Soooo getting a bit back to the original topic, namely, Yu Jing Fluff, is there any compilation of the fluff so far in a single source? Since i want to get up to date quickly on whats actually going on and so on.
I doubt it’ll even matter. YJ got dog piled by most other factions already, and that was before there was actual fluff of O-12 allowing that very thing. Add that to the almost inevitably low player turnout from this, and I don’t think anyone can plan their way out, even the real Sun Tze. Personally I just have no interest in playing, at least as YJ this time. Maybe I’ll take my Ariadna for a spin.
Yeah, that's exactly what I've meant. Uprising was going to happen eventually, But I think Flamestrike and Wotan were part of the reason the uprising has get out of the box (specially in this fashionless style). The other reason is the resculpt of the range. I think this is the key to get out of this missery hole. We need great results in the next campaign. This results will be probably written in the CPn3 book that we KNOW is gonna be released soon (due to the new sectorials incoming). Even if it becomes a pirric vitory, We need this kind of narrative to clean our faction name and get some Hope. This is exactly the problem I was talking about on my previous mesage That's why we should be beginning the recruitment, making advertisings and teases to get more players on the boat And invincible army release may get things a little better, but I'm not so naive to think it will make a difference. Mainly because it comes with another wave os sectorials for the rest of the factions. But there is also the fact that the rest of the faction (vanilla and SI) is still less than others, we will be less attractive tho new players. See for example the numbers of Aleph and Tohaa, inside events, the young factions that don't have as much as the big ones.
People, we must do something to recruit some more players. Since some time ago I'm collecting pics about Yu Jing (Photoshop with minis, fan art, official art etc...) Please, if you got some material, can you send them to me? I will make a tribute video of Imperial Service and Invencible Army. This Youtuber have some good music for it, and I will pay for include these themes in the video has "hymns". Invencible Army Imperial Service. I really don't care about if we have been written with this villainess and evilness role (and some incompetence). We must encourage to others how we see Yu Jing: fearsome, wise, powerful, astute... And perhaps, some more will join us.
I hope so. Currently, I'm participating in a league in Warsaw with +-30 players, and I'm the only one playing YJ/ISS. There are of course other YJ players but we are restricted to have max. of 3 armies for the entire league so they chose to play something else. I hope that there will be more narrative build up for IA than other new sectorials to compensate for Uprising fluff. (Of course considering, IA armor is not powered by virgins blood)
The current model is flawed in certain assumptions. First, that the playerbase will act united in any group. Second, that all people will bother with battle reports (I still have an unlinked one against a warcor... that won that battle... from Flamestrike...), and third, that the missions are the only way to get points for the faction. Opening other activities will undobtedly open options. Flash missions that forces Limited Insertion, collection exhibitions where the account's player shows photos of his army and an army list of all the models, counting the secondaries objectives to unlock new options, give advantages to the faction depending on where they spend their points (better heroics, better logistics, improving the zone for all battles like giving 3 mines to place during deployment to each player...), making some zones an escalation league during weeks, where the first is fought with 200 points, the second with 300, and the last with 400... or increments of 50 points per... Silly things, mostly, but things that the players can buy with their effort that are more than just "we played only this zone, so we contest it with the other players playing here, so it's a 1vs1 most of the time". So the focus should not be on "who wins the zone that gives nothing", but "which faction shapes the narrative and the campaign and how". As long as it won't give credit to the "this decision did not impact YJ at all, we were right!"... How? Right now the only selling point I can give about YJ is that it has the best looking power armors in the game aside for localized dots like Achilles V2/Hector/Posthuman mk4 :(
True, though it’s pretty close with a few others. And in function we aren’t really much ahead of the game these days, though were certainly not slacking in that area at least.
Tribute videos. If you look for WH40K tributes those are F**kng awsome! Lots and tons of pics! Raging music! Adrenaline everywhere!!! THATS is what we need!! And if someone ask about the fluff... "Those guys look sooooo cool but they are mad as hell, dude", "But those books just say the worse, they are more powerful and fearsome than they say" Tell them the best about us, keep aside the worse.
I admire your enthusiasm. While I lack any real desire to play YJ in the campaign, I hope you keep this going :)
you know... that sounds a lot like a sales pitch that falls short from reality... or in spanish, a little "vendehumos" XD Also, showing the coolest painted models can depress the less invested painters, you know ^^U
This is my core concern, that Yu Jing has been negatively impacted by these story events and the choices which CB has made around them in a way which will have ongoing effects. I've been one of those who has been hoping for something positive around the corner, but that hasn't been the case yet. Let us hope that it is soon.
@Extropian Thanks, mate! I hope you will come back soon, and see me keeping ahead XD! @xagroth XXXD yeeeeah amigo mio, I feel like a little "vende humos", but I think we must keep the morale hight, and try something to improve our possition. I will use my minis for the video, some of them are... eeeehm pooorly painted XD and pics! I found some in devianart, and perhaps I will do my little aportation. @AdmiralJCJF , @St.Craft . Thats why we must move on next step. Even the tipical "Yu Jing needs you! Join the Invecible Army!" poster can be useful. And it doesn't matters if it is fan-made, the best tributes are fan-made! I'm Dark Eldar to the bone, but I had some f*cking Blood Angels because I saw a Sp. Marines tribute... dude... heavy metal and epic pics of heavy armoured soldiers... do you need more? XXXD
So we may strart kickstarter for infinity promo video or wait some good people make one. about poster good idea we just need photoshop or another image iditor. ANd yeah we need more yu jing warcors
While the Party condemns defeatism we must engage in concrete analysis of material conditions. This will be a time of immense struggle, and I fear the near future will not be a time of great victories. When it comes, Invincible Army is going to look amazing, it will have a chance to pull back people we're losing from Uprising either to JSA or to frustration, as well as new players both from within Infinity and outside of it... absent that, things look rather bleak for the global campaign, where we're trying to compete for new recruits with the appealing newness of JSA, have our dark side front-and-center from the Uprising content, and have the existing playerbase lessened from those going to JSA, those disheartened by events and switching to other armies or not participating, and possibly an organized boycott (?). A campaign or campaigns to draw in new players and pull old ones back into the fold has a lot of different problems to account for. That said, our nations and our Party have seen darker times. We marched from Jiangxi to the north, and then turned to liberate our lands from Japanese imperialism and the running dogs of corporate capital. We will do so again.
In ISS case -The law must be harsh, and we steel our hearths for people goodnes. Something like this in my opinion
Maybe. There is no George Marshall to play the useful idiot this time. Two things attract people to a faction. First is the game play itself. Second, the miniatures. Paint your minis nicely and post them all over the place. Demonstrating how nice a Yu Jing army can look will go a long way to winning people over. Just don't paint them orange. I painted my RV + BRV orange. It was a mistake. I am struggling to finish the Daofei HMG. I cannot skip it for a while, because if I start painting other minis, I will NEVER finish the Daofei. It's a nice mini too. I will finish it.
All these propaganda posters are gonna be funny when CB paints YJ as the mustache-twirling Saturday morning cartoon villain in the next bit of fluff that comes out. "No! Bad players! Your faction's job is to act like assholes and then lose badly!"