Second PBP game

Discussion in 'Modiphius Entertainment' started by inane.imp, Mar 12, 2018.

  1. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Adding an underslung weapon like Combi+LFT is covered by the MULTI Light Mod Rules:

    (MULTI Light Mod: Weapons with the MULTI Light Mod quality have been designed to easily incorporate an adhesive launcher, light shotgun, light flamethrower, or light grenade launcher as a secondary weapon. It requires an Average (D1) Tech test to install the secondary weapon. The two weapons then operate as one with the Heavy MULTI quality (or Medium MULTI quality if the secondary weapon is a light shotgun), with the secondary weapon operating as an additional secondary mode.)

    The only weapons that I know have this trait are all 3 Rifles (ie Rifle, Combi Rifle and Multi Rifle). The MULTI Heavy Mod is similar and is on MHMGs and HRMCs.

    Edit: derp, I misunderstood: you’re saying that you’d let people use the MULTI Light Mod function on other weapons not just Rifles?

    Modding a weapon that takes Standard Ammo / Shells so that it can take Special shells is covered as well:

    (Ad Hoc Specialisation: Weapons that fire Standard ammunition can also be modified in the field to allow them to fire Special ammunition types. This requires a Challenging (D2) Tech test and also inflicts a +1 complication range on the weapon. In addition, a GM can use a complication generated on an attack test using the weapon to permanently disable the weapon.)

    The key difference is that Vulcan Shotguns are designed to shoot Fire Shells so it has the normal complication Rules, whereas if a LSG/BSG was modded to fire them it has the additional complication effects. In both cases though they fire a round that leaves the barrel and detonates down-range (in the same manner as their normal flechette rounds) rather than firing a stream of flame.

    Fire Grenades are a also thing, so a LGL can fire them without modification. I would think this covers White Phos Grenades, ‘micro napalm bombs’ or themobaric Grenades. It probably also covers Molotov cocktails (but they probably should have a higher complication range - depending on how well they were made - and probably can’t be fired via a LGL).

    LFTs are quite small, they are fairly similar to Necromunda’s ‘Hand Flamers’ but slightly more techy. There’s an image on Pg 373 of one.

    For a Submachine Gun I’d just take an Assault Pistol and give it the Medium MULTI Trait and AP/Shock ammo. Biggest issue would be establishing its cost, but that’s not an issue for NPCs.
    #161 inane.imp, Apr 13, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2018
  2. Beodren

    Beodren Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    @Danger Rose

    Heeeeyyyy. My character is as much of professional soldier as Caledonians go.
    loricus, Danger Rose and inane.imp like this.
  3. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @inane.imp . . .

    I think I will extend the option to adding the VARIOUS kind of Underbarrell Mount to ANY kind of Rifled Weapon of sufficiently sensible size and shape; not only Rifles but Submachineguns with Stocks and Long eneough Barrells (the Minotaurs employ a lot of "Ariadnan Versions" of Heckeler & Koch S.D.K. with rifled-stocks) and also Non-Pump Action Shotguns of Semiauto / Full-Auto kind (as many SENSATE Boarding Shotguns are) and even Small Sniper Rifles, specially shaped Light Machineguns (an Assault Rifle with Enlarged Ammo Clip, Bipod and Handlebar is ESSENTIALLY a Spitfire in MY opinion) and even weirder Guns like Semi-Auto Revolver-Drum Riot Grenade Launchers (and Epoxy Guns; the Ariadnan Ones are rather Riot Grenadier with Glue Grenade Playloads). . . . .

    After all the Guijia is shown with a Heavy Machinegun "laced" with an Heavy Flamethrower and a similar, smaller sized, MECHANICALLY identical weapon I believe is a staple of Tiger Soldiers that acts as "Point-Man Vanguards". . .!!

    One of the motives that I selected Planet Dawn as a "Campaign World" is that ALMOST all of the Ariadnan Guns (along with the less ABSURD of the Haqqislamite Ones) are "Rooted" in Modern, Sensible, Contemporary, Realistic "Ballistic Technology" that I known having fired, or seen fired "Live" from a nearby position, almost ALL manners of Military and Paramilitary "Small Arms" till Medium Machineguns and Riot Grenadiers. . .

    So You Characters will have the POSSIBLE OPTION to mount Underbarrell ALL MANNERS of interesting stuff (along with the option of Scope Mounts ranging from Laser-Sights, Red Dot Reflex, I.R. Sniper Scopes, Tactical Close-Combat Magnifiers and Ultrapower Torches):

    1°) Underbarrell Grenade Launchers; the basic One-Shot (so Reload 1 rules will apply) M203 40mm. Grenade Launcher that functions so well from the Sixty of the Vietnam War Era, as could be inferred by the concept art of Lieutenant "Red Riding Hood" Margot Berthier. . .

