Experiences with the Druze

Discussion in 'Druze Bayram Security' started by theGricks, Jan 5, 2018.

  1. Skyhusky

    Skyhusky Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    They are definitely a bonus when someone creeps up on your link and then has to deal with many up-powered viral pistol shots.
  2. fatRat

    fatRat Member

    Mar 11, 2018
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    How do they fair against the cc heavy links/units like Joan and fiends or samurai or Achilles? There only whay of dealing with them seems to smart missileing them but on there turn they have stealth (because martial arts) so no free spotlighting form the repeats. or at least a good way to play around what seems to be there strongest asset.
  3. Skyhusky

    Skyhusky Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I played one game against Military orders. *usually* viral pistols and shock marksmanship rifles, or the HMG gets the job done. You just need to do what some gamers will call Kiting. Staying just out of range.

    It's a head-game, but one that won me that particular game.
  4. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    You can't Spotlight or FO in ARO anyway.

    HI links are always going to be brutal as you're looking at 50% of the list being tied up in 5 models.

    Your hackers can IMM them in your own turn, Hunzakuts and Pathfinders help you extend your hacking coverage, then you shoot them whilst they reset.

    Secondly stealth only works while they're moving, if they shoot or dodge they open themselves up to hacking AROs.

    EM-LGL can splash onto multiple team members, forcing them to all dodge or drop from the link.

    Finally a DAM 16 Burst 5 HMG just gets work done, and Nimbus can stack the odds in your favour against a Fireteam.
  5. Phayton

    Phayton Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Has anyone good experiences with Scarface in DBS?

    Tonight im going to to try a Scarface based list the first time. Yes I like the toolboxy Druze link teams, but I also like big robots:muscle:
  6. Q.A.I.

    Q.A.I. Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    He's a ton of fun. I'm a big fan of light tags that play as extra heavy HI; I get the appeal of having the biggest stick possible but I like robust having robust support and secondary attack vectors. The extra points to upgrade the panzerfaust to a HRL and duo are well worth it IMO. The HRL extends his threat bubble in active and ARO (in the sense they aren't disposable and active turn are burst 2) and you don't have to worry about impetuous unless you decide to break the link to close in and chase units with a "free" order.

    He's a unit that takes experience to make the most out of, because his weapons aren't full tag level and he's both more and less durable than you'd expect. It's easy get tunnelvison and want to smash things with a big robot while ignoring your better options. His MK12 range makes you want to move him up. The HRL feels awesome when you use it in the same manner as a lateral shooting sniper. Assault I'll have to write about later, I've got to look at the math again to try to make a more objective opinion. I'm biased against it because I only want to use it to take out REMs, TO units (without high CC), and tie up units in the opponents active turn, but you should have better units for each of those cases; that said, scarface could always be at the right place at the right time or use it when you're in a pinch, and let's be honest, a robot smashing people with a greatsword sized knife is awesome.
    Phayton and oldGregg like this.
  7. McNamara

    McNamara Merc Rep

    Jan 7, 2018
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    I guess most Druze list could just swap Saito and a Peacemaker for Scarface and Cordilia and still function sufficiently.
    And if you simply switch a Druze HMG to a SMR, you even get the SWC! :D
    Phayton likes this.
  8. Phayton

    Phayton Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Yes, I played Scarface yesterday against Hassassin Bahram. He performed suprisingly well and killed some soft targets. Scarface imo benefit a lot form the strong support and differend attack vectors the Hunzakuts can offer.
    I used Scarface very pugnacious and triggered mines etc. After he went unconscious it took me just one order to bring him back with Cordelia. Removing Scarface can be an order wastage for your opponent cause Cordelia is sitting right behind him. So I will continue using this Duo.

