Question: to which of the Kanren Holoechos do the Madtraps belong to? Can it be any any one of them? or does it have to be the real one? which would kind of give it away.
If you can't keep coherency with all echoes, oh well, you were in HP2 for the mine sweeping and surprise shot anyway
Sorry I am not following. Can the madtraps be assigned to a holoecho? to increase the spread of the madtraps? i.e. Real Unit > 8inch Holecho > 8inch Madtrap?
No. They have to stay in ZOC of the real model to stay online. If you want to hide the identity you have to keep all 3 echoes within 8 inches of both mad traps
Yup. but if you push the holoechoes to the flanks, you can have the Madtraps ~8" ahead of all three echoes. You want your echoes just outside of circular template range from each other.
My usual use for it is the forward deployment specialist who can get a decent alpha on people. Boarding shotgun is pretty dangerous at that range. Also, I find it makes the other guy guess if I have the KHD/AHD or FO, so he has to waste time until that info becomes public.