    2°) Sawed Off Shotgun of the "Masterkey" Tactical Flexible Kind; imagine a shortened barrell version of a venerable, vintage Browinng Semiauto, with AT LEAST an Ammo capacity of 5 Slug Shots (one of My preferred kind of "Secondary Weapons" as YET IN OUR R.W. there are ALL manners of useful Cal.12 / .00 kind of chemical payload projectiles, almost as much as 40mm. Grenades vary). . .

    3°) Modified Chain-Colt; for anyone that wants to have an efficacious, vicious "Close Combat Roomsweeper" without employing bulky, cumbersome Chain-Rifles (that could also mount a "Secondary" if technically modified !!) with far more Ammo / R.O.F. than a Pellet Shotgun or a Flechette 40mm. Grenade Warhead. . .

    4°) the Aforementioned Light Flamethrower; VERY vicious weapon employed by the Most (or the Least) cool-headed Minotaurs; perfect for "Bug Hunt" of nasty native critters, not so efficacious against Savage Antipodes (that are NOT wild beasts easily scared by Flame, and have a rather tough Hide !!). . .

    5°) Chem-Sprayer; it is a just slightly modified Light Flamer that could spray all manners of useful stuff from Epoxy Glue (that doubles in a pinch as "Void Vacuum Breach-Sealant") and Acidic Solvents, or even Cryo Freeze Nytrogen to "Cool Off" special targets. . .

    6°) Tactical Gyroscopic Handle; sometimes Minotaurs are forced to act as "Paramilitary S.W.A.T." and this "Police Rifle Configuration" allow more precision at closer engagements (with a Nomads Orbital Gyroscope housed in the Fore-Handle) along with small Lasersight and Tactical Torches; losing a Secondary Weapon but gaining more Accuracy in standing / slow-moving firing positions. . .

    7°) Tactical Marksmanship Handle; this is a sort of "Sniper Configuration" with a better firm grip handle and a small, light folding-bipod (excellent for immoble position and easily put in places on crates / tree branches / window slits and so on); also comprising better Firing Grip Pads and better Regulable Stocks; is what will transform a vintage "H&K G3 Battlerifle" into a modern PSG1 Sniper Rifle. . .

    8°) Full-Auto Configuration; a rather larger Folding Bipod and a rather larger Ammo Clip "Drum Shaped" (or even Belt-Feed Box for Weapons whose Firing Mechanism allows so) when Rate-Of-Fire need to trump Precision Accuracy; usually employed on Battle Rifles transformed into Light Spitfires, but should someone need "Strong Defensive Positions" a Boarding / Vulkan Shotgun with this kind of configuration becomes quite a lethal emplacement in Enclosed Rooms Point Defence. . .

    9°) Modified Pistols; almost ALL Kind of Sidearm Handguns could be customized and put under a Rifle-styled weapon; usually are Heavy Revolver Handcannons put under a small caliber, short ranged gun OR Uzi-Styled Assault Pistol under clumsy, impractical weapons such as Grenade Launchers, but ALMOST everything is possible (such as a Silenced Handgun under an otherwise rumor-conspicuous weapon such as a Boarding Shotgun) and Taserguns / Stun-Pistols could be a staple under Tactical S.M.G. when there are "Hostage Situations" and "Capture Alive" kind of missions. . .

    10°) Needle Launchers; courtesy of the Hashashin Bahram Operatives stationed with the Minotaurs, these nasty weapons offer a comparable "Punch" to an Underbarrell Silenced Handgun, but TOTALLY SILENT, imperceptible and with all manners of chemical payloads; employ hyper-advanced "Compressed Gas" Airgun Technology combined with "Crystallized Shards" of all kind of stuff, ranging from Non-Lethal Sophorifics (for "Kidnapping / Intel Search" Missions) to the most hideous Viral / Toxic cocktails that Haqqislamite Genetechs, Bakunin "Doktor Frankensteins" and Tohaa "Renegade Docs" could envison. . .

    . . . . .

    And I'm sure that devious Player Characters will imagine all manner of useful tactical combinations (even the impractical ones; Veterans of the "Minotaurs Wild Bunch", the Wulvers / Chimera / Morlocks hanging out with the Desperado+Kum Bikers absolutely LOVE to have Chainrifles+Chaincolts, Riot Grenade Launchers+M203 U.B.G.L. and Flamethrowers with Secondary Light Flamers !!!). . .!!
    inane.imp likes this.
  4. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Sounds fun! Will give Tony something to do in ‘down time’ [emoji4]


    Are you waiting on anything from us that you need for the start? I think I need to give my updated player sheet.
  5. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    @stevenart74, I will now quote the immortal words of Gandalf the Grey: "Don't tempt me Frodo!"