    That´s what I did :-D
    oldGregg likes this.
  9. oldGregg

    oldGregg Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    This new duo is one of my favorite things about DBS!
    Phayton likes this.
  10. KedzioR_vo

    KedzioR_vo Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Hola Druzos Amigos! ;)

    I want to share my experiences and my happiness with you :)

    In the last sunday our Infinity group finished an 11th season of North Polish Pomeranian Infinity League - our little league with 6 tournaments played in 6 following months, with the best 4 places of each tournament counting (1st place gives 10pts for, 2nd 9pts et cetera). This time we had 21 players.

    I played this whole season with DRuze Bayram Security, and after mixed results in earlier 5 tournaments I had 6th place and I was thinking of fighting for places 5, maybe 4 or 3.
    But the last tournament (ITS 200pts LI SpecOps 8XP with scenarios drawn from the pool: 1. Decapitation, 2. Frontline, 3. Power Pack, 4. Acquisition, 5. Hunting Party, 6. Supremacy) went really well for me :)

    I prepared two army lists, but used only one - Druze HMG, Druze LT, Druze LGL, Brawler Spec Ops (WiP 13, Hacker, Engineer, Doctor), Clipper SML + ABH BS, ABH RF, Hunza FO, PeaceMaker HS, Bashi Bazouk SMG.


    I was fighting against JSA (Acquisition) and then 2 Vanilla Ariadnas (Power Pack and Decapitation). In all of those games I won initiative, which was surprising for me ;) And in first and last game I had the luck to positively guess the Lieutenants of enemy - so after some killing and clicking I used my LGL to isolate them, and after few orders it succeeded. Until this tournament my LGL played only rarely didn't delight me, so I wanted to give him more chances to do this... And boy he did! The LGL was one of the best soldiers for me, isolating not only LTs, but also enemy Datatrackers, some drones et cetera, and also killing few enemies with direct combi fire.
    Even though I had only 2 specialists, I managed to slay the enemy's specialists and efficiently use mine - with a bit of luck, ofcourse ;)
    In the end I won all the games (6-0 OP vs JSA and then 5-1 and 10-0 against Ariadnas), and also the tournament - this is my first tournament win with Druzes :)

    Thanks to this I jumped in the final table of our league to the second place ( https://i.imgur.com/sSL4Rr1.jpg ) which is a great success IMHO - many players in Poland think, that DBS is weak and only for players who don't care about score, but I've managed to join those things together :)

    At the end some more personal stuff - my mercenaries are nameless ruffians who have to deserve to be named.
    After 7 tournaments and few friendly games played with them I have now some nice, really personalized squad of veterans - in the last tournament the LGL guy and the Brawler girl deserved to be personalized ;)


    The grenadier is now known as Eames ( ) , and Brawler is Noomi.

    The whole named gang looks like this:


    From the left: Eames, Noomi, Hudson (killed Achilles Hoplite in one Viral ARO after dobule critting!), Hicks (led many battles and killed many foes), Vasquez (usually rather unlucky, still had some great shots and fought in every battle), Drake (sniper that specializes in outshooting Specnaz, now has 3 of them on his account), Colossus (ABH with Red Fury, my DataTracker for hunting, always gets his prey) and Hound (another ABH that likes to be my DataTracker, almost solo killed a link of knights in one tournament).

    Clipper's (Bishop) and PeaceMaker's (PainMaker) photos are restricted, and so are photos and names of Haqqislam agents that support DBS - unofficially, ofcourse ;)

    Sorry for the long post, hope you had a bit of fun reading it ;)

    PozdRawiam / Greetings
    #50 KedzioR_vo, Jun 20, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2018
  11. Q.A.I.

    Q.A.I. Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    I did! Congratulations! Glad to see DBS get some solid representation! The lgl is always a hit or miss unit, but when the situations arise he's very unique.

