Baggagebot is still an option. And rather hilarious when someone tries to shotgun a 'defenseless' bot, only to get a flamethrower to the face.

    Baggagebots are basic, everyone but the aliens have the same profiles.
    • Basic Baggagebot: 8pts, Minesweeper and Repeater.
    • EVObot: EVO hacking device for 25pts.
    • TR Baggagebot: It's only a combi rifle, and you don't have the 360visor of the Husong. But it's 4 points and 1 SWC cheaper than the TRbot.

    Appearance-wise, I used Nomad Combat-bots and Haqq Baggagebots, since I don't like the YJ versions.
    Forté, East of Irem and xagroth like this.
  13. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I'm not a huge fan on the weapons on remotes in general, feel they're super weedy appearance wise. Ended up making changes to all the guns, gave the Rui Shi a larger quad barrel setup.

    Thandar, smog, fenren and 8 others like this.
  14. Varsovian

    Varsovian Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    Thanks for all the replies!

    Now, if I may ask for some more advice... Yu Jing has an awful lot of heavy guys with great skills. From what I gather, there are the Hsien, the Zuoyng, the Dao Fei, the Cranes, the Pheasants, the Yao Hue, the Wu Ming... How to make sense of all of them? Aren't they all a bit interchangeable?

    Help me out, please... My mind boggles at the sight of this army of walking tank people :)

    Oh, and one more question: any news on the Support Pack resculpt? It seems to be an essential purchase, but maybe these minis will get new versions soon?
  15. BenMoss

    BenMoss Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2018
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    The short version (ranks are for YJ rather than ISS)

    Hsien - msv2 and all round fantastic unit. HMG profile (LT or not) is the main one to take but bonus swc occasionally useful. Combine with smoke to create ODD mods when you need them.
    Rank: A

    Crane - really good in ISS as can be in a core link. Both spitfire and xvisor multi rifles are viable. In YJ I run them a lot less.
    Rank: C

    Wu Ming - bargain hi that can form a beastly core link in ISS but as with the Crane find it hard to find a place in YJ. With the loss of Domaru to JSA they may see a bit more table time.
    Rank: D

    Zuyong - another cheapish hi but not great other than the low cost HMG (particularly the LT option)
    Rank: B

    Dao Fei - infiltrating midfield bully. Spitfire is the primary profile here. Support from Guilang can help keep them alive.
    Rank: B

    Yan Huo - Tag level weapons on a hi platform. Can really bully softer targets but can struggle against more high end targets due to lack of mods to stack. Combined with mi speed this means it can often underperform but the models are fantastic.
    Rank: C

    Hac Tao - Expensive but fantastic unit. HMG makes an amazing strike unit, missile launcher is strong in aro due to surprise, hacking options are also viable due to marker state.
    Rank: A
  16. banthafodder

    banthafodder Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2018
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    The support box resculpt is coming out relatively, either next month or the one after. We already have renders, with teasers of the prototype.

    BenMoss got the gist of it, but I'll stump a bit more for the Crane, Wu Ming, Zuyong, and Yan Huo.

    The Crane is relatively expensive, but has great all around abilities. Shaolin grade melee prowess with a better weapon, wounds, and double nanopulser means opponents don't want to get close in. Xvisor are good for the spitfire, but really make the multi rifle sing. Combine with WIP 14 sensor and BS 10 triangulation fire means the Crane may be down, but never out of a fight.

    Wu Ming are pretty basic, but what really make them shine are the cutthroat profiles. Both duo profiles pack extremely versatile loadouts for cheap. The HRL packs a template for every range for less than many HI basic troopers.

    The Zuyong HMG is a good budget piece, especially the outrageously low 1 SWC for LT. That said, the specialist options cannot be overlooked. Two wound BS13 specialists for under 30 points is a pretty big deal.

    The Yan Huo is indeed a backline piece who, barring strange circumstances involving Joan, a Jotum, and a supply box, is going nowhere fast. Yes, he's got no special mods, but BS14 burst 5 means crit fishing is a legit option. Not to mention opponents tend to not leave stuff out when a Yan Huo is around.
  17. Varsovian

    Varsovian Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    Thanks for the opinions, guys! BTW. What do you think about the Pheasants?

    Oh! Good to know. Any links to images etc.?
  18. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Apprentice of everything, master of nothing... Useful with Chain of Command if you plan to send a suicidal Lt, like charging madly with a Hsien behind the cover of Shaolin Monks throwing smoke, but aside from that...

    It's the spanish forum, but you go to the Renders spoiler, and there they are, after the Hakims and before the Brawlers:


  19. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I disagree with those rankings a bit.

    IMO, the go-to profile for the Daofei is the hacker, not the spitfire or HMG. Every army has an infiltrating camo specialist. Only YJ has that infiltrating camo specialist with 2W. You do need to worry about killer hackers, though.

    You need to try the Wu Ming Multi+LGL. You have a weapon for any range and even Speculative Fire. 8-16" is your sweet spot for the Wu Ming LGL. You can drop SpecFire grenades at BS10 (13 base +3 for range, -6 for SpecFire) at targets you can't see. If you can see them, you're at BS16 with Shock, AP, DA, or Stun ammo. The other Wu Ming profiles are more or less usable, but the MultiLGL is a beast.

    The Yan Huo is not a TAG, it's better. Yes, it's slow ('only' 4-2MOV), so you're not doing cavalry type moves with it like you would with a TAG. But that's not using it correctly. The Yan Huo is artillery, not cavalry. Move+shoot as much as possible. B5 will win just about every firefight you get into at +3 range, but like any other model you need to stay in cover as much as possible. When the HRMC is in +3 range, most other weapons will be at -3 or -6. Another -3 for you being in cover is horrible for them.
    East of Irem and xagroth like this.
  20. BenMoss

    BenMoss Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2018
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    Some of those differences may be down to local meta skewing my views slightly.

    I can definitely see merits to the Daofei hacker but I tend to find killer hackers are the most common hackers I face and the risk of being vulnerable to them outweighs the advantages I've seen. With different opponents that could change though and I'm all for infiltrating specialists :)

    I'll give the Wu Ling LGL profile a go at some point. I use it my ISS pain train lists and have generally been pretty happy with it but never tried on in vanilla. Probably pushes the overall rank up to C in retrospect.

    Hac Tao is the only one where I think I have to disagree with you, although again that may be local meta skewing things. I mostly play against Pan O so I see a lot of Cutters, Swiss Guard and Bulleteers. If I'm taking a 50pt HI strike unit with tag weapons it's to take out those harder targets (Bulleteer can be covered by others potentially) and even with 5 dice you're coming back from a 7pt deficit in the face to face. 41% success, 17% fail vs Swiss HMG or 41/35% vs the missile launcher aren't good odds. So if I'm not using it to sweep a flank, and I'm not using it to take out hard targets then it's not really serving enough of a purpose in my books. In almost every case the Hsien is just a better option and that's before you start adding on the smoke benefits.

    Also, I forgot another HI.

    Su Jian - Transforming cat beast. It's incredibly mobile with an 8-2 move (and 8" cautious move if you need it), has a spitfire that will almost always be in ideal range bands and can attack from angles you're opponent can't defend against. On top of that it has decent armour and multiple unconscious levels and a flamethrower just in case it comes across something it can't see. Can single handedly win games.
    Rank: A+
    Maksimas likes this.
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