    Hehe, seriously though, it's awesome that I get all those choices, however for starters, it would be better if my character is kept off flamers (unless the CO's intention is for our guys to be as destructive as possible, then by all means, attach a Heavy Flamethrower from the start in that Gecko)
    inane.imp likes this.
  6. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    I think that I need JUST the last updated sheet of all the Character and some "Tweaking Suggestions" by any Player; also the other two T.A.G. Pilots should say if they are O.k. with Your proposed Exoarmour Frame Stats (at least for an Hypothethical "Vanilla Standard Configuration"; Minotaurs Mercs love tactical flexibility and modularity so Specific Missions will need Specific Loadouts and Ammo Payloads !!). . .

    Will then try to check if everything is Well-Balanced as I hope; then will see how organizing things. . .

    I could swear someone said to be ready to start in the Next Upcoming Weekend (even if they have NOT finalized Player Character Sheets to send Me) and someone else said they probably have R.W. Issues. . .

    In any case We will start with "Ambientation Sessions" that will be far more "Role-Play" than "Roll-Play" to cement Relationship and Roles between the P.C. and any important N.P.C. of the Setting. . .

    That will HYPOTHETHICALLY start with the Orbital Shuttle approaching New Knossos Island and with on-board the two "Nomads Recruits" (Your Corregidoran Mechanic and the Pyro-Catgirl of @Danger Rose) while the two Ariadnan Natives (@Beodren and @loricus) and the two "yet well entrenched foreigners" (@oldGregg "Fremen Biker" and @Golem2God "Morat Ascetic Martialist") along with some choice selected High Officers of the Command Cadre are awaiting on the Synthethic Tarmac. . .
    loricus likes this.
  7. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Yeah we'd agreed to start this weekend (or just after), but then suddenly all the players :)
    loricus likes this.
  8. oldGregg

    oldGregg Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    I apologize. Crazy work week kept me working late into the night. I can get you my completed character sheet/stats and the background of the Ayyūbidiyun as soon as I'm out of work today.
    inane.imp and loricus like this.
  9. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Whoah, I'm not whipping ANYONE !!

    Please, all players, take care to write down Sheet and Complete Background WHEN YOU CAN. . .

    Like I said it will be FIRST "Orientation Roleplaying" and THEN LATER with ALL THE SHEETS PROOFED that We can start throwing "Momentus Against Heat" in a pitched Battle. . .

    Tale care to do EVERYTHING in the most amusing, relaxing manner possible. . . . .!!!
    inane.imp, Golem2God and loricus like this.
  10. oldGregg

    oldGregg Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    Hey sorry again lol, I wasn’t feeling like I was being whipped! I had just said I would have you that stuff last night, and didn’t follow through.
    inane.imp and loricus like this.
  11. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    @oldGregg I was the second player and I still don't have it in. I don't even have an excuse!
    inane.imp and oldGregg like this.
  12. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Making this character is memeing me in to wanting to start USAriadna.
    oldGregg likes this.
  13. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I don't have any of the Infinity RPG stuff or books. They are still not in stock anywhere near my area of the USA. So how would/could do the above playing (background is fine) at all?
  14. Beodren

    Beodren Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    On the publishers page you can buy core rulebook in PDF. It costs 50% less and has everything you need to start.
  15. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I or imp can recreate your character based on backround but you might want to get the PDF so you can learn rules etc.
    oldGregg and Golem2God like this.
  16. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @Golem2God. . .

    In any case the "Quickstart" should be still freely available to be downloaded by the Drivethru. . .

    It have a very good sommation of ALL the Basic Rules; along with Basic Morat Infantry Stats to compare with other Extant characters from the Human Sphere and Tohaa. . .

    It is very barebones, but is free and We could fill the gaps in the meantime You'll acquire somehow the Basic Manual. . .
    inane.imp, Golem2God and loricus like this.
  17. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I'm always tight on money (down to the penny) and never am able to justify spending the amount. If I do have some extra I rather spend it on miniature if/when able over a book or PDF. Though if someone could give me a link to just the rules section of the RPG or copy the written section of the rules into a document for me to read. Anyone know of somebody who did that?
    I'm actually trying to find that right now.
    My thoughts exactly.
  18. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    The online character creator is a decent way of walking you through the process as well. I recommend the 12 lifepoint method if your trying to make a specific character rather than the roll randomly.

    I’d recommend the Orlando Host to represent your Morat physique.

    And wasn’t meaning to seem like whipping anybody either: more just pointing out that facts had changed since the original timeline, so if it takes a little longer all good. :) If it’s not already apparent I get almost as much enjoyment out of manipulating rulesets as I do actually ‘playing’ the game: so from my POV the fun has already started. :p
    loricus and Golem2God like this.
  19. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Where is the Orlando Host? This is the first time I heard of it.
  20. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Lhost, sorry. It’s in the Gear Catalogue (which is arranged alphabetically). It’s a Combat optimised replacement Lhost.

    Basically it’s +1 Brawn, +1 Co-ordination, Immunity to Disease and 1 free momentum on Ballistics or CC tests.
    #180 inane.imp, Apr 14, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2018
    Golem2God likes this.
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