    Now you've got me plugging the druze sniper into the calculator ve the spetznaz haha
    oldGregg likes this.
  12. Phayton

    Phayton Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Last week I played a TAG turnament. I made the second place with a Scarface list. Scarface performed surprisingly well (chearleader killer!) but the rockstar of my list was the Brawler MSV2 sniper (killed an Iguana and a Maghariba Guard).
    jfunkd likes this.
  13. jfunkd

    jfunkd hard forum hittin Carlos

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Nearly every game I play with that unit, she’s the MVP.
    Phayton likes this.
  14. sorniak

    sorniak Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Anyone else after several plays with new druze thinks like me that old druze profiles would be better in new Druze sectorial assuming new links combinations and profile with hmg\mimitism +multisniper?

    Old profiles:
  15. McNamara

    McNamara Merc Rep

    Jan 7, 2018
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    They loose Veteran and Fatality though. And EM LGLs!!!
  16. sorniak

    sorniak Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    but cheaper (20 pts for linking options economy or even more!), have usual lgl.
  17. McNamara

    McNamara Merc Rep

    Jan 7, 2018
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    I guess they desiged the Brawlers to be the cheap filler. Not quite the same I know, but it probably influenced the changes quite a bit.
  18. jfunkd

    jfunkd hard forum hittin Carlos

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Druze now deal with kit and skill bloat that makes them fairly expensive compared to those old profiles. A lot of that extra stuff is only situationally useful.

    Initially I was dismayed that DBS really plays better with 2-4 Druze rather than a mostly Druze force. I don't feel the same way anymore. DBS is a well tuned sectorial and it needs many of the other things that aren't Druze to work.

    I've grown to like the Druze being the Elite units as mid-level cost MI. Those situations where the extra gear and skills do come in handy, have been happening more frequently to me.

    I think most of us have discovered the usefulness of the Viral pistol by now, Fatality is freaking awesome, and Veteran has won me some games that were going horribly wrong.

    The HMG is a nice upgrade to the Spitfire, though with an x-visor and Fatality I kind of wish we had both options. The EM LGL is way better than the EM nades, but I'd love to have the BSG and regular LGL as an option. The mimetism sniper is amazing, I'd hate to give that up.

    Teaming up with Brawlers and a Clipper are so good I wouldn't trade that option for the old Druze profiles either.

    I'd love to have some of the older profiles updated to the new stats to create a few new options, but I wouldn't give up the new skills and gear for them. For me, the additional skills and kit have been clutch enough times that I'm comfortable spending the extra points.
    #58 jfunkd, Jul 25, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2018
  19. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I played my Druze for the first time in about 3 months, after having a couple bad match ups with them. I was focusing on the core link and a couple duos. But after playing the brawler haris with HRL I must admit they are growing on me again. My tournament results are below.

    Won First match: First game was won mostly because I got the HRL on his neo terra core link,when they could only are with a combi. Also a lot crits in ARO.

    Won second match: I would have had much better win but the biotechvor scenario killed 5 of the 6 models in my zone. My opponent went first and had a list dedicated to the scenario. Going first with TR remotes and crazy koalas. This forces you to deal with him insread of moving. My list was a core, druze duo, and scarface duo, with a peacemaker and msv2 sniper. The peacemaker did it's job by sacrificing itself in exchange for 3 crazy koalas, a TR bot and yorio(?biker).

    3rd game they was quadrant control and lost by 1 point, all rounds were matched, but he had a data tracker for the last turn. The brawler link did an amazing job, I spent a couple orders shooting with them, but decided I couldn't keep playing conservatively with them. I did a mad dash out giving him a ton of aro options, he spend half his aros on my non-link leader doc. I split my 3B HRL and won all my shots, only 1 was F2F. It cost me my brawler doc but took out 3 models. A worth while trade also gaining me a zone.

    Overall, the Druze biggest weakness was the 4-2 move, it hurt in biotechvor and quadrant control. Having Saito play conservatively and count for zone control helped counter it.
    McNamara likes this.
  20. sorniak

    sorniak Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    smth I am aware in druze sectorial - you use druze as less as possible, because other options can handle the job better, or cheaper ;(
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