I think I'll buy Govads for Brawlers because I love the models and will never get to use them otherwise.
I'd been debating just using Wildcats for Brawlers because I already have them, with my never-used Grenzer as the Sniper, but that idea to use Govads sounds great. Will probably still use the Grenzer sniper, though. Love the model but have no real reason to use him until TJC is out.
I have been using wildcats myself and it has worked well. They even have the heavy rocket launcher in case you ever want to field that profile.
One list I wrote has a Brawler Haris with both the sniper and the HRL in a second combat group. Stack the two pieces together and it becomes very difficult for the opponent to avoid the AROs through smoke or White Noise - both are also hitting at B2. Your idea about the Wildcats providing HRL was what lead me to think about using them as proxies in the first place.
So I finished my Raoul conversion last night. I would upload pictures but for some reason I cannot seem to be able to upload pictures to the forums. I used a fiday, gave him a staff, and sculpted a cloak for him.
Spetsnaz BSG is going to be my Raoul. Jethro is going to be my Brawler Sniper. Kazak dudes from Ariadna Starter will be Brawlers as needed till we get models. Haven't decided on CSU's yet. Both existing models are a bit hard to come by. Leaning toward Miranda, Sforza, and a Kanren.
I'm thinking that for the Ariadnan troops in StarCo I'm going to use Merc, Haqq and Nomad bits and kitbash them. Exception for the Cateran T2 Sniper, where I think I'm going to use the Spetsnaz Sniper arms. Wonder if they'll fit on a Daylami...
Nothing there that really hints to his appearance, but based on the name and the logo, I would imagine he's a nod to Moon Knight.
Another idea struck me - Domovoy as Irmandinho. Big, bully and reckless. Just have to change his knives to something more applicable.
Yeah, but I`ve ordered JSA pack too, so it`s reasonable for Nakadai to be there))) StarCo will receive rest of the box, directly or as proxies.
Irmandinhos are PH14, man. They can bench-press a dude in a Yan Huo, Kriza Boracs, Taskmaster, or Blackjack suit! Let's see here: I have the Outrage pack, plus LE Knauf. Emily, Uhahu and LE Knauf as named. Jethro as the Cateran, probably. Domovoi as an Irmandinho. Nakadai as Saito (I know, not in the general list) Beba as the Ananconda driver. I don't have Mobile Brigadas, but I do have all the old Wu Ming I could mess with. Would probably just buy the MBs, though. I have JSA females I could use as Riots. I don't like the Riot Grrl minis much. Think I'd buy Govads as the Brawlers, though I could also just use my Muyibs or the old Druze models. Red Veil Ninja as Hardcase (I don't like the Ariadna version). For Spector, well, I have several choices. I have the Battlefoam heavy armor Yuanyuan, but I also have Kirpal Singh. Or I could convert something.
My list of Outrage pack usage will be carbon copy of this)))) Except of Beba, she plays any TAG pilot